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129836519576875000_233Spain can hold? By the end of June seen Financial markets suddenly realised that Greece return without leaving the euro is not important, economies of scale are the 5 times in Spain is now a perilous and possible eruptions of the volcano at any time. Spain Government has on June 7 from 1 billion to 2 billion Euro bond market sentiment especially tense because Spain budget Minister, Paolo Montero (Cristobal Montoro) 5th admits Spain Government bond interest rates high is actually equivalent to the country were shut out of the credit market, the budget Minister appealed to European partners to help rescue the troubled Spain banking. But the next day, Spain's Finance Minister Luis de guindos (Luis de Guindos) is anxious to play down expectations about Spain of the urgent need to salvage the banking sector concernsSaid he has not yet been discussed in Spain banks immediately implement a rescue plan and Spain less serious problems in the banking sector. Spain Government was forced to admit on the one hand not to own forces to rescue their banks, is unwilling to step in Ireland, and Greece and Portugal following the fall of the "fourth" and is therefore trying to find a third way--to European institutions seek toDirect financial assistance to its banking sector. Both wanted to face, Satoko and want in mind, Spain Government officials dealing with contradictions and problems hampering the rhetoric of the banking crisis on his mind, has further deepened investors ' worries: whether Spain there are many serious problems with a withholding without his? Spain Bank how big is the hole? Early in May Spain GovernmentBankia Bank nationalisation the line is composed of 7 savings banks merger of Bank Group. Spain claimed that the Government assistance to National Bank's total size is 15 billion euros, but last week, Spain decided the Government equity injection into the Bankia 19 billion euros, Bankia into a scale of aid only reached 23.5 billion euroYuan. Spain yields on ten-year government bonds is currently close to the 7%, an international bank in London told Ming Pao, head of government bonds is estimated, once banks accepting external aid Spain Government bond yields to rise to more than 10%. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) experts field assessment of Spain health conditions in the financial sector, focusing on estimated banksHow much funding is needed under extreme pressure. On Friday (8th) official site, their reports will be submitted to the IMF Board is expected to announce next Monday. Luis de guindos said IMF report will show problems only exist in Spain certain institutions of the financial system. He said two separate findings, including the IMF would help the country to make the necessary decisions. Another Spain BankIndependent Auditors ' assessment of the industry will be completed within this month 10-15 day. Spain banking recapitalisation exactly how much money is needed, relevant data has never publicly, outside is not clear. Spain bankers estimate that needed to restructure the country's banking capital resources at about 40 billion euros and European counterparts, 40 billion to resolve the banking crisisMethod is impossible. Internal estimates considered to be 80 billion and 90 billion euro of the European Union; the Royal Bank of Scotland analyst said, Spain would eventually need to 370 billion-450 billion-euro aid. Salvage challenge Spain hoped that two Rescue Fund by the European Union-the European stabilisation mechanism (ESM) and the European financial stability facility (EFSF) directly to the WestBanking capital. As of now, the Fund lend money only to Government and lent to banks by the Government. France supports Spain's idea, but Germany firmly opposed, believing that this would be equivalent to salvage cost assessed on euro-zone countries to take, will weaken the debtor countries to improve their financial situation, implementation of the structural reform of power. Although Germany Government spokesman denied that outsiders believeGermany Angela Merkel and Finance Minister Shuo uble in Spain pressured to applications for relief in the country. Permanent Relief Fund Bank lending directly to Member States of the European Union's practices in law and disorder. Treaty banning the ESM directly on Bank recapitalisation Fund, Spain to do so, you may need to be approved by the euro-zone Governments, and modify some of the treaties. ESM originally scheduled to start next month, scale of 500 billion euros. Other eurozone members are most concerned about is that in Spain tide of serious capital flight, the banking sector quickly collapsed, affecting the eurozone as a whole. Spain's Central Bank released data, one-tenth per cent of the country's GDP in the first quarter of the year 97 billion euro money out of Spain. Proposal of the Executive Committee of the European Union,EU financial supervision agency authorized to take control of troubled banks in Europe, and further establishment of the euro-zone Banking Union, but it must first be approved by the Member Governments and the European Parliament, may have to wait until 2015 is expected to put into effect, into a banking crisis in Spain, still Distant water cannot quench present thirst. Euro bond programme, still no GreekLooking card in Germany. Merkel insisted was necessary to finance intervention, to forcing debtor countries thrifty, first of all, this means that the euro is to become a political Union. "But as long as the Member States of the European Union remains democratic link, sovereign, all those who are building a political coalition to support a common fiscal policy of the euro's ambitious plans had no hope of achieving," the European policyGross, Director, Research Center (Daniel Gros) said, "the Government can sign the Treaty promises its finances to obey EU rules, but the final decision is in the hands of the people of that country, they can vote, rejected the Government's commitment and any adjustments from the Brussels Programme. ��

