
first of all

129836519576875000_233Spain can hold? By the end of June seen Financial markets suddenly realised that Greece return without leaving the euro is not important, economies of scale are the 5 times in Spain is now a perilous and possible eruptions of the volcano at any time. Spain Government has on June 7 from 1 billion to 2 billion Euro bond market sentiment especially tense because Spain budget Minister, Paolo Montero (Cristobal Montoro) 5th admits Spain Government bond interest rates high is actually equivalent to the country were shut out of the credit market, the budget Minister appealed to European partners to help rescue the troubled Spain banking. But the next day, Spain's Finance Minister Luis de guindos (Luis de Guindos) is anxious to play down expectations about Spain of the urgent need to salvage the banking sector concernsSaid he has not yet been discussed in Spain banks immediately implement a rescue plan and Spain less serious problems in the banking sector. Spain Government was forced to admit on the one hand not to own forces to rescue their banks, is unwilling to step in Ireland, and Greece and Portugal following the fall of the "fourth" and is therefore trying to find a third way--to European institutions seek toDirect financial assistance to its banking sector. Both wanted to face, Satoko and want in mind, Spain Government officials dealing with contradictions and problems hampering the rhetoric of the banking crisis on his mind, has further deepened investors ' worries: whether Spain there are many serious problems with a withholding without his? Spain Bank how big is the hole? Early in May Spain GovernmentBankia Bank nationalisation the line is composed of 7 savings banks merger of Bank Group. Spain claimed that the Government assistance to National Bank's total size is 15 billion euros, but last week, Spain decided the Government equity injection into the Bankia 19 billion euros, Bankia into a scale of aid only reached 23.5 billion euroYuan. Spain yields on ten-year government bonds is currently close to the 7%, an international bank in London told Ming Pao, head of government bonds is estimated, once banks accepting external aid Spain Government bond yields to rise to more than 10%. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) experts field assessment of Spain health conditions in the financial sector, focusing on estimated banksHow much funding is needed under extreme pressure. On Friday (8th) official site, their reports will be submitted to the IMF Board is expected to announce next Monday. Luis de guindos said IMF report will show problems only exist in Spain certain institutions of the financial system. He said two separate findings, including the IMF would help the country to make the necessary decisions. Another Spain BankIndependent Auditors ' assessment of the industry will be completed within this month 10-15 day. Spain banking recapitalisation exactly how much money is needed, relevant data has never publicly, outside is not clear. Spain bankers estimate that needed to restructure the country's banking capital resources at about 40 billion euros and European counterparts, 40 billion to resolve the banking crisisMethod is impossible. Internal estimates considered to be 80 billion and 90 billion euro of the European Union; the Royal Bank of Scotland analyst said, Spain would eventually need to 370 billion-450 billion-euro aid. Salvage challenge Spain hoped that two Rescue Fund by the European Union-the European stabilisation mechanism (ESM) and the European financial stability facility (EFSF) directly to the WestBanking capital. As of now, the Fund lend money only to Government and lent to banks by the Government. France supports Spain's idea, but Germany firmly opposed, believing that this would be equivalent to salvage cost assessed on euro-zone countries to take, will weaken the debtor countries to improve their financial situation, implementation of the structural reform of power. Although Germany Government spokesman denied that outsiders believeGermany Angela Merkel and Finance Minister Shuo uble in Spain pressured to applications for relief in the country. Permanent Relief Fund Bank lending directly to Member States of the European Union's practices in law and disorder. Treaty banning the ESM directly on Bank recapitalisation Fund, Spain to do so, you may need to be approved by the euro-zone Governments, and modify some of the treaties. ESM originally scheduled to start next month, scale of 500 billion euros. Other eurozone members are most concerned about is that in Spain tide of serious capital flight, the banking sector quickly collapsed, affecting the eurozone as a whole. Spain's Central Bank released data, one-tenth per cent of the country's GDP in the first quarter of the year 97 billion euro money out of Spain. Proposal of the Executive Committee of the European Union,EU financial supervision agency authorized to take control of troubled banks in Europe, and further establishment of the euro-zone Banking Union, but it must first be approved by the Member Governments and the European Parliament, may have to wait until 2015 is expected to put into effect, into a banking crisis in Spain, still Distant water cannot quench present thirst. Euro bond programme, still no GreekLooking card in Germany. Merkel insisted was necessary to finance intervention, to forcing debtor countries thrifty, first of all, this means that the euro is to become a political Union. "But as long as the Member States of the European Union remains democratic link, sovereign, all those who are building a political coalition to support a common fiscal policy of the euro's ambitious plans had no hope of achieving," the European policyGross, Director, Research Center (Daniel Gros) said, "the Government can sign the Treaty promises its finances to obey EU rules, but the final decision is in the hands of the people of that country, they can vote, rejected the Government's commitment and any adjustments from the Brussels Programme. ��

and shoulder Shang Butterfly under

129838985678281250_3Published the ultimate poster the mask II on June 28, the magic sword out of the scabbard 67,689 NetEase entertainment on June 11 on June 10, the new brand of fantasy films made in the East of the mask II Ultimate Edition Poster of the film was released. Since then, the film will be of Chengdu magic premiere party, on June 16 to June 14 starring International Film Festival opening film of the whole creative team attended two major activities, opens summer 2012Shadow, gold curtain. On June 28, Zhou Xun (click Watch Zhou Xun television works Su begging infants under, and painted under), and Zhao Wei (click Watch Zhao Wei television works painted under, and processing girlfriend under), and Chen Kun-(click Watch Chen Kun-television works painted under, and shoulder Shang Butterfly under) sucking into magic three combination, and peak power combination, and Fei Xiang and Chen Tingjia of high handsome rich us combination seven large starringPortfolio will combine "magic sword out of the scabbard". Ultimate exposure three posters combining magic and accumulation of the mask II coming out of the final paragraph in this poster, movie starring seven first "magic get Hall". Breathe in the magic three combinations of Zhou Xun, Zhao Wei, Chen Kun-08 Edition after the mask of three old friends, meet again. Is different from the last time, this time with these in the mask IIPlayed Huo Xin Kun will undergo a "self-escape", the Super mind training for a fight to the bitter end for love, and Zhao Wei and Zhou Xun double relationship between the United States, compared to previous is completely different, became even more puzzling. Zhao Wei and Zhou Xun seemingly played delicate one of arrogance of the Princess, who played the Ice Monster 500 years of the United States, but what how the solid relations between the two men, nowSo secretive. Combined peak power of the movie the mask II will be jointly staged in two to form combinations of "first and last" most genuine feeling classy duo's performance in the film with director Wang Wei Wu ershan is "funny, engage in tears after" how funny and tear, only waiting for the release date of the movie. As a wolf in beauties of King and the witchCombination Division two and Fei Xiang Chen Tingjia teacher, called "high shuai Fu mei" combination is worthy, but is such a "high shuai Fu mei" combinations in the film is a highly subversive magic image. As battle in 2012 Summer magic of the first film, the three major categories of actors in combination with some of the words of head of cinema, audienceVery extensive influence, can be described as "sweeping the middle-aged" three generations of viewers, starring seven, three types of combination spot study of the mask II for the first time, how wonderful interpretation, on June 28, they will be announced. Two main activities started propaganda curtain mysteries theme song will release the film on June 14 will be held in Chengdu premiere magic party official site, June 16 to the current identity of the Shanghai film festival opening filmShanghai, reportedly more than two activities will be starring the whole creative team to attend. At that time click here, have been concerned by the theme song and the singer will be published for the first time.

price is $ 2

129836407533437500_134HTC EVO 1.2GHz duo HD screen 3D price 200 Yuan Taking into account the growing user demand, HTC unveiled a naked-eye 3D technology in time work--EVO 3D. This phone not only supports 3D movies and 3D games, also can shoot 3D video. Its hardware configuration, and have reached the leading level, the fuselage carried a dual-core processor at up to 1.2GHz, extremely smooth operation as a whole, andFront equipped with level of qHD screen also provides users with an excellent visual experience. At present, the (new) price is $ 2,299, compared with $ 200 for two days before the fall, like a friend can come to the acquisition of a. HTC EVO HTC EVO front 3D picture 3D body design is very simple, the front of the fuselage is a 4.3 milesInch large touch screen, the resolution also reached a high level of 540x960 pixels, and this screen also has the naked eye 3D display, visual experience rather shocked, especially in the course of the game, operation experience is extremely good. Placement on the back of two 5 million pixel camera, supports 1080P high-definition 2D video recording, also supports the 720P HD3D video recording view my site here, and support for 3D photo. HTC EVO 3D images on the back of the phone is equipped with a dual-core processor at up to 1.2GHz, matching the 1GB ROM 1GB RAM memory combinations link, configurations are fantastic, this level of hardware to cope with large gaming or watching HD video to achieve natural and smoothEffect. System is among the most popular of the machines carry the Android 2.3 operating system, at the same time unique to HTC Sense, handling a very strong, the interface is gorgeous. HTC EVO 3D (revised) [reference] $ 2,299

click to see Maggie Cheung

129838018899687500_78Maggie Cheung insurance sheets knocked down by a car riding men immediately apologize Maggie Cheung appeared in Beijing risks sheets knocked down by a car. Chinese net-Wuhan morning post reported on June 10 in recent days www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3, Maggie Cheung (click to see Maggie Cheung view my site here, film and television work of the hero, and the clean) show up Beijing's SanLiTun road, nearly being knocked down by bike on the other side, but cycling men immediately recognized the international superstar, was pleased to apologize.

simply increase the guarantee terms or rating

129836519734843750_56247 bond private placement offering PE sang the May achieve positive returns Share strong bonds weaker pattern is changing. Since the beginning of 2012, by securities companies underwriting of corporate bonds and corporate bonds project reaches $ 289.3 billion and $ 71.4 billion, respectively, per cent growth and 133%, respectively. This change has attracted many investment bankers eye. First 5 months of the year, IPO raised amounted to 64.6 billion yuan, the per cent lower than 55.9%。 "The IPO market is down, subject to release earnings decline, business line costs and other factors. "A securities head of investment banking Department in Shenzhen believed that debt restructuring will be the key points of investment banking and mergers and acquisitions," the company has stepped up its bond project contract ". Reporters learned that various institutions, including public and private funds and PE, on small and medium enterprises private placement debtGreat interest. People familiar with the matter said, jinyuanhuili is preparing an investment fund management company of private debt Fund. PE also has previously encountered business owners are short of money, but would not immediately increase equity financing or old stock transfer, future of private debt, by buying a curve into the capital. Waiting for the short capturing "private debt sooner participate in SMEs. "On June 7, aerfajiGold Research Center researcher AGD said, some low risk position of private equity investing in bonds than equities. So far this year, the bond market continues to experience a significantly warmer. Stock market "falling over" and pessimistic expectations, bond-Sun private product development. According to the private line network statistics, as of May 30, 73 domestic bond private equity products in the running for 1 month and have net worthDisclosure of a total of 47 http://www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3, compared to the stock market's plunge in turbulence, which private equity products show unique stability: May all achieve positive returns. From the perspective of historical performance, 3 years, near baizhi bond private placement is only 1 loss, 98% bonds are benefits in private equity. Many bonds in private equity products, the most eye-catching is the March issue of mineralsSupport-ASON-win, 1th, May yield up to 12.9%, more than most equity private placement, its two-month accumulated earnings rate of 23.6%. Another five mines trust Sheng Ma of the bonds issued by private people, nearly 1 year yield up to 19.77%. "Many short 80%. "Starrock investment company insider said:"There are arbitrage opportunities do where in, bought in early grade debt. "AGD said after the private debt, high-yield debt, SME launches, which had explicitly included in investor funds range, excellent team will not give up on the fixed-income fund may get the excess profits of the investment subject of study. Trust announcements revealed fragmented message display, some bond private placement is likely to be one of the firstPrivate debt investors. Beijing trust was established on May 14, 2012-assembled funds trust scheme, 1th quarter dividends www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3|diablo 3 power leveling, trust scheme for 3 years, raising capital of 2 million. Its investments include investments in inter-bank bond market for government bonds, financial bonds, corporate (company) such as debt and private debt. This means that, once the private bond launch, the product may be involved inInvestment. Number of fixed income fund company said, now there is no statutory provision that public and private debt fund investment SMEs "okay", but after the introduction of the investment rules allowing public fund participation more likely. A fixed income fund company said, if the SFC release the public placement fund high yield debt, fund companies would have been a more enthusiastic,Due to the early launch of small and medium-sized private-debt, qualification good, larger probability of making money, such an opportunity in the early efforts to grasp. Collective bond market development is he one of the policy direction. "Private debt was launched dedicated to solve the financing problems of small and medium enterprises of the SFC, the policy was pushed to adapt to the current economic situation. "There are people in the industryAnalysis of 10 years rubs a sword, the gem, stock index futures prepare 4 year, prepare 6 years since the new third, private debt, and from planning to launch with only half a year, is his disease. Purposes of underwriting fees, private debt securities, small and medium-sized investment banks do not have much appeal. However, investment banks scramble for the first pilot project of underwriting attitudes are unusually active, more far-reaching intentions are to voteFirst wishes to take this mining potential customer, for a more comprehensive business planted foreshadowing. "New third full debt into private business. "Brokerage said private debt is like supporting new third, from issuing new third system is expected also for the record, brokers recommend, authorities for the record, same with programs of private debt, followed by a new third financed only private equity,Urgent funding needs of such enterprises, and also walk the transfer information with new third program, simply increase the guarantee terms or rating, lower financing costs, private debt, therefore the most suitable new third companies. For investment banking, underwriting significance not just to get first pilot private-debt business underwriting fees, but a more profound significance. "First of all, is seeking to get a licence, althoughSmall profit contribution to the business, but bad forecasts of future space, is better than nothing. "Gold securities said. [Scroll] international gold prices on Friday closed up 0.2% Troy ounce $ (06-09) [scroll] action for insurance fund of funds dispersed managers have not (06-09) [scroll] Yin Zhongli: what the interest rate cuts and falling stock market after such a coincidence (06-09) [scroll] Tan: IPO in China alone worship is giving (06-09) [scroll] shangzhengsuo first single 50 million SME private equity-debt issuance success (06-09) [scroll] European debt tsunami from the Giants ' foreign exchange asset haven channel (06-09) [scroll] exception transaction supervision of the SFC to enhance restructuring unit (06-09) [scroll] formulation containing vanadium and titanium increase raise 12 billion acquisition of panzhihua steel group mining (06-09) [Scroll] dark horse is now half-yearly ranking of the Fund ahead of war begun (06-09) [scroll] Shenhua group will become the Golden Horse group the actual controller (06-09) [scroll] Tan: Wenzhou gold change in risk control and pricing (06-09) [scroll] the United States shares the actual controlWeight into the hands of Liang Weidong (06-09) [scroll] tax havens: the origins of the economic crisis (06-09) [scroll] warning of Soros and moral risks of the Bank (06-09) [scroll] 70% Fund shrink shrank 15 Ultra 90% (06-09) [scroll] real estate trust to honour an undercurrent surge (06-09) [scroll] Guangzhou pharmaceutical industry: "Wang Lao JI" trademark scramble put (06-09) [scroll] Commission: fairness and efficiency to minimise suspension (06-09) [scroll] Banks should meet the regulatory capital new standards before the end of 2018 (06-09) [scroll] future Chinese pipe business is about to let go of all kinds of assets without restriction (06-09) [scroll] Fang Aiqing: expanding consumer demand in a more prominent position (06-09) [rollingFixed] Shang Fulin: risk of city commercial banks need to keep the bottom line (06-09) [scroll] Diageo leading shuijingfang new Board nominations announced (06-09) [scroll] publish draft regulatory restructuring in Shanghai Stock Exchange stock unusual transactions (06-09) [scroll] foreign investmentLine: steady growth policy will continue to be published in the second half (06-09) [scroll] Pan gongsheng will be formally transferred to Deputy Governor of the Central Bank (06-09) [scroll] Liu tienan: expected peak summer power gap 18 million-kilowatt (06-09) [scroll] Korea Central Bank hold LeeRate direction reversal (06-09) [scroll] today cut gasoline and diesel prices falls less than expected (06-09) [scroll] Bernanke "not Frank" overseas oil prices plunged (06-09) [scroll] first single flower SME private equity debt Soochow securities (06-0901:04) [scroll] antibody drug market in the world by 2014 Super billions of dollars (06-09) [scroll] Central Bank: local banks ' ability to adapt to the market-oriented reform of interest rates to be raised (06-09) [scroll] asset management business futures company trial measures announced (06-09:04) [scroll] major assets after termination shall not restart within half year (06-09) [scroll] development and Reform Commission: steadily promoting the construction of energy bases in Western countries (06-09) [scroll] local debt agent announced plans for the first time this year totaling $ 41.6 billion (06-09) [Scroll] deposit interest rate differentiation in Nanjing, Ningbo banks deposits the most cost-effective (06-09) [scroll] private investment logistics implementation rules (06-09) [scroll] Sibr company and Sinopec deal (06-09) steam diesel per litreDon't drop $ 0.39 and $ 0.44 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic around this fall in high oil product prices modification | Oil prices or will continue down | Pulling sales limited green city Kowloon Kuranari 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | TopicsNetEase finance week featured picture [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance in the banking and insuranceInsurance business not to be punished [shares] the two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [commercial] learn from Liu brand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distributions[Financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [financial] rich dating $ 40,000 spare cash to finance activities of interest exposure pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System


35 ratio 1

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explain the reduction in oil prices below marketReason

129836519595781250_270Short elastic-rebound no suspense long still no trend Hunan finance securities Wang Ling intraday stock index fall below 2,300 points directly support yesterday, amid Central Bank was "unexpected" announce a rate cut. While the effect of dividend policy of gradually decreasing background, on the trend of a-shares will eventually return to the fundamentals, but after falling, a technical rebound is likely to occur at any time, coupled with interest rate cuts to cash or as a short-term rebound in probabilityPieces. It is to be noted that, the cut means economic, of May economic data with CPI might drop the following line to the 3% range, provides room for monetary easing. Thus, effect of cutting rates this shot, it remains to be seen, in the context of economic downward trend failed to ease, index of trend or continue to wait for opportunities to come. Rate cut cycle or to speed up theEconomic recovery based on recent economic data released in April, euro-zone unemployment rate highest since statistics began in 1995 11%, United States in May nonfarm employment data than expected. Under the condition of economic prospects, Australia-cash rate cut its benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points to 3.5%, cut interest rates for the second month in a row, Trojan range up to 75Point caused the States for easing of monetary policy is expected. Under the influence of this, central banks also use cut adjustment tool, rate cut seems to mean the onset of the cycle economy does enter a long period of stagflation. In view of the growing debt crisis in Europe, United States poor economic prospects, at the decline in commodity prices, the global economic recovery will be full of twists and turns. Even global resurgenceQuantitative easing (QE3), cyclical recovery will be reduced, but not immediate. While under the influence of a weak global economy, sustained outflow of foreign exchange in China, export situation is not optimistic. So, economic improvements are still needed, a share of trend reverse is yet to arrive. Stocks end economic face to increase the intensity of loosening's tone gradually increased in the near future, but the marketContinue to go its own way. Fiscal policy, monetary policy, and gradually relax, offer end of acceleration of investment to strengthen the policy of a-shares. From the evening of June 7 issued by the Central Bank rate cut initiatives, again supporting the current market is already the policy of end of iron. But from the previous analysis of market adjustment www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3|diablo 3 power leveling, end of the market seems to be more economic data, rather than policy. Along with the diminishing effect of dividend policy,Economy bottoming cycle delayed, even emerged in the policy of stimulating a rebound, but shares weaker pattern cannot be fundamentally changed. May released under PMI data, affected by the dual effects of weak aggregate demand and seasonal factors, the data continues to decline. May be picked in PMI 50.4%, ended the upward momentum, a 5-month low, and once again approachingPower industry expansion wing blight boundary interval. HSBC PMI index in contraction for 7 consecutive months May also deliver growth kinetic energy less than a clear signal. Sluggish demand and poor export figures, no doubt on the performance of listed companies added to the worries. In lower-than-expected economic growth scenario, expects second-quarter earnings growth of listed companies will have a more significant downturn as a whole,Work closely with investment industries such as cement, iron and steel companies, loss-making companies or will continue to increase. And now financial policy is primarily structure, rate in the first half, expenditure will increase in the second half. Taking into account the actual tax burden-neutral, structured tax cuts can also reduce cost pressures. But macroeconomic regulation and control is also perform to SB. 's baton. Economic downturn, policies will definitely sell. But the economicRate of decline and the easing of this decision, there could not be determined. At present the major institutions under the background of the economy bottoming cycle delay, no doubt take interest rate cuts by the Central Bank moves to shed light on the current weak market. But the problem is, rate cuts can reduce the problem of high capital costs for a short time, but can really enhance the Terminal requirements, enterprise performanceCan turn around remains to be seen. Revaluation of values tested current market confidence, shares similar to cabbage price of reproduction, but investor sentiment is not optimistic. From an overall valuation analysis, CSI 300 now trades for 11 times, per cent of total earnings 12.33 times times szse Chengzhi 22.85 times times the overall earnings. According to historical data, weFound, 998.23 Shanghai composite index hit a record low on June 6, 2005, to 12.8 times times its overall earnings, total earnings of Shenzhen Stock Exchange Chengzhi 27.39 times times. Arguably, such low price/earnings ratio should be brought to the market bottom of incremental money, but now problem is caused by the continued economic decline faced by valuation system reconstruction and capacity on high speedCausing excess supply is unable to convince investors see hope, revaluation will continue to test the market confidence. Judging from recent market performance, in addition to the overall valuation below the valuation of 998 points, while break, break the net unit mass also shows leadership on investor confidence. Support good performance and low valuation system is not yet able to make blue-chip varieties were abandoned, and investor confidenceZhongji difficult to return. Although there is currently a share bad constantly, stock indices from 2,453 high point has been downward, but good policy will drive the stock index rebounded to a certain extent. For now www.powerleveling.us, no shortage of funds in the market, just a lack of confidence. Although, kinetic energy failure experiences continue to fall short of context, initiatives of Central Bank interest rate cuts will undoubtedly provide opportunities for stock index rebounded;But the fundamentals have not significantly changed the background, stock trends of opportunity has not yet arrived. Rebound process, investors concerned about periodic underestimate the oversold rebound opportunities. Relevant policy: interest rate cuts or strong property stocks continued to sign long-term funding strategy positions this week 22 nearly a year since stage high valuations or implied pessimism bottom features the a-share market showed Credit Suisse: thornStress policy to support a-shares rebound sustainable [scroll] hengbang shares enjoy high performance thickening 12% corporate tax breaks last year (06-08) [scroll] United States April trade deficit fell to $ 50.1 billion (06-08) [scroll] experts believe: ASEAN and East Asia are speeding upEconomic integration in the domain (06-08) [scroll] sunny accommodation $ 55 million loan will run until December 7 (06-08) [scroll] nine doors to be closed 93 substandard pig slaughtering plant (06-08) [scroll] European Commission says you can always salvage ES SPAINBanking (06-08) [scroll] total assets of the banking industry 105 trillion at the end of last year six eastern provinces account for more than half (06-08) [scroll] resignation of Chairman Wang Runpei Pearl River Piano company listing in less than two weeks (06-08) [scroll] West axletree developed increased fundraising does notMore than 1.73 billion yuan on resumption from the 11th (06-08) [scroll] United States April wholesale inventory ring 0.6% increases higher than expected (06-08) [scroll] regulator: with a number of countries than the new regulatory capital standards are not high in China (06-08) [scroll] regulator:Regulation of over-the-counter derivatives into the new capital framework (06-08) [scroll] catalogue of the Government procurement items Treasury released the Trial Edition (06-08) [scroll] United Kingdom Prime Minister, says it will not participate in the euro area "Banking Union" (06-08) [scroll] stocks lower on Friday the DowBy 0.24% (06-08) [scroll] Hangzhou Health Department ordered Kentucky Fried chicken to reorganize user aeration does not disinfect the tray (06-08) [scroll]IMF: China interest rate cuts expected growth this year 8% delivered steady growth signals (06-08) [scroll] in international oil pricesSite down (06-08) [scroll] Foton intends to pay $ 1.782 million in Brazil to set up subsidiaries (06-08) [scroll], 93rd gasoline per liter $ 7.52 per cent of Guangdong (06-08) [scroll] development and Reform Commission, explain the reduction in oil prices below marketReason (06-08) [scroll] panzhihua iron and vanadium-titanium intends to raise its mining assets does not exceed 12 billion to buy angang (06-08) [scroll] oil prices out downward to reduce cost is a matter of urgency (06-08) [scroll] McDonald's May global same-store salesIncrease the amount 3.3% (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank: implementation of prudent monetary policy requirements meet the real economy (06-08) [scroll] soldiers loaded group quit and jianlibao joint venture company sold all 30% shares (06-08) [scroll] bright dairy approved private placementHaitong securities escort (06-08) [scroll] France's Central Bank forecast the economy will shrink in the second quarter of 0.1% (06-08) [scroll] Shanghai: cars with LPG retail prices drop 3 cents (06-08) [scroll] Shanghai 7.58 per cent per litre of gasoline, 93rd(06-08) [Scroll] Central Bank cut interest rates by 25 basis points financial costs of electric power Enterprise (06-08) [scroll], 93rd, Beijing fell to $ 7.64 per litre of gasoline (06-08) [scroll]IMF: Chinese rate cut delivered steady growth signals (06-080:37) [scroll] Wharf: stake in green city is a strategic investment trust Greentown to redemption (06-08) [scroll] Lufthansa Cargo to confirm closure of Emerald Air says it will not pull out of China (06-08) [scroll] CBRC commercial bank capital management question and answer session (06-082) [scroll] Green City: year to date sales compliance 38% free of price reduction program (06-08) [scroll] Song Weiping: decline in transaction prices matter don't mind a voice (06-08) [scroll] Hongwei ZHANG: green city sells unit to survive the "live" is the most important (06-0820:01) [scroll] Chongqing 1200 poor farmers will choose poverty reduction project (06-08) of gasoline and diesel respectively, down $ 0.39 per litre and $ 0.44 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic around this fall in high oil product prices modification | Oil prices orContinue down | Pulling sales limited green city Kowloon Kuranari 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | Selected thematic NetEase finance week pictures [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell oneself self-help"Placing the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [shares] the two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: reorganization of units involved insider trading of listed companies should be temporarilyStop restructuring [commercial] learn from Liu brand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [financial] Regal dating activities of interest to light $ 40,000 spare cash to financePhoto report: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System

about whether the Federal Reserve will adopt a new round of easing concerns heat up.

129836519567031250_214Bernanke's new loose monetary policy is not to release a clear signal United States Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke 7th testifying before Congress about United States economy faces major risks official site, but not on whether the Fed will launch a new easing of monetary policy in the near future to clearly implied. Bernanke on the day in the United States Congress joint Economic Committee pointed out that, since the beginning of this year, United States economic growth, next few quarters is expected to maintain this situation. PrimaryBen Bernanke believes that European debt crisis on the United States economy and financial systems pose significant risks, will mainly affect United States exports, business confidence and financial markets, need to pay close attention to. If financial market pressures to upgrade, the Federal Reserve will take the necessary measures for the protection of United States financial system and the economy as a whole. Bernanke also United States concerns over financial policy. He believed that early next year because of tax cutsDue policy and Government spending cuts caused by the planned start of fiscal austerity to the United States threaten the economic recovery. Policy makers need to address the sustainability of fiscal policy issues, avoid causing drag on the economy, and develop reasonable tax and expenditure policies to support medium-and long-term economic growth. Ben Bernanke said, according to the April and May this year United States number of new jobs andCompared to the earlier marked decline click here, and unemployment rate in May rose to 8.2%, of seasonally adjusted data and factors such as abnormal warm winter weather in early may exaggerate the weak job market. But there may be late last year and early this year, the job market improves and businesses in a recession after massive layoffs began to increase staff. If this is the case over the past few monthsAdded post number may indicate that the reverse such employment has ended, require a more robust economic growth to improve employment. Bernanke pointed out that the Federal Reserve is working on the current economic situation and update of economic forecasts, prepared for the forthcoming monetary policy meeting. Fed officials will discuss whether you need to launch a new policy. The key problem is that economic growthIs sufficient to continue to reduce the unemployment rate. If there is a need for further action, the Fed will consider various measures of effectiveness and risk. Federal Reserve monetary policy decision-making meeting held on 19th of this month, and publish the new phase of economic growth forecasts. Due to poor employment data in the near future, about whether the Federal Reserve will adopt a new round of easing concerns heat up.

Greece stocks provides stock and derivatives brokerage service. After the sale

129836519629687500_339Sell HSBC Greece securities business is expected to completed in the third quarter HSBC 00005. HK announced sale Greece securities Chief Executive Officer of HSBC Securities S.A to the business's current Nikos Pantelakis and other investors, entered into an agreement. Deal still needs regulatory approval, completed by the third quarter of this year. As at the end of April this year, Greece securities total asset valueAbout EUR 35.8 million. HSBC Securities S.A to the customers at home and abroad, domestic retail customers and HSBC customers http://www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3, Greece stocks provides stock and derivatives brokerage service. After the sale www.powerleveling.us/diablo-3, the business will continue to be the HSBC Greece preferred securities of institutional clients.

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3 gaofu. What they wanted to get into London TERA Gold 3 gaofu. What they wanted to get into London

129836429901875000_46Men's volleyball main: behind the Japanese did not give up started in action Yeah sporting June 8 report: Beijing time on June 7, 2012 London Olympics men's volleyball team lost the match Japan and the Asian regional qualifying in fifth round game compete in Tokyo. Struggle hard after five, China men's volleyball team to 2:3 regrets loss to Korea men's volleyball team. After the third defeat in the face of this competition, the team went to London to become increasingly slimmer. "Related readingRead: Japanese media regret gaofu said a key war erchuan by Chinese button into a half-blind "82,128 despite losing the match wow power leveling, but boys are not convinced, especially for the performance of the referee. They think that the referee decided the game movements, most controversial penalties are bad for the Chinese men's volleyball team. Men's volleyball players said after the match: "now Japan menPai has begun to do some bad action, have already started making an issue from the referee, and other aspects. Not only is our team, estimated from the next game begins, Iran men's volleyball team, and Australia men's volleyball team are subject to some restrictions. So, take it, there will definitely be a turning point. "In this game the third Council, China Team in poor backward 6 cases have been reduced to two pointsBut all efforts of the controversial penalty wiped out before they. Coach Zhou Jianan and the players are very angry, the players it is said "(they) are not easy for our team to get three points", "referee over to what extent today, we can see from the slow motion! "On June 6 in a 3:1 win against Japan after the men's volleyball team, ChinaMen's volleyball team won as long as all three games at a later time, to very great hopes of participating in the Olympic Games in London. But it is deplorably deplores that, with Korea in this important game, young men in the leading cases in the first failed to bite, 2:3 gaofu. What they wanted to get into London, leaves only the Huashan road: two war victory, but also look at other competitionsResult to be. As for the next game, he believes the team will continue to work, and referee problem may continue to occur. "We can start from the next game, Iran men's volleyball match, Australia men's volleyball games, everyone will find problems. In fact, Japan men's volleyball team still didn't give up. Behind the rapidly changing situation, game summaryA team of destiny. Well, we have one game to play, what to think, just let nature take its course! "In addition, in this game erchuan of China Li Runming key moments in the final two times in a row to pass the ball to teammates and the main secondary for you, the latter offense failed to score twice. Eventually, the score of this Council hold in 13:15, team 2:3 no match for South KoreaState. After the game, Li Runming and Zhong Weijun was accused by fans. For this, Li Runming explained: "the last time I passed to Jones Lang LaSalle for you, because I believe in him. "Face the question TERA Gold, Li Runming were also very calm. "I think that's OK, last year's World Cup when we have experienced this. We are the collective solidarity, no special careFans questioned. Fans saying nice things wow cd-key, we are certainly willing to listen; fans say bad words, we can afford. �� Others:

the fourth week in a row ranked first. Second Rift Platinum the fourth week in a row ranked first.

129838917376406250_18The first week of June Korea top Internet cafes popular games TOP10 Following data from the Korea's largest Internet Cafe survey website Gametrics TERA Gold,6 on 11th of latest Korea Internet share game rankings. This week, the dark 3 shares have dropped sharply, fall of 9.1%, the fourth week in a row ranked first. Second, ranks second in the League of heroes this week share up by 2.06, and ranking the differenceReduction of the surprise storm, other networks, such as the Tower of the eternal game of shares also rose. In addition, the super hero shares this week over the islands of adventure, the Nineth. TOP10 MapleStory Korea FPS players games and MMORPG players and playing time in Korea public survey data, mMORPG players in the Internet game of the whole 18.4%, FPS players selected in the Cafe but of the whole of the game 34.4%, far more than the former. Game time is, most of the MMORPG players for 3-4 hours/days, FPS Player 1-2 hour/day, one can see the average playing time of MMORPG players is FPS players averageAbout twice the time of the game. Korea Internet Cafe survey website Gametrics owned Gametrics Korea 13,000 Internet networking day in Korea taking the representatives of a number of Internet cafes in various areas of statistics game start time as well as the average game time Rift Platinum, run detailed information such as the number TERA Gold, that the entire gaming market share toAnd the average game time. The credibility of the site data at 95%. Others:

IMF Diablo 3 power leveling IMF - BLDJ

129836519609375000_297Shanghai Bank: fiscal consolidation is expected to boost the euro rebound From June 4 to June 8 weeks, due to the market on expectations that Europe will strengthen the financial and political consolidation, head of G7 Finance Conference call sound came to cooperation in dealing with the crisis risks, China's Central Bank unexpectedly cut interest rates to stimulate the economy, therefore Diablo 3 power leveling, short jiancang locked profit of euro will have a relatively strong euro lower against the dollar rally. To 68th Asian plate closing, when the dollar index to 83 after opening the week, showing slight touch after high turbulence correction trend sharply, 83.08 could touch on the highest, lowest back to 81.91 Euro 1.2431 against the dollar in early trading, small movements of the shock rebounded sharply after the hit, hit a minimum 1.2384, highest rebound to 1.26252-week highs; Sterling 1.5369 against the dollar in early trading, rendering low rebounded sharply after the consolidation trend, minimum hit a 1.532, highest rebound to 1.56; a $ 0.9699 against the dollar in early trading, small movements of the shock rebounded sharply after the hit, hit a minimum 0.9623, highest rebound to 1.0002 for 3 weeksHigh, 78.07 yen against the dollar in early trading, trend of continuous rally chonggao, minimum hit a 77.96, highest rebound to a 2 week high 79.78; after the US dollar against the Swiss franc to 0.9658 opening, slightly sharp shocks back in touch after high trend, touched on the highest 0.9695, callback 0.9509 of minimum 2-week low points; $Dollar against the Canadian dollar to 1.0393 in early trading, rushed out of the trend of new high reversed sharply after the callback, rushed to the 1.0446 on the top, refreshing year-high record, lowest back to the 1.0206; spot gold 1625.29 in early trading, rendering small chonggao correction trend after, highest rebound to 4-week high of 1640.5, the lowest back to 156144. Due to Spain's banking crisis, therefore, European financial markets to Spain banking closed the door. Spain budget Minister said mengteluozhouchu stages, not to market Spain open their doors. He also called for on June 28 before the EU Summit, should reach consensus on European Banking Union. Although Spain Government officials said restructuring National BankTotal industry capital funding needs little 30.07 trillion euros of capital may also be required, but market concerns Spain banking crisis will be possible for Spain impact government borrowing. European debt crisis a hot fire to Spain banking, although shows that European debt crisis worsened, but may also be a forced the European Union to strengthen Union consolidation opportunities. First, Spain, and France, And Germany and EU policy makers were the subject of intense discussion to discuss how to help Spain to recapitalise its banks in trouble, but you might want to to Spain before the end of June to complete the first phase of independent audits of banks, in order to make a decision. EU economic and Monetary Affairs Executive Member of Wren, the EU Executive Committee have been taken into account by the European stabilisation mechanism (ESM) relief funds directlyPossibility to recapitalise banks, although under the current treaties do not have this possibility of France's Finance Minister TERA Gold, mosikeweixi said, France supports the creation of a unified pan-European banking supervision system, and the use of the European stabilisation mechanism (ESM) idea of the Rescue Fund for troubled banks to recapitalise; NOWOTNY supported the European Union's European Central Bank tubeLaw, but that the need for a long time now, Germany did not surf lifesavers removed on this proposal, Germany, Angela Merkel, is a member of the Christian Democratic Party senior members Charles McCord said he did not think that the European financial stability facility (EFSF) provisions will allow direct to Spain banking capital. Secondly, the EU is under increasing external pressure, as soon as possible to solve European debt crisisMachine. A copy of the report of the United Nations, euro-zone debt crisis is a major threat to world economic, deterioration of the crisis is likely to lead to further weakness in world economic growth. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) President Christine Lagarde said that euro-zone leaders need to hand out to rescue the euro's overall planning and "common resolve", rather than a deadline. She pointed out that the EuropeanDistrict leaders make decisions is sooner rather than later, they need to agree on a set of principles, to be implemented after. Seven largest industrial Nations (G7) Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors held an emergency conference call, although the meeting did not issue a joint statement, meeting host country United States Treasury Department statement said the G7 discussions "to promote the progress in financial and fiscal Union in Europe",Closely monitoring the development of the situation. Meeting of Japan's Finance Minister, said the G7 Finance leaders agreed on a conference call, will work together to tackle Spain and Greece faced problems. United States White House, President Barack Obama on Wednesday and Germany, Angela Merkel and Italy respectively Prime Minister of Mongolia Dyke phone, discuss the economic situation in Europe, recognized the need to take measures to strengthenToughness and to boost European growth in the euro zone. And, within Europe, the European Central Bank to put pressure on EU leaders. Interest rate decisions of the European Central Bank meeting did not take any action, said Mr Draghi says, President of the European Central Bank, by the European Central Bank should not be to make up for the omission of other bodies. Once again, Germany seems to be determined to EU Summit in June 28, 29thTo adopt action to enhance the integration of the European Union. Germany Angela Merkel said, ready to take action to ensure stability in the eurozone in Europe. Merkel in Berlin and United Kingdom Prime Minister said after the talks, Germany is prepared, together with 16 other euro-zone countries, take all the necessary action. Merkel said: "it is important we emphasize once again, we have to build up a support tool for euro-And Germany are prepared to use these tools when necessary. "But, she added, which refers to the temporary relief fund-euro European financial stability facility (EFSF) and a permanent bailout fund-the European stabilisation mechanism (ESM). Of course, Merkel's position can also be seen, Germany also have reservations. Merkel told ARD public broadBroadcast company said in an interview: "I do not believe that the mere a Summit will decide the major events (further integration of the European Union), but things we did during this time, that is, that we need more of Europe (moreEurope), and June will publish a work plan. "Based on the above information, will further integrate the financial markets for the European Union, the strengtheningExpectations of the Union, such as the United Kingdom Chancellor Osborne said the United Kingdom will be required to ensure that the protective measures in place, when the move to establish a bank in the eurozone to Alliance, protecting United Kingdom financial services. Germany Finance Minister Shuo Hible has said that once the European financial Alliance, will have a chance to make up the European Union, debt-sharing programmes can be implemented. So indeed, EuropeSolution of the debt crisis, because this is exactly what the market considered that is the most effective means to respond to and resolve the eurozone debt crisis and the right approach. Euro boosted by EU to strengthen fiscal consolidation expected, backlash. Rating agency Fitch to lower Spain ratings three from to BBB, and given the negative Outlook, Fitch as the three largest rating agencies giving Spain rated levelsA low, Fitch believes that Spain's banking capital requirements higher than expected, you may need about 60 billion euros, when if more severe, you may need up to 100 billion euros of funds, and Greece puts pressure on contagion risk. However, the bad factors did not affect Spain latest bond auction, Spain sold � 2.1 billion in the longPublic debt in the period, attracted strong buying demand, while issuing costs increased slightly. Market the bonds issued as is Spain a test of confidence, therefore, Spain successfully to issue bonds also boosted market confidence in the euro. Australia's Central Bank announced interest rate cuts by 25 basis points to 3.5%, the lowest level in more than two years; Canada Central Bank as indicators of market is expected to maintain interest rates unchanged at 1% andOnce again raise interest rates may signal after the release; the United Kingdom central banks hold, the Central Bank's move did not have too much of an impact on the market. Australia's economy grew in the first quarter, quarter rate was 1.3%, up from the 0.5% more than double market expectations; released May unexpectedly strong employment in Australia, increasing 38,900 people, far exceeding expectations, depressing markets for AustralianFurther interest rate cuts by the Central Bank expected the Australian dollar gain boost. Ye Lun, Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve on Wednesday gave the Fed should further assist the vulnerable economic reasons, Ye Lun view that risks from current market problems, weakness in the job market and financial conditions deteriorate. Market view, Ye Lun's comments suggested that may be close to the further easing of the Federal Reserve. However, the Chairman of the Federal ReserveBernanke in United States Congressional testimony speeches, beating market expectations on QE3 introduced a third round of quantitative easing in the near future, he said that, if financial problems increase, the Fed will take action to protect United States economy, the Fed is paying close attention to Europe's debt crisis and Bank on the United States pose a significant risk of economic recovery. But Bernanke did not give up immediately to take more money and stingStress measures implied. Bernanke's testimony after the release of market optimism hit 5 high risk assets such as the euro currency face resistance. People's Bank of China announced late Thursday as of June 8 down financial institutions RMB deposits and loans of one year, at the same time, adjust the ceiling on deposit interest rate floating range of financial institutions to benchmark interest rate of 1.1 times, financial institutionsAdjust the minimum lending rate floating range to 0.8 times times the benchmark interest rate, which is 3.5 years for the first time China's central bank interest rate cuts, liwan of China was issued to the market downturn, activity of stimulating the real economy policy signals. The move incentive impact high risk assets. Recent lead in rally of spot gold price, earlier in the week that is, signs of stagnation, and lead to a correction,If risk weakening the European debt crisis on the one hand, weaken the haven demand for gold; on the other hand is a Gold bull market force QE3 expected loss. From June 11 to June 15, the week, major currency fundamentals focus are as follows: United States: Tuesday, 19:30 United States in May, National Federation of independent business small business confidence index Tuesday, 20:30 United States May export prices and import prices Wednesday, 02:00 United States federal budget on Wednesday May, 20:30 United States May producer price index on Wednesday 20:30 United States May retail sales on Wednesday, 22:00 United States April business inventories Thursday, 20:30 United States May consumer price index Thursday, 20:30 United States first quarterThe current account on Friday, 20:30 United States June New York Fed manufacturing index Friday, 21:00 United States April net flows of international capital on Friday, 21:15 United States industrial production for May on Friday, 21:55 United States June initial euro-University of Michigan consumer confidence index: on Monday, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) published Spain BankSystem reports on Wednesday, 14:00 Germany May consumer price index on Wednesday, euro-zone industrial production for April 17:00 Thursday, 16:00 Monthly Bulletin of the European Central Bank published Thursday, 17:00, harmonic May consumer prices index end value of the eurozone on Thursday, 17:00 euro-zone labor costs in the first quarter on Thursday, 21:30, Germany's Central Bank ChiefConference Elettra Rossellini Wiedemann spoke at a forum Friday, 17:00 euro-zone first quarter employment change on Friday, 17:00 euro-zone April international trade balance United Kingdom: Tuesday, 07:00 United Kingdom Royal surveyors Association price difference May Tuesday, 16:30 United Kingdom April industrial production and manufacturing output on Tuesday, 16:30, United KingdomApril international trade balance Friday, 16:30 United Kingdom April international trade balance Japan: Monday wow cd-key, 07:50 Japan corporate survey in the second quarter on Monday, 13:00 Japan May consumer confidence on Tuesday, 07:50 Japan May Enterprise commodity price index on Wednesday, 07:50 Japan April machinery orders Thursday, 12:30 Japan 4Month correction in industrial production on Thursday, 11:30 Japan's Central Bank announced interest rate decision: Tuesday, 01:45, Canada's Central Bank President Kearney made a speech on Tuesday, Australia May 08:30 business conditions index Wednesday, June consumer confidence in Australia on Wednesday at 08:30, 15:15 Switzerland May producer price index on Thursday, 07:10 Australia's Central Bank President, Stevens in a speech on the Australian economy and Australian Economic Forum Thursday, 15:30 Switzerland's Central Bank announced interest rate resolution Thursday, 20:30 Canada capacity utilisation in the first quarter on Thursday, 20:30 Canada April new-home prices the latest week on fundamentals, United States market will focus on the May retail sales and MayInflation data. Market expected United States May retail sales will grow by 0.3%, but recent credit consumer spending figures showed retail sales may be cool, but negative is less likely. Data showed that United States economy still in low-speed recovery patterns, is not expected to improve on the Fed's June 19, 20th Conference on interest rate decisions do not push QE3 expected�� Federal Reserve's latest beige book report said United States economic growth has accelerated in the past two months, signs of a modest increase in employment in the labour market. This report and the recent market on United States economy increasingly pessimistic view of opposite, shows that the Federal Reserve without a major policy actions in the near future. In Europe, markets will also focus on further integration of the European Union, the strengthening of theUnion News. Estimate of the European Central Bank's latest report showed that the European Central Bank unexpectedly eurozone economic growth forecast unchanged this year and next, and at the same time reducing the inflation forecast for this year. This means that at the level of the European Central Bank, the euro-zone economy in the second half and not Spain's banking crisis heated up and tended to be pessimistic. So, once a month the European Union peakResults will boost market confidence in the solutions to the European debt crisis, euro sentiment will likely warm. However, on June 17, Greece will hold a general election again, prior to the date of this sensitive, euro bulls are expected to be cautious again. Greece once again election outcome is expected to end may also be no one forces to successfully form a stable majority government, which supportsAnd opposition to the EU rescue plan of the two sides, still close, China. That the European Union needs greater wisdom. Furthermore, Switzerland's central bank interest rate strategy session is expected to continue to show restraint of determination of the strength of the Swiss franc over, that will support the euro against the Swiss franc exchange rate target limit of 1.2. Latest one week, from technical point of view, index, current date line 10 daysBottom line for the channel under the short-term upward path has been broken and the date line MACD indicator appears high in the 0 axis die fork today, line RSI indicator back to 30-70 swing, day line Brin track to run shell nosing, so short was expected to enter high rangebound consolidation phase. Expect resistance level this week or 83.15 near,Near the pole or 81.95. Euro-dollar current date line MACD indicator below the 0 axis appears low gold forks, day RSI indicators rebounded to 30-70 the regional swing, date line Brin track into the running shell nosing, indicating short-term pattern of rangebound set will go into low. Is expected this week, the euro-dollar resistance level in 1.258Near or 0, support or 1.243 nearby. Sterling against the US dollar at present day line MACD indicator below the 0 axis low show signs of gold fork, date line RSI indicators rebounded to 30-70 of the pinghengshi regional, date line Brin track begins to enter the running shell nosing stages, meaning that short-term shocks may run low set.Expected this week, the dollar resistance level in the near or 1.56, support or 1.537 nearby. Australian dollar against the US dollar at present day line divergence of MACD indicator below the 0 axis gold fork upstream, date line RSI indicator for a time into more than 70 strong area, fell to the 30-70 of the pinghengshi regional, date line Brin tracksInto the running shell nosing stages, suggesting that will go into low pattern of rangebound. Expected this week, the Australian dollar resistance level in the near or 0.9930, support in the near or 0.9780. Dollar against the Japanese Yen at present day Golden fork upstream line MACD indicator below the 0 axis, date line resistance-RSI indicators bounced back to near 70,In the 70-30 of the balance between urban, Brin track day line to run again, but the width of the rail tracks from up and down, indicating in a broad pattern of rangebound. Is expected this week, the dollar-Yen resistance level in the near or 79.85, support or 78.65 nearby. Dollar against the Swiss franc at present day line MACD indicator on the 0 axisDead fork appears high, day RSI indicator in 30-70 pinghengshi the regional swing, day line Brin track to run shell nosing, predicts will enter the upper pattern of rangebound. Is expected this week, the Swiss franc against the dollar resistance level in the near or 0.9660, support or 0.9560 nearby. US dollar against the Canadian dollar current date lineMACD death appears high in the 0 axis forks, date line RSI indicator fell back to 30-70 of the pinghengshi regional, date line Brin track steering shell nosing is running, indicating high rangebound ready. Is expected this week, the Canadian dollar resistance level against the dollar in the near or 1.039, support in the near or 1.025. SpotCurrent date line MACD indicator below the 0 axis gold Golden fork sign ascending rhythm has been destroyed, death to fork the sign of change and daily RSI indicator in 30-70 the regional swing, date line Brin rail in horizontal extend patterns, that will run a rangebound market. Expected this week, spot gold resistance level in the near or 1593, supportIn the vicinity of or 1559. (Note: the above technical resistance level of analysis and Asian support are based on Friday's closing price, for reference only, stock market trading, at your own risk. ) Ye Yaoting Shanghai line 2012-6-8 Others:

head of the market on the southern weekend reporter. In just one year Rift CD-key head of the mark

129836519474062500_40Chinese businessman attacking Japan new energy In order to seize Japan rise of clean energy market opportunities after the earthquake, China new energy companies entering Japan market. However at low cost for the killer of China new energy companies, to attack the closed market there are many variables in this dream. Japan enclosure very few people would have thought that Japan out of land in the suburb is so hot – as newSource companies racing to compete for "treasure". Businessman Su Weili came from China. On May 24, 2012, such a smart businessman, Hebei successfully "grab" to him in Japan's second piece of land. 2011 Japan earthquake on the next day, Beijing Tian hua Su Weili is said to subordinate, Chairman of sunshine group, land, go, regardless of Japan on solar powerEnd subsidies is how much it costs. Su Weili "impulse" and why is Japan earthquake power shortage after creating a huge market for clean energy generation. As a new energy project developers in China, Su Weili concluded that the island can be used to build solar plant is bound to shortage of land resources. Confirmed Sue's judgment of the situation. At present, Japan outside some lighting conditions better,Near high-voltage power transmission line plots, land prices have risen by 10 times. After nearly a year of operation, Su Weili eventually 5 million yen per year (approximately 400,000 RMB) price got a piece in Japan Kumamoto in the West of 25,000 square meters of land leasing contract, after 7 months, it will build a 2-megawatt solar power plant, Sue will be sitting on up to 20% Rate of return above. From Kumamoto to the outside more than 900 km east of Mie Prefecture on Honshu Island, another Chinese businesses – Artes solar has announced that this summer will be here to build a 2-megawatt solar power plant. Global marketing director Zhang Hanbing Artes said to journalists at the weekend in the South, in order to seize the post-earthquake Japan rise of clean energy market opportunities, Artes in the past year the global40% market of inputs are used in Japan. Other solar companies, Suntech layout as early as six years ago, Japan, Yingli solar has also recently announced plans to enter Japan market. Now, feel free to ask a Chinese solar companies, they are not being Japan Rift CD-key, was to go to Japan on the way. See the opportunity of not only the Chinese people. United States company SunEdisonJapan total construction 1 gigawatt (1000 MW) solar power plant, and had begun negotiations and Hakata. "The Nikkei reported almost weekly messages about clean energy new entrants. "Company in Nanjing, China-Japan Cui Juan-chuan, head of the market on the southern weekend reporter. In just one year, Kyocera, sharp has long been involved in clean energyJapan enterprise and the SOFTBANK Group (specializing in IT and telecommunications) and other new entrants, showed unprecedented interest to clean energy. Is more exaggerated TERA Gold, Japan's convenience stores such as 7-11 and Rosen, mobile phone distributors such as TAKAHATA, Sagawa urgent logistics company, building a large number of other local industries, such as construction company flies Island giant announced its solar power plantConstruction plans. Fixed price system (Feed-InTariff=FIT) by power company in a period of high prices to buy renewable electricity, to encourage investment in renewable policy mechanisms, including solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and biomass power. High profile counterattack, low-key and in full swing tooBattle for solar energy are different, to enter Japan market of Chinese energy, LED, clean energy companies have a low profile. In April 2012, the headquarters is located in Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province "smart energy services business" perspective energy just in Japan set up a global research and Development Center, dedicated to energy and new energy technology development. This company was established in 2006 in the industry with a financial backgroundKnown for its deep resources and globalization, currently installed wind power in China was ranked 14th in the rankings. "After the nuclear accident, relative wind power industry, the Japan market is more respected solar energy and home energy. "The vision of energy strategic business Director Sun Jie said to journalists at the weekend in the South, advanced energy storage technology of large capacity, high security activates renewable energy mass access, intellectualAreas such as power, pry is hundreds of billions of dollars more than the market. Sino-Japan energy market company. In June 2011, BYD's energy storage battery began in Japan sales. First electric household outlet is filled with this battery, a power outage can be used to drive home appliances such as refrigerators or televisions. BYD battery price 798,000 yen (about 65,000Million), is Japan one of the most expensive household batteries for energy storage. China energy-saving products represented by LED lighting products manufacturing companies are also trying to pass Japan agents to Japan traditional market distribution. In April 2012, the Shenzhen company called Golden lumens LED the company to announce partnership with sharp, through the use of Japan chip into Japan. In addition to energyOutside, LED industry, wind power, geothermal energy, tidal energy, and other barriers to clean energy industry for many Chinese companies to enter Japan market. "Japan's wind power market is small and mainly by sea, Typhoon-resistant, corrosion-resistant technologies required by fan manufacturing enterprise in China was difficult to provide for a moment. "Frost Sullivan consulting firm energy power sectorManager Cao Yin said to journalists at the weekend in the South. China also did not have the strength to enter foreign markets for bio-energy company, new energy and tidal energy Rift Platinum, geothermal energy is not out of the testing phase, "it is not difficult to understand why the Chinese only solar to counterattack, other clean energy in Japan is only a study of Speck. "Cao Yin said. Others:

funds and financial products business Diablo 3 gold funds and financial products business - LJZZ

129836519511250000_108Foreign banks to sell insurance: only joint venture flagship high-end insurance and enterprise customers When you step into the foreign bank counters, you rarely find in Chinese Bank insurance products often, foreign banks not to sell insurance? In fact foreign line began in 2004 for sale in insurance, since January of this year, there are 5 foreign branches in Guangdong and business insurance agent award, but is different from the banks, foreign banks selling insurance will not be placed on the counter. Standard CharteredZhuang Yaonan Banking Department of banking and insurance banking and insurance Director for the China, "said foreign banks focusing on different, tailored for high-end clients, through insurance schemes, although the sale of higher premiums than Chinese, but its main asset allocation. "As with other peers, Standard Chartered Bank cooperate with joint venture insurance company only. Because of this pattern can fetch a good price, it is part of the joint venture insurance companyGel, Chinese banks and insurance sales model to learn from foreign banks. It is learnt that some capital to continuously enhance financial centre private bank in construction, gradually raise the level of customer service and ability to satisfy customer needs even further by. Basic only foreign joint venture insurance companies in East Asia Guangzhou one staff member said Diablo 3 power leveling, compared to, funds and financial products business, insurance productsSmall business income. "Foreign investment accounted for only around 5% in the banking sector, business income can hardly compare with Chinese. Insurance product revenues are significantly less. "The staff said, even though the Bank has specialized banks and insurance salespeople, not much but Basic. South reporter found, HSBC, Hang Seng Bank and Standard Chartered Bank, foreign bank select cooperationStandard insurance company was almost unanimous. HSBC said, "when you choose insurance partner has been very carefully, not only take full account of each other's capital, solvency, risk management and control capacity, subject to punishment, while reasonably determine the cooperation scope and number of objects. "Zhuang Yaonan believes that this is the foreign row selection standard for cooperative insurance, with business,Standard Chartered Bank recently being considered with some Chinese companies do. Analysts believe that the select joint venture foreign insurance companies, are actually due to joint-venture insurance company Rob disadvantage on the Chinese channel. But as the demand pressure on premium growth of the joint venture, joint venture insurance especially important in the development of channels of banking and insurance. Banking and insurance are important means to determine its premium growth.In fact, the channels of banking and insurance joint venture insurance company overall premium income still accounted for around 60%. HSBC life total in 2010 and 2011, respectively $ 118.35 million and $, Bank and insurance company and 84.9 per cent, respectively. HSBC life in 2010 and 2011 annual report information displayed, 2010 by banks and industryChannels of premium income as $ 99.52 million, 2011 soared to $ 25.68 million, more than twice times. On their personal business in 2010 and 2011, respectively $ 14.34 million and $ employees direct sales channel minimum. It is reported that HSBC, Standard Chartered and HSBC life now with Bank of cooperation. Demand for this kind of cooperation is increasing. -InChinese insurance companies are gradually expanding cooperation with Chinese banks. According to statistics, in cooperation with Metropolitan life insurance Investment Bank China Merchants Bank, Minsheng Bank, Industrial Bank, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Bank, Bank of Dongguan, Guangzhou; cooperation with the cosmopolitan life of foreign-funded banks including Citibank, Standard Chartered Bank, Hang Seng Bank, ANZ Bank, Bank of East Asia, DBS Bank.Foreign investment flagship wealth customers "we will need to provide the right kind of insurance scheme such as life, health security, education security, and protection of family assets. "Zhuang Yaonan said Standard Chartered Bank services customers primarily in terms of asset allocation considerations, target populations are high net worth individuals, even as the human-tailored products. Southern reporter from the HSBC networkStation was informed that "different is not the same as the range of outlets selling insurance products, and some of the insurance program for HSBC Premier banking customers only. "In fact, the position of foreign and joint-venture companies consistent with the development policy. German Allianz have said in the 2011 annual report, broken down by deep silver market, following extensive research banking customer needs discovery, richWealth-and for those who risk becoming increasingly mature and begin to pay more attention "security prevention investments risks" and "how to pass to the next generation of wealth". Cooperation with domestic and foreign Metropolitan life insurance also said, customers of foreign banks with international advanced management experience in financial management, brought many new ideas, new concepts at home. Foreign row attentionFinancial services, seated service can meet the customer demand. "We only paid products, not fans of. "Zhuang Yaonan said wow cd-key, in addition Diablo 3 gold, tailor, insurance premiums will be higher than that of Chinese products. However, it has been part of the joint venture Bank said, Chinese banks operating in China for a long time, networks, customer number, between the customer and a variety of service opportunities. Chinese silverPay attention to financial services for about 10 years, and in recent years, China's increasing financial center construction of private banks, gradually raise the level of customer service and ability to satisfy customer needs even further by. [Scroll] panzhihua iron and vanadium-titanium intends to raise its mining assets does not exceed 12 billion to buy angang (06-08) [scroll]Soldiers loaded group quit and jianlibao joint venture company sold all 30% shares (06-08) [scroll] bright dairy private placement approved haitong securities escort (06-08) [scroll] France's Central Bank forecast the economy will shrink in the second quarter of 0.1% (06-08) [scroll]Shanghai: cars with LPG retail prices drop 3 cents (06-08) [scroll], 93rd Shanghai fell to $ 7.58 per litre gasoline (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank cut interest rates by 25 basis points financial costs of electric power Enterprise (06-08) [scroll], 93rd, BeijingReduced to $ 7.64 per litre of gasoline (06-08) [scroll]IMF: China's economic growth this year 8% the Yuan is still undervalued (06-08) [scroll] Wharf: stake in green city is a strategic investment trust Greentown to redemption (06-08) [scroll] Lufthansa CargoTransported to confirm shut Emerald Air says it will not pull out of China (06-08) [scroll] CBRC commercial bank capital management question and answer session (06-08) [scroll] Green City: year to date sales compliance 38% free of price reduction program (06-08) [scroll] Song Weiping:Decline in transaction prices matter don't mind a voice (06-08) [scroll] Hongwei ZHANG: green city sells unit to survive the "live" is the most important (06-08) [scroll] Chongqing 1200 poor farmers will choose projects for poverty alleviation (06-08) [scroll]Tracking of Guangdong power grid load's first new highs in June this year the gap will be reduced (06-08) [scroll] various provinces, gasoline and diesel retail price table of the highest (06-08) [scroll] China's petrochemical and Russia chemical signed cooperative agreements (06-08) [scroll] shares face significantEvent frequency feet soft European Cup magic spell can break (06-08) [scroll] tracking of Guangdong power grid load's first year record (06-08) [scroll] Chairman Wang Runpei Pearl River Piano resigned due to physical reasons (06-08) [scroll] expert analysis that the oil price reductionSmall (06-08) [scroll] oil prices second cut boot floor people could enjoy the benefits (06-08) [scroll] monitor display: since the beginning of June, pork prices rose in the northeast (06-08) [scroll] since the beginning of June in Northeast China pork prices rose(06-08) [Scroll] Central Bank rate cut Bank scroll fell to 6.28 times times forward earnings (06-08) [scroll] Federal Pharmacy sewage local government issued a denial of alleged breaches (06-08) [scroll] Korea Eximbank urges North Korea to repay loans for food (06-08) [scroll] CDB 109.5 billion in new affordable housing lending last year than hyper-60% (06-08) [scroll] Beijing double Celestial Street longhu May sign $ 3.35 billion revenues exceeded 1 billion (06-08) [scroll] sinolink securities: focus on rating Fund fixed chargeBenefits features variety (06-08) [scroll] Sinopec: rumors untrue Company Secretary of the General monthly salary of 30,000 (06-08) [scroll] experts are expected in the future in oil prices back to 7 times as much downside were more likely (06-08) [scroll] United States Honorary Chairman of the APEC Centre: MingChina economy will accelerate again (06-08) [scroll] interpretation of fund interest rate cuts: enter easing cycle in China a-shares are expected to rebound (06-08) [scroll] Germany's Central Bank raised its 2012 forecast for GDP growth and inflation (06-08) [scroll] HSBC: Interest rate cuts good correction still needs some time (06-08) [scroll] Li Daxiao: oil prices down to benefit transportation stocks good (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank rate cut Sun private care to the weak market Outlook (06-08) steam diesel per litreDon't drop $ 0.39 and $ 0.44 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic around this fall in high oil product prices modification | Oil prices or will continue down | Pulling sales limited green city Kowloon Kuranari 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | TopicsCounties in the private tomb of Super Deluxe [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance in the banking and insuranceInsurance business not to be punished [shares] the two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [commercial] learn from Liu brand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distributions[Financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [financial] rich dating $ 40,000 spare cash to finance activities of interest exposure pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System Others:

000 in cash TERA Gold 000 in cash - RLXD

129833960961827500_3Flags clouds 2 (quote picture parameters) car $ 3 TERA Gold,000 cash drop recently, edited from Chery Automobile 4S shop learned in Tianjin area, in-store sales cloud 2 car flag, car currently offers $ 3,000 in cash, interested friends to contact businesses for details. Following is the latest price change table Chery flags clouds 2: 2 flags clouds continue to rely on existing Chery independent research1.5L naturally aspirated engine. 80kw/6000rpm maximum power Diablo 3 gold, maximum torque of up to 140Nm/4500rpm. Top speed can reach 172km/h. Compared to similar models, this is very good for 1.5L engine. Chassis, 2 flags clouds is still the front MacPherson portrait after trailing arm type suspension structure, Not advanced, but very reliable. Edit comment: Chery flags clouds 2 is a very suitable for home models, the car appearance atmosphere Rift CD-key, spacious interior space and configuration utility-rich and powerful, in terms of fuel economy performance, and overall price/performance advantages. Current car offers $ 3,000 in cash, friends can contact businesses in specific knowledge of the car. "Note"Car prices and ever-changing, price information for editing of articles collected on that day in the market prices in real time, to prevail on that day. At the same time the prices are dealer's individual behavior, so the price is for reference only. In addition, picture for vehicle information in pictures, pricing information and the picture was taken is irrelevant. Others:

At press time Diablo 3 gold At press time - HJTY

129836519515000000_115"Camel shoes" were exposes for the China brand Network purchases "United States camels" screenshot wear peeling shoes three times recently, we continue to receive consumer complaints, saying he bought "camel shoes" has a serious quality problem. Reporters from online data found that the so-called United States "camel shoes" origin in China. Over the years, the "Cottage" a Word is important to talk about gossip. From the initialElectronics to shoes, clothing, every aspect of people's lives are all full of shanzhai products. Two serious wrinkled dress on November 21 Diablo 3 gold, 2011, linfen, Shanxi, Zhou Ya consumers (pseudonym) in its day cat (micro-blogging) Mall "camel official flagship store" purchased a pair of leather short boots with number 1,058,012. However at the beginning of December in the same year, weekAsian wear after two have been found wow power leveling, the spent flowers on short boots leather upper, there is a road mark. Initially, Zhou Ya think that the new shoes are like that. But after wearing a few times, shoes mianpi wrinkled problems become more and more serious, local cortex is thin and wrinkled, "almost worn out, you will no longer dare to wear. "Zhou Ya said. Meanwhile, Zhou Ya marked as "CAMEL"Camel shoes quality of suspicious, "of shoes do you wear? Is this the right skin, are not made of paper, right? "Wear shoes ' broken three times by coincidence, on August 28, 2011, consumers Iyang (pseudonym) in Taobao ju deal to spend $ 199 to buy a double standard as" CAMEL "camel women high shoes. After receiving the shoes, Iyang shoes stylesSatisfaction. However, due to pressure of business, Iyang not often wear casual shoes. Finally got the day off, Iyang couldn't wait to wear the new shoes out to show a circle. However, that night when you slip off your shoes, Iyang has a pair of white socks dyed blue, and shoes at the edge of the diamond. On the shoe itself is very nice, Iyang down, "fadingFade, anyway, other people could see, only you can know. "But when Iyang when you wear the shoes off for the third time, only to find the shoes ' soles and location of the connection has been broken, it was raising some can't stand by Iraq. "Camel shoes for nearly $ 200 big striptease 3 times, this is what quality! "Iyang sighed. "Camel shoes" formerly of Chinese descentConsumers on the quality of the various brands of shoes in doubt, press conference on "camel shoes" launched an investigation. Reporters access information from the Internet and found, said United States "camel shoes" nationality is actually Chinese. Camel shoes brand is Wuhan Wan Jingang 1993 registered in China, not the United States camels international investment company. After Wan Jingang camel brand and the trademark was given in 2003In April, Wan Jingang to the trademark Bureau, licensed United States camels international investment company uses the trademark. In June 2005, the United States camels international investment company licensed Shishi gallant shoe industry limited use of the trade mark. In this way, "camel shoes" is rigged, became a United States trademark. At present, the "camel shoes" in the country is divided into three parts, namely, "camel leather shoes"And "camel leisure" and "camel outdoor". The three-part, produced by different manufacturers, but is the United States authority, known as the United States camels. In the United States, to "camels" as a brand name only cigarettes, no shoes. International brand artificially planned a press conference at the Trademark Office website and discovered, Wan Jingang remains the proprietor of the trade mark. One of the trademarkLiren told reporters that many of the so-called "international brand" is actually in the player has come out under the plan. Registration of a new trademark history in the last century, after some publicity, packaging, rigged to get people in fashion. "United States camels" product packaging people to omit the real trademark registration, trademark was licensed, and to authorize others to makeThe trademarks of United States camels international investment company pushed to the front, strengthening of the trade mark is the United States brands this erroneous concept, violated consumers ' right, also in violation of the relevant provisions of the law on protection of consumer rights. Famous Huang Hui, trademark specialist, Beijing Wan hui da intellectual property limited partner has said about this phenomenon and there is no relevant legal restrictions, but trademarkOwnership of man-made brand claims to be Chinese citizens abroad, such propaganda is obviously not appropriate, are suspected of cheating consumers. "Camel camel is our registered trademark" on April 20, the reporter data access from the Internet to the Guangdong camel costume to verify the authenticity and makes the following issues: 1. camel shoes brand is Wan Jingang 1993Registered in China in April 2003, Wan Jingang license United States camels international investment company uses the trademark, June 2005 United States camels international investment company licensed Shishi gallant shoe industry limited use of the trade mark. Is true? 2. at present, the "United States camels shoes" in China is divided into three parts, namely, "camel leather shoes," "camel leisure" and "camelOutdoor ". The three-part, is produced by different manufacturers? What manufacturers in the production? 3. the "camel", "CANTORP", "CAMEL" is after the Chinese trademark office records? 4. the "United States camels" is filing trademarks? If not, why is dubbed "United States" the word? At press time, Guangdong camel costume coSecretary no clear reply to the above question. The company a She first lady said "not to intercept my brand from the Internet error information", and sent a reporter to a certain Association "demonstration enterprise of national quality good faith commitment to excellence" certificate. At the same time, She said, the "Camel camel is a registered trademark of our company", said if the consumer is not in shopping malls to buy camel of genuine goods,It's fake, imitation goods, the company does not bear the consequences. [Scroll] development and Reform Commission, explain the reduction in oil prices than markets expected reasons (06-08) [scroll] panzhihua iron and vanadium-titanium intends to raise its mining assets does not exceed 12 billion to buy angang (06-08) [scroll] fall in oil product prices out lower-EnterpriseCost is a matter of urgency (06-08) [scroll] McDonald's global same-store sales increased by 3.3% May (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank: implementation of prudent monetary policies adhere to the real economy of service requirements (06-08) [scroll] soldiers loaded group quit and Jian Li Bao30% investment company sold all stake (06-08) [scroll] bright dairy private placement approved haitong securities escort (06-08) [scroll] France's Central Bank forecast the economy will shrink in the second quarter of 0.1% (06-08) [scroll] Shanghai: cars with LPG zeroSale prices drop 3 cents (06-08) [scroll], 93rd Shanghai fell to $ 7.58 per litre gasoline (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank cut interest rates by 25 basis points financial costs of electric power Enterprise (06-08) [scroll] $ 7.64 per cent per litre of gasoline, 93rd, Beijing(06-08) [Scroll] IMF: China's economic growth this year 8% the Yuan is still undervalued (06-08) [scroll] Wharf: stake in green city is a strategic investment trust Greentown to redemption (06-08) [scroll] Lufthansa Cargo to confirm closure of jade cargo that does notOut of China (06-08) [scroll] CBRC commercial bank capital management question and answer session (06-08) [scroll] Green City: year to date sales compliance 38% free of price reduction program (06-08) [scroll] Song Weiping: trading matter don't mindVoice decline (06-08) [scroll] Hongwei ZHANG: green city sells unit to survive the "live" is the most important (06-08) [scroll] Chongqing 1200 poor farmers will choose projects for poverty alleviation (06-08) [scroll] tracking of Guangdong power grid load's first yearNew highs in June, gap will be reduced (06-08) [scroll] various provinces, gasoline and diesel retail price table of the highest (06-08) [scroll] China's petrochemical and Russia chemical signed cooperative agreements (06-08) [scroll] shares in the face of major tournaments feet soft Euro curseWhether to break (06-08) [scroll] tracking of Guangdong power grid load's first year record (06-08) [scroll] Chairman Wang Runpei Pearl River Piano resigned due to physical reasons (06-08) [scroll] expert analysis that the price reduction was too small (06-08:33) [scroll] oil prices second cut boot floor people could enjoy the benefits (06-08) [scroll] monitor display: since the beginning of June, pork prices rose in the northeast (06-08) [scroll] pork prices rose in the Northeast since early June (06-08) [Scroll] Central Bank rate cut Bank scroll fell to 6.28 times times forward earnings (06-08) [scroll] Federal Pharmacy sewage local government issued a denial of alleged breaches (06-08) [scroll] Korea Eximbank urges North Korea to repay loans for food (06-08) [rollingFixed] CDB 109.5 billion in new affordable housing lending last year than hyper-60% (06-08) [scroll] Beijing double Celestial Street longhu May sign $ 3.35 billion revenues exceeded 1 billion (06-08) [scroll] sinolink securities: focus on rating Fund fixed income characteristics (06-0818:52) [scroll] Sinopec: rumors untrue Company Secretary of the General monthly salary of 30,000 (06-08) [scroll] experts are expected in the future in oil prices back to 7 times as much downside were more likely (06-08) [scroll] United States Honorary Chairman of the APEC Centre: China's economy will speed up again next year (06-08) [scroll] interpretation of fund interest rate cuts: enter easing cycle in China a-shares are expected to rebound (06-08) of gasoline and diesel respectively, down $ 0.39 per litre and $ 0.44 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic: modified by the fall in oil prices high| Oil prices or will continue down | Pulling sales limited green city Kowloon Kuranari 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | Special counties in the private tomb of Super Deluxe [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6 Diablo 3 Gold,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sellBody self-help "rights Wharf Holdings to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [shares] the two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: restructuring unit arrested on insider tradingCompany shall suspend the restructuring in the [business] to learn from Liu brand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [financial] Regal dating activities of interest to light $ 40,000 spare cashAbout money pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System Others: