
outsiders can be purchased a House. Other buildings Diablo 3 CD-KEY outsiders can be purchased a H

129835668809375000_513Hangzhou high-end real estate prices 60 percent-70 percent discount to activate volume Seeing just need effectively leveraging the market because the price, high-end disk had been sidelines also disquieted, substantial price promotions in recent days. Price is the most efficacious weapons, high-end disk contract due to price cuts and also active. And 90 square metres required different, these high-end disk for most of the Group belong to the restriction limiting credit crowd. We are concerned, these purchasing powerHow far to go? 60 percent-70 percent price cut row houses were sought after high above the row of houses also began to cut. New Lyman Pavilion on River Road mountain outdoor advertising especially stood out: new Lyman Pavilion mountain, Hangzhou, refresh row house price standard! May 27, more than more than 60 new Lyman Pavilion mountain terrace House launches 60 percent sales promotion activities, as a result, better sales than people expected. OpeningThe same day, scheduled rate reached 95%. Laimengshuixieshan marketing director Li Rui, test the waters of this row of houses could quickly move the market, mainly because it was the right price. Water Xie Shan area of push-type row houses in 149~220 square, original selling price of 30,000 yuan/sq m. "After playing after the break, a row of houses price as long as the 2.2 millionAbout, is very attractive. "Li Rui said. Similarly, in view of Ding Qiao Tian Yang built terrace House in near-time launch of Zhijiang 1.5 million campaign. "This area of 180 square meters terrace House, the original sales price of about $ 5.5 million. Now after the price cut, total price just $ 4 million or so on average. "According to marketing director Yang Shi Yan introduction, more than 10 sets of row housesHalf sold. Hot price row housing also push the exhaust housing surge. Busy busy Lake City in East China Sea has also recently launched the forest Moon Bay row House. Busy Lake City originally selling exhaust housing prices have hit $ 8 million, but the Moon Bay row House is said to be priced at 20,000 yuan/square meter, total price at about $ 5 million. Real estate Deputy Wen Haigang describes the East China Sea, just going to push this time 20Sets, to pay $ 200,000 deposit customers has reached more than 50 sets of intent. Wild wind Hill is located in Fuyang Silver Lake plate of July also launches world's first 125��c French-style row houses, sell for $ 17,000 square meters. More than 150 square meter apartment sold for beginning an active, not only is the row of houses, recently, more than 150 square meters of apartment sales are good. RiversideInternational open at the weekend on the peninsula, the average price of 19,000 yuan/sq m,-158 sqm large sold out. Shunfa owned two estates recently sold well: high-end real estate located in Xiaoshan City Centre City project in Mong Kok on May 18, the second stage opened on the 23rd floor, apartment 147 sqm and 183 square, sold nearly hundred sets on the day, Super 90%. June 8Today, city again, 21st floor, Mong Kok, type more, 174 and 182 square two, a total of 196 houses. While opening price rose slightly, reaching 19,000 yuan/square meter, but according to the developers introduced, storing not less than the previous period. Lucky recently introduced on the peninsula of the West, 8th floor, 107~138 square meters apartment, 145Houses have sold 120 units. Look at downtown Hangzhou, qianwanji mansion has recently started "moving". New Lake's martial arts International's recent push-188 square meters large, maximum up to 300 square meters, you can see the Lake. Although not yet open, is said to have had more than 20 sets to be fancy. According to the introduction to Kung Fu Cheng Xuhua, head of international marketing, these houses,The sum of the $ 7 million ~1000 million, belongs to improve customer pyramid-shaped spire in the crowd. "Recently, the improved customer did a lot. Earlier, they were not asked is asked Diablo 3 CD-KEY, many people have come to ask whether they have terms of purchase. "Under the restriction limiting credit how long will the recent improved demand, hot first type 90 square metres, and is part of the oversold price back toRose, then, is to improve the real estate contract begins active, really makes one feel the contract is from the valleys out of. Reporter observed that recent stock market almost all this improvement needs to be improved-just want buyers, taking advantage of low buying a large House to live. Pavilion mountain is located in Fuyang dongzhou, contract customers is half of Fuyang locals, purchased the home. City, Mong KokXiaoshan Centre has always been word of mouth is good, is also a native of Xiaoshan improved type preferred. Look at martial arts international, Hangzhou City's new left, number one step to improve the strength of class as long as purchasing power, is under consideration. But concern was recently opened this improvement of real estate, large scale price 300~1000 $, customerBelong to the restriction limiting credit crowd. Under the policy without restrictions of the City-State, this market purchasing power of exactly how far to go? It is understood that the current orders that customers are basically not limited purchased the crowd. Pavilion mountain is Fuyang, outsiders can be purchased a House. Other buildings, many customers borrow the name of parent or child to buy. Like city, Mong Kok, buyers have a mobileFrom the town, did not adopt a brother ' s son as one ' s heir. But on that part of the purchasing power, the test may not be the restriction of the maximum loan limit. Just like Li Rui said TERA CD-key, she orders the customer filter, one-time payment customers accounted for the majority. While improving the customer is "rich", but one-time use millions of cash after all, not many. Shi Yan believed that improved requirements90 square meter just need driven turnover compared with some time ago to enlarge is a fact wow power leveling, but let it become the mainstream market demand over the next period of time is not realistic. Li Rui also believes that, compared to 90 square metres required to improve choice you just need more, living the urgency is not strong. The next market, improving performance cannot, as you just need 90 square meter volume, Up to is a scatter-flowering, a comprehensive cost-effective branded products especially favored. Others:

