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"Medium-term futures analyst Li Ning to the Shanghai international financial news reporters that" France SWTOR CD-key, and Greece the Council changes, tightening is tested, gold is expected to again play safe-haven. However,Market concerns about the European debt crisis has been heating up, it may inhibit market gains. "France presidential election as an example, Francois hollande win France election, but he came to direct has raised concerns about European debt crisis. Hollande promised to postpone the Germany-led austerity policies. Hollande advocates are back with the eurozone agree new financial policies TERA Gold, euro-zone debt crisis orWaves, which makes the risk aversion in the market began to increase. Jiang Mingde, sinolink futures Chief Economist pointed out that Hollande advocates could cause instability in the Franco-German relationship, and affected all of Europe is currently implementing the policy of stability, is not conducive to being tended to ease Europe debt situation. As a result, investors sharply sold the euro currently on the market, the euro slipped against the dollar to 1.2,955, dollar index rose to 80.02 highs. Strength in the dollar index is bound to cause the price of gold to go down. In addition to risk aversion promoted, monetary policy of the United States, Europe and other countries are also about gold. United States April non-farm payroll data released on May 4, the weak performance of data, less than the market expected. Market participants started to look forward to United States to further stimulate the economy,Quantitative easing policy further. Sun Yonggang-bright futures analyst pointed out that the market for United States third round of quantitative easing (QE3) launch had been expected, but it's not clear, United States also entered the election at its height, between President Barack Obama and presidential candidate Romney about economic winds. Sun Yonggang also said that the real economy to return to the stage you wantTime proven, money pushed false rebound to last very long. Future gold, Sun Yonggang prediction, fluctuation of gold prices are currently in a narrow range and close range lower limit, once fallen, down very large space. Jiang Mingde judgment, short term, due to the instability in the policies of the parties and the instability of economic data so that gold is in a turmoil, and selectDirection of the period. Li-Ning said the international gold prices at $ 1650 per Troy ounce at a greater pressure, risk aversion is still gained the upper hand in the short term. 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129809647243648750_523Basic information about Chinese names: Southern Star species Latin name: Arisaema elephas Buchet kinds of aliases: cannabis taro, taro (Yunnan Qiaojia) TERA CD-key, silver, and more than half of pinellia ternata (Lijiang, Yunnan), Black Southern Star (Sichuan Emei, Puge, leibo), Tiger, Palm (leibo, Sichuan), half-rotten (in Liangshan, Sichuan), three-step jump (fourConcentration and refinementof), water and corn (weining, Guizhou), trunk (nyingchi, Tibet), Chinese name: Araceae Latin name: Araceae are Chinese names: the genus Arisaema genus Latin name: Arisaema flora of China: 13 (2): 144 model taken from: eryuan culture: morphological characteristics as Southern Star wild tubers almost spherical,3-5 cm diameter, dense fibers of fibrous root growth over more than 10 cm. Squamous cell 3-4, 2 PCs in a narrow triangle, 9-15 cm long, the base of up to 5 cm wide, green or purple. 1 leaves, petioles 20-30 cm long, yellow-green, base of the rough can be up to 2 cm, no sheath, smooth or how much a Verrucosa ridged; leaf 3 full crack, dilute 3 deep cracks, divided0.5-1 cm of handle or no handle, dilute base Department joint, dry Shi II surface yellow green, in the rib back clear uplift, side pulse oblique stretch, to edge away from, pulse from 1-2 cm, collection pulse from edge 0.5-1.5 cm, network pulse clear; in the lobe pour heart shaped, top Department flat cut, Central Xia au, with are triangle of pointed, to base Department gradually narrow, wide far is better than long, long (5-) 9-9.5 cm (including 5-10 mm long-nosed), width (6-) 10.5-12.5 cm; side lobe large 6.5-13 cm long. Width (5.5-) 11-13 cm wide, oblique oval, short narrow sharp tip, lateral width, base rounded, wedge-shaped or rounded inside. Inflorescence stalk shorter than the leaf, 9-25 cm long, 3-5 mm coarse,Green or light purple, with small wart-like bumps or not. Spathe green purple, base, yellow-green, tube with white stripes SWTOR CD-key, evanescent, top with a deep purple, pipe cylinder, 2.4 to 6.5 cm long, coarse-1.8-2.6 cm, throat edge hip, lower edge on both sides meet at right angles; Minister lanceolate, long and 4.5-10 cm wide, 3-3.5Cm, base slightly bent, first at a narrow tip. Meat spike inflorescence single sexual, male inflorescence long 1.5-3 cm, inflorescence axis rough can up 8 mm, even spent rough 1.5 cm, spent soothing, subsidiary device base Department slightly fine into handle shaped, or several no handle, Central above gradually fine, last into linear, from Buddha flame shell throat Department near Xia bent, and of glyphs rose or bent go 360 of Hou rose or winds droop; Female inflorescences of long 1-2.5 cm, bottom heavy 1.2 cm, base dramatically expanded the subsidiary to 5-7 mm, 5-10 mm long Shanks, Yu Tongxiong-order subsidiary. Male flowers with a long handle, handle length 2.2-2.5 mm, 2-5 anthers, Chamber top gehu Lake, Horseshoe cracking; female: round eggs of ovaries of long, narrow end first as a short style and stigma discoid, keyIs down wow power leveling, 1 room, most of ovule (6-10). Berry, brick red, oval-shaped, about 1 cm long, 5-8 seed, ovoid, light brown, beak, infructescence axes sponge quality, cone-shaped, the base of the thick 2.5 cm. Flowering in May-June, mature fruit in August. Habitat in warm, moist, cold tolerance, shade tolerance, fear dry. Plants endemic to China. Southern Tibet to the Southeast, Tsuneo in altitudes of 1800-4000m forest, forest edge, grass and shrubs. Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou. Pharmacological effects of tuber medicinal, poisonous, treatment of abdominal pain, can only use trace. Others:

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129809647080523750_178Figures about Paul Gauguin works of classic characters (19), Paul Gauguin (Paul Gauguin,1848.6.7~1903.5.1), is France back impression School of painters, sculptors, potters and prints. In 1873 even started painting, Impressionist rural scenery and collection (20) artists. He has completedAphanamixis polystachya (Pissarro), Edouard Manet (Manet), Renoir (Renoir), Monet (Monet), xisili (Sisley), Cezanne (Cezanne) and others work. In 1876, had a painting selected for the Paris Salon; the following year he made the first sculptures. Little by little, even more focusedArts, he participated in the final four Impressionist exhibitions. In 1883, becoming a professional painter. Has United a group of composed of immature young painters of Pont Tep Vong painting. Since 1895, the disruption and financial support for health reasons, mental stimulation, and attempted suicide. His art driven concept of symbolism, impressionism paintings are not met. Creation of 1897Where did we come from? who we are? we where? dreaming seems really not really introduced readers in the form of spatio-temporal continuity, is typical in this regard. Another piece of the pursuit of performance of the original two Tahitian Women, with exquisite taste and artistic charm. Early paintings of Gauguin, with experimental or stiff, it is reminiscent in BarbizonPainting (Barbizon School) Pissarro?��s work down the shadow. The early 1880 's, higher more strokes to relax and widen, giving rhythm of flutter characteristics, color somewhat later signs of development, but there is still stiff. He did block color, free to add to the sense of bright color: for example in bright shades of blue paint, painted in Red HouseTop, make it prominent in the background. Gauguin in the techniques used on color coating, focusing on harmony rather than comparison, after the sermon by representatives of illusion is the art of handling. His style of painting and impressionism is different, strong contours, as well as with subjective color after broad and simplified forms, are subject to geometric patterns, to obtain musicAnd rhythm and decorative effect. Its theory and practice has affected a large number of painters, known as following the Impressionism in France have a major impact on the painting art of innovators. Biography curriculum vitae 23 years working as a stock broker on a seagoing vessel Paul Gauguin's early work, and then to France in Navy service, 23 years working as a stockbroker, married a beautiful buoyant revenueDenmark girl meite��suofeiya��jiade as his wife. But Gauguin under the call of his painting talent, quit his bank job to paint at the age of 35, at the age of 38 cut off relations with their families, lived a lonely life, and through the involvement of Pissarro?��s in the world of impressionism. Even under the influence of Impressionist friends started painting, symbolism, Japan prints as well asListen to literature and other factors affecting. Gauguin has always dreamed of the distance, missed those exotic places, he requested abandoning the classical modern civilization and cultural obstacles, in the original way of life back to a simpler, more basic, he is quite willing to live a life of savage, this gives in at the age of 39, he went on to Panama and Martini Island trip, where they found their expectationsWhat: lush plants, blue skies forever, generous nature, the simple life. Subsequently had to leave this tropical paradise of returning France, exactly 40 years old, energetic and assertive, retained the noble spirit of pride. He was a strong personality, and pleasing one annoying, rude and elegance co-exist, he would strongly urge self-expressionTo prove his worth. Found heaven art environment in 1887, he in Brittany, Panama and Martinique have found heaven environment. Clear lines and huge sense of volume and rigidity of contrasting color, and his break with the Impressionist. When he returned to France condemns Monet and bishaluote when some illusion of naturalism, made of artistic expression"Comprehensive". Gauguin's spiritual home �C Tahiti (Tahiti) simplifies the great shape, even a single color, split, shadow-free light, sketch and color abstraction, detached nature, it is to find and even the creation of art. But his fantasies and Director of art in their own countries reached in February 1891Day 30 of his auction site work, receive income, on April 4 to Tahiti by boat, after the happiness and suffering, drew many pictures and come back to France. In November 1893 he held the La Tache people (Tahiti) exhibition, the result is a total failure, material income is zero. His novel, the mysterious, brutal painting, SungWorship. Mockery of civilized people in Paris and he returned to Tahiti. In this way, there is today widely known off the civilized clothing, single man naked in the great tale of the natural high. Unfortunately occurred to him of illness and family care of female suicide, painted a masterpiece handed down after the salvation of the where did we come from? Who are we? Where we go? ���� ThenMoving to Marquesas-by-Iba, on May 1, 1903 and died. Congyi experienced early creative high is France back impression School of painters, sculptors, potters and prints. In 1873 even started painting, and favorite works of impressionist painters. Gauguin painting of the early experimental, stiff, it is reminiscent in Barbizon painting them bPissarro?��s arbizon School surveyed shadow down works. The early 1880 's, higher more strokes to relax and widen, giving rhythm of flutter characteristics, the color is still stiff. He did block color, free to add to the sense of bright color: for example in bright shades of blue paint, painted in red on the roof, and highlighted in the background. StyleDelivered February 1888, he went to Bretagne ' avatar ' bridge, met the Bennet (Bernard). Bennet some idea of more correction and retouching, known to form today's "integrated" (synthetism) theoretical basis for movement. Bennet rejection Gustave Courbet (Courbet) realism, advocated expanding impressionsOf the area, is moving in a new direction. Both Baylor and Gauguin sought new manifestations of power. They advocate art should have a strong, straightforward and generally of the same symbol, to give details and features, and compressed, strong and focused performance impressions, perceptions and experiences of three integrated. High walked out of the impressionist painters that little light, fixed shortIntent of the scene, as well as on literary figure ground escape. Later in 1889, he went to Pu the end, at the time of lepudi, renders the most simple form of his paintings, majolica, reduced to pace up and down the background by representatives of Paul Gauguin (20) State. This phenomenon can be found in the Yellow Christ (The Yellow Christ).High Representative of the classic tropical paradise Paul Gauguin (14) think about with affection, he auctioned his paintings in Paris in 1891 to raise money, and, in June, arrived in Tahiti, where he stays until 1893. The land of beauty and mystery that he deeply fascinated by. He is not only reluctant to leave, to explore the innocence of the primitive and undeveloped. He"Barbarians" idealistic, considered instincts Guide, close to nature for people, is the true fountain of creation. At this point, the high is no longer using complementary colors. He likes using red and orange, blue and green, purple and dark-brown, Indigo used as black. While painting in tones more gloomy than his early work on, but the composition is becomingMore direct and bold. Those mural works with both style and weight. 1901 at Ma Guisi Islands. Despite the extremely negative, even in this period completed his works of some of the most striking and most imaginative and lively. Nude exercise high more representative works in 1881 of the "independents" artist exhibitions were presented at a picture of a completely original onePainting "nude studies". Commenting on the article of this exhibition one critic wrote: "this picture shows a contemporary painter indisputable qualities. When all the painted nude artist nude exercises, there is no one to be able to effectively live performance of sth Vivid sth The whole body, his legs thigh slightly raised abdomen, how true. ��Today, look at this picture, we can see that this structure is in line with the image of Pissarro?��s Impressionism and dark concept. But it has a distinct tone of realism (such as wrinkles, back of deformations of the body), contrast with the more violent and dark tone; also see less clever sketches, with a disproportionate place. These irregularities, on the one hand descriptionGauguin's realism, but it also hinders the overall unity. Now saying a bit about color. Nudity is rose red and green, deep blue shadows; lingerie pink and sky blue; human interlining is to the right of the Green and blue blue black hair; wall is purple; guitar hung on the walls are yellow and black; wall hangings are yellowish-white and blue and red stripes. KatAnd tapestry of texture was perfect; the rest of the stuff is not very precise. Colors are bold, and very strong, but in the details than in the overall success. In short, the author of this work was a little consideration to the tune of bold color, lack of confidence in one's own programme of sketches, one does not have a large dynamic artists, arguing more than inspiration. ColumnBretagne swineherd of 1888 "swineherd of Brittany" the picture is in black color coated. These flat-coated surfaces are opposite to each other, so that I do not rely on the sense of tone and performance space in the middle. Some color pictures very casually, cannot reflect the reality: the forest is a purple, Orange, and red, is purple-brown, stone is a powder blue, white and Blue House is, pigs areYellow, them kids are wearing clothes of blue and purple. Brittany swineherd in short, the picture as a whole is uniform in shape and color. Its independence has reached this level, that is, to create a separate object of life--the art of life, vision of the artist's vision is not in line with reality, and we need to abstract out of the latter. Some minor detailsAlso much like Impressionism, but picture the overall style is another, that is built on the basis of the new theory; high will develop this style, and undying. He referred to this style as "glaze" and "synthesis". Indeed, a color here is like a cloisonne (Cloisons) plane distribution. It is to tile the image, not likeRelationship between the volume and performance space, avoid characterization of realism and focus on art of the first step. Jacob and the Angel 1889 year's fight between three pictures--"Jacob wrestle with the Angels" and "the Yellow Christ" and "beautiful TU Qi", fully and vividly illustrates the Gorgon's range and characteristic of symbolism. First description of two paintings are religious questionsMaterial--the high more people of this kind are rare. The Jacob wrestle with the Angels is a Christian theme. In fact SWTOR Power Leveling, the painter is characterized by symbolism depicting peasant women on when the parish priests to explain the teachings of the Brittany peninsula, produced by illusion. Art is illusion in the mind, art practices to realism on show, so art is not a ChristianImage. Brittany peasant woman wears a strange hat on head, enhance the decorative effect of the picture, and the religious legends of "fight" scene, it is processed in a less obvious place, to symbolize the pious Brittany peasant women head the image of illusion. Jacob wrestle with the angels thin appreciation of the painting: a tree trunk of horizontal blocks divided into two screens. A man with wings (So are angels) with another person (James) pinli fighting, this is a picture of a space; in the close-range, three large white hat over another. Three white hat is two Brittany peasant woman back, plus a silhouette, in dark dress looked very strong against, they form a space on their left, a line of kneeling woman, according to the perspective of customsGradually narrowing. Below the trunk has a playful cow, although very small, but it far and near and far with the Jacob wrestling the Angel, no links, so it is the third space. So, overall coating of large-area space, there are three levels, that is, with three pivot system conceived together with both. Therefore, it is a color,Structure of immaterial space. The topics of his paintings is mysterious. Red, blue, black and white images, is a picture, bending up and down the line, similar to the Byzantine mosaic. Because of the complexity of content and form, also complicate the high style of art, historians say it is comprehensive (Synthetism). HighThis style later influenced France of the Nabi and the beast. Yellow the Yellow Christ oil paintings of Christ, with its tiled surface, deep color, bold outline, and simple shape, reflecting the high "comprehensive" painting styles. Entire screen is foreground figures, crosses the vertical column and horizontal cross at the top of the wooden support.The fields, the sky and the road of the cross road strips, and women and images the curves round to the ups and downs of the trees, in stark contrast to; which it straight, curved closed and rounded shape, in stark contrast. All graphic images are consolidated in a crisp and simple. Color gorgeous, it shows the natural simplicity of the scene; the image of women is elegant, but itsHodge's temperament was still at a glance. Painting, color uniform plane and the line around images, reflecting higher aim for simple, streamlined means that, this marked contrast to the Impressionist style of painting. This painting reflects the artist painted the Yellow Christ and meticulous observation of the object: peasant women's clothing styles are very accurate, picture light tower where unique cold lightAnd those reported in the field of yellow and green, harmonious. In addition, the cross reference Aouam bridge near the Church of the passion of the Christ Statue wood painted a color. However, the artist here has been beyond the naturalistic observation, and the pursuit of emotional expression. He wrote in his diary: "to study Impressionism color, and no freedom to speak, sth They are onlyAttention to the eyes, and secret core, indifference, which fell to the position of scientific reasoning. "" Mysterious core of the idea of "expression, is the higher goal. Although he is not a farmer, but he was to his painting, found in buliedun by the people of his "strong smells in the country and superstitious color simple and naive"�� He therefore to simplify the composition of the space plane, meanwhile, the Contour lines became heavy, and strengthening the concentration of color, its purpose is to let the screen is no longer just an objective observer made records, but a simple, direct Visual symbol of devout religious beliefs. Grace of the beautiful Kira nerys in "the grace of the beautiful Kira nerys" (Figure 5) a painting, we seeTo another tone. This is a portrait of a beautiful woman. On portrait painters in the Color structure is entirely in accordance with the requirements of discretion exactly �C her face, hands and clothing. Rose, green and light blue with the image itself, and against the background of blue and Red; Buddha idols on the golden-yellow and orange make these colors look more diverse. So, this isSubject to the surface, which allows viewers to better enjoy those plain color areas. However, the artist was interested in the image itself, but he not only painted a portrait of General; color portrait to give to a supernatural phenomenon, in his fantasy portraits housed in a circle; he left of the picture, put a statue of obscure Buddha, hinted the portrait itselfGave the impression, like the idol Diablo 3 power leveling, and also a painter of Oriental mystery of exalted. The value of all this there is no reason, however, even today, many years later, artist of this illusion by force of its color, and if you can say so, with its mysteries mettlesome modeling performance so that viewers confused. Mallarm��Said more can be used for the painting of the sentence: "is amazing, so many secrets of competition can fit on such a distinctive form. "Young girl Tahiti in 1891, high creative portraits of" young girl Tahitian "is a real masterpiece. When did his love of Tahitian women marry? That kind of rough but healthy and strong sense of beauty, heMade them innocent, Frank's character, he admires their glowing skin and rich tone. He was too intoxicated by his model, that he could not be sacrificed for his method of modelling. Therefore, he painted object in an integrated way, but by no means comprehensive. No abstraction on the image factor, every line, every tune is full of praise and joy.Gauguin and the mournful tune of despair, in this painting has completely disappeared. He is far away from the civilization, away from the Ba Biai, the capital city of forest, regain peace, humanity and happiness. With joy, he again found the exact contrast tone and stability, and not as before wild color harmony. Yellow-brown skin, black hair, blue green purple clothingClothes (were a few rose and white space), showing in the first half for the orange yellow, bottom half is red, spread some of the bright green leaves background first. Even some structure, proportion, volume and defects on optical performance, has become a rare thing, because they reflect the fresh and vivid representation, reflecting the artists no arrests and noBeam. High back is to create some of these beautiful works, but works better than this is not goodbye. Roaming without soul even think "travel spirit" a painting is one of his best works. The picture is also the basis of a direct experience of life. High out of their forest cottage to once more go Ba Biai city, didn't return until late at night. "A movable or fixed, naked ThaiCaligula bending over straight lying on the bed, her eyes wide open with fear in her eyes stared at me, seemed to recognize me sth I taigula fear of infection. I think what your pair of eyes as if radiation together with phosphorescence. The past, I've never seen her so beautiful; her beauty has never been so death gaze moving. "Sheets of yellow in the back purpleKagemasa connecting orange body and blue bedspread. In our eyes, is a sudden, filled with the brilliance of harmonious, it makes people feel as though was that phosphorescent are Maori tribal people as is the soul tour in Flash. Regret is that due to high follows the principle of symbolism, in people's image of the Ghost in the picture. The image here is notAdjustable. It can only undermine the effects caused by color. "History of the birth of this painting is for those who always want to find out why and all because of what people write. In fact, it is just a picture Beach nude exercises. "Nudity itself is on the picture is real, therefore less naturalistic painting and less weird, she is more than symbolic, decorative elements more distinct process, High-more symbolism in his sacrifice after the real theme, finally produced a critical awareness, understanding that ultimately for him (and not others), the most important is precisely a site shrouded in superstitious fear aura nude exercises.����Where did we come from? who we are? where do we go? In February 1897, more completeLargest creative career of a painting: "where did we come from? who we are? where we going?". This picture, in his words, "its significance goes far beyond all previous work; I will work out better and where did we come from? Who are we? Where we go? Picture, have the same value. I am dying I have invested yourself energiesPeople in this picture. Here how much I have in all the terrible experience of grief in the environment, where my eyes can see how true and without correction, so that all traces of reckless rush there, is life itself they see sth A whole month, I have been in a State of unspeakable madness, day and night painting the painting sth Even though itTune in the Middle, but the scenery is quite stable and Veronese in blue-green. All are highlighted in bright orange naked in front of the scenery. "As we all know, any impression of a work of art is derived from reality theory of translocation; therefore, the works of art both abstract and concrete. Gauguin Impressionist painter and reality is the differenceNone of the abstract in his plays a great role in creating. As we can see, this is not only more the characteristics of a person, can also be seen in the works of C��zanne and Georges Seurat. Gorgon is different, is characteristic of his abstract: he's a solid color, and his comprehensive method, the line of decorative and not the depth (third degree) his way, by himself andNamed the symbolism of (integrated) style, but also for the creation of high life left an immortal memory. We worship our pilgrimage to Mary we worship Mary, Mary was his creation of the where did we come from? Who are we? Where we go? Before painting the idea of work. Tahitian woman picking fruit in the wild, often in theHold the mystery of praying for God's activity. The composition of this painting is actually a comprehensive religious conception and reality. Left to take the children's mother, was dressed in a bright red skirt Surya Bahadur Thapa, similar to a picture of a field sketch portrait, nude scenes in praying for God to the right woman, is a band from Javanese Temple relief. Under the rays of the Sun, showing a primitive deity. Background colorColor is a mottled bright, everything there is no sense of perspective, color, and rich decoration of the body is flat. Too esoteric meaning it does not exist, is not worth the watch to bother weighing. Says it's mysterious, is that image in the picture is a composite of income suggests. Characteristic early style simplification of forms and colors of decorations even earlier work simplification of form and colorDecorative effect, but not out of the Impressionist techniques. Later several times to France Brittany authoring of ancient villages, local customs, folk prints and interested in Oriental style of painting, abandoning the original realistic drawing. As tired of city life, is still in the primitive custom of tribal life and art, even desperate, go all the way across the ocean to the South PacificAn island life and draw on the ocean, until he died. Even with great enthusiasm depicts the lives of indigenous peoples and in good faith. Work with lines and a strong sense of color blocks, with a strong subjective color and decorative effect. Gauguin art of great influence on modern painting, he was known as the "founder". Far away and Miss exotic high always seem to go offTo a distant, missed those exotic places. In love, finally materialized in the faith in his salvation. Maybe all contemporaries of the artist's feelings, require abandoning the classical modern civilization and cultural obstacles, in the original way of life back to a simpler, more basic. Gauguin's significance in modern art, lies in his painting the essence of faith, He is the essence of painting as something independent of the nature of things, as memories of experiences in a "comprehensive" rather than Impressionist believes that direct perception of things in experiences. He kept similar to the use of painting and music, harmony, color and line color as abstract forms. Compared to most of peer artists, his exploration of the veryTo a greater extent under the influence of Oriental, classical and original art before. We are in his possession, finding the roots of modern Primitivism, found he aspire to be a way of expression, to abandon the traditional habits of Western forces, going back to the prehistoric humans and the savage truth, so as to reach the truth. One Martini in the landscape of the island, the strong color is beyond theEmbodied in the normal range of paint color, tropical island attraction to him is obvious. When he returned to Arab-looking bridge in 1888, painting the vision after the sermon, the picture reflects that attitude. This is a picture of a stunning work, by red, blue, black and white combination in a picture. Bend up and down the line, a Byzantine mosaic effect,Leighton farmers of religious fantasy. This is the literature of the new faith, it affects the Nabi and Fauvism younger factions. Perhaps his greatest creative, is the dominant red protagonists fighting for arbitrary use of the color in the color field. This painting is the first full color statement, as an end in itself rather than the color of natureDescription of species. On this theory, he signs a great liberation movement in the history of Western art. Also, abstract painting means performance, high compression to make space in the background of the dominant red eye-catching, jumping, beyond the immediate farmer the prospect's head. Gauguin Tahiti for the development of painting, in the shape of space exploration is not necessarily consistent.In the artist's imagination is full of a variety of different concepts, a Visual and symbolic, each concept is most suitable for the style of expression. Therefore, in some of the worship section has become a tradition of landscape painting, is shortened significantly in depth composition. Figures in the painting, shows him Ecstasy from ancient Egypt to the present day Polynesian of a variety of non-Western influences. The"God" is the product of the artist. High focus on themes of mystery and released on the piety of God, but he was so absorbed is composed of curved lines of red, blue and yellow shape of mystical experience. That kind of lines filled the screen. The two Tahitian Women on the scene, it is a short hymn of praise sensual beauty. From yellow to deepDifferent green colors in the structure, outline of the show two women, appear like a low relief in the background. Although line shape, but two Tahitian women head and arm is a subtle shade changes to performance. In this work, took pains made-up myth has gone without, artist's model structure theory, subject to the subject of extreme happiness, althoughColor harmony and works as a lovely, painting as before closure and restriction of space, yet the relief-like projection of the three-dimensional figures, classical and neo-classical look of relief, pull on the relationship. The Tahitian girl depicted was a scene of women workers living on the island. Picture two Tahitian Women on the beach at the beach imagePeople with a sense of balance, and solemn. In order to highlight this particular customs, high is near the ancient Egypt paintings James way, deliberately reveal single coating of structural form of unadorned and childish. Two characters on the picture very rich Oriental coloring fun. Large area painting, decorative painting, in strong sunlight exposure on the indigenous people into ochre brown skin, and bright skirts poseSharp colour contrast. More tropical original gardens simplified here, however enhance the atmosphere. The picture on the exotic, rich natural features, there is no sense of perspective, no color, full of subjective taste decoration. Against Impressionism high pure Objectivism in Paris against Impressionism "pure Objectivism". He stressed that the painting should express theirFeel so subjective feelings to control the screen. Western critics said his drawing for "enamel"--a bold in-line flat paint, black edges. Has since appeared in the West in the late 19th century when photography, painting requires more strongly calls for innovation, France classicism that delicate paintings depicts method, almost unanimous rejection. Painters requested in the screen looking for newArtistic language. They believe that images should not be completely out of the actual objects on the screen are similar. Where a block of lines, colors, and composition of images, artists own emotional form. In a Word, to be "subjective and objective". This site of the Tahitian girls have such simple "beauty of the original" feature. Here perspective distance method has no colorIs organized and briefly, the characters are one-dimensional, but all these constitute a tonal is exciting. Its decoration brings a rugged tribal life. Rich color and simplicity of the soil on the island working life and character TERA CD-key, and gives high more pictures of a particular style. Later styles focusing on La Tache of human life even in largeYeung Chau spent in this period (1891-1893 years and three years in Tahiti, and 1901-1903 on Dominica Island), is the most mature and most important of his creative period. During this period he painted la Tache with dedicated people, draw their life customs and religious ceremonies. He found on the island to the fullestColor of French Polynesia found Maori form of different from the image of the people of Europe. Cyan, green, yellow, red, snow, bright and clear like that match, even the sun itself, and sometimes different from other places. Maori half naked, golden body, as well as their style of decoration, make him drunk like crazy. Even married a Maori girl wives�� His compatriots from his wife that many local myths and religious practices. Place fictitious and symbolic paintings which are reflected in his works. In his symbol and molding into the art of fiction. Flat coated pure color rendering, strengthening the mystery of the painting and of singular factors. He also came up with some containing many of the meaning of the name, used as the title of the painting,Let people look for it from the picture of potential meanings. The luster is bright, topics to understand and the image is an original wild bright work, is not so much the life in this strange world of concrete, reflect this colonial peoples of Polynesia than humanity. In 1898, author of the where did we come from? Who are we? Where we go? Is a largeMango girl oil painting. According to his own saying, this is the philosophical works he completed with the greatest enthusiasm. Because prior to that, he was sick as well as poor in a very depressed mood. He was unable to lift themselves out of poverty, had to resort to Paris on his art of sin, he is cynical, decided to commit suicide. He had run to the mountains to eat poison drugs, attempted in his own body after death and feed animalsIn order to completely release, but was rescued by found. Then he suddenly have a strong creative desire. He said, "before I die I plan to paint a magnificent masterpiece, I am following an unprecedented, worked day and night for a month. "He wanted to turn everything in his dream into a painting. When he was waking up, he felt the face frame "see" him to paint the whole concept of "weWhere did it come from? Who are we? Where we go? "This phrase became the title of the painting. In 1896, has completed a piece of land of the aromatic, and his another composition of the holding of the mango woman. Depicting the deformation of tropical plants, a group wearing clothes and half naked women image of the upper interval stands in the middle of a fruit forest, there are a few squatChildren who ate the fruit on the ground. Here tend to flatten the image, there's no exact proportional relationship, expressed the artist on fantasy of life, a desire to understand and get to the bottom of this fantasy of living of indigenous peoples. So this two pictures from the composition of the image, rich decorative taste. Gauguin to Tahiti on a comprehensive recreation of the exotic scenery. Evaluation of later generations: greatPortray Islander artist painting a much higher original customs and ceremonies, the charactor thick Toyozane, large areas of color coating, contour lines visible, rich in symbolic and decorative effect, significant impact on symbolism and Surrealism. \ "Gorgon is not only a great artist, and friend. \ "\" High prefers to let people know: a good painting should be equivalent to a goodBehavior. ���� When you are in contact with him, you can not help but think a certain amount of responsibility. \ "From the history of art, said high-more symbolism of the dominant figure, pioneer of the original, master of style. He has thoughts, feelings, and mysterious balance between Visual image. Others:

note in the cake Rift Platinum note in the cake - HUNK

129809647319430000_680Production material ingredient: rice (600 g) glutinous rice powder (400 g) ingredients: red yeast rice (5 grams) white granulated sugar (200 gram) production process 1. rice flour, glutinous rice powder containers, plus red yeast rice powder, sugar and a small amount of water will win the cake mix and let rise 1 hour. 2. place rice noodles in the winning cake within the model, press, and scrape on the surface with a knife, onCage with a roaring fire steam for 20 minutes, to the cake surface with long maturity, and turn buckles on record on the Board. In the Tang dynasty, Changshu people for 121 cake bigger, Geely, claim officials in favor also, then came up with a very good way: pear wood carved into containers of all sorts of flowers and leaves, just hold one or two wet-rice noodles, rice flour mixed with water mixed with various flowers andGreen Herb juice, there are red, yellow, green; end of container port is small, easy to pour out; pattern is half a peach, morning glory, Plum, pallet, bevel, the five stars, and so on. Steamer on the after poured a steaming, hot red marks on the cover, was named "peak cake". (See legend of the mind better than cake) recipe nutrition rice: rice can improve the body's immune function, improves blood circulation,And reduce the chances of hypertension; rice can prevent diabetes, diseases such as beriberi, senile plaque, and constipation; crude fiber of rice bran layer, gastrointestinal motility SWTOR CD-key, gastric diseases, constipation, hemorrhoids, and other effects are good. Glutinous rice flour: glutinous rice contains protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B1, B2, Nicotinic Acid and starch living cable, the nourishment is abundant, for reinforcement of temperatureFood with BU Zhong Yi Qi, invigorating the spleen and stomach, sweating due to debility of the effects, of deficient cold of spleen and stomach, poor appetite, abdominal distention and diarrhea have a certain effect; sticky rice collection and astringent effect, frequency, night sweats have a better therapeutic effect. Recipe grams of rice: rice should not be horse meat, honey with fresh; non-food with xanthium sibiricum, otherwise it will lead to heartache. Nutrients �� thermal (4250 kcal) �� protein (75.4 g) �� FAT (7.6 g) �� carbohydrates (970.6 g) �� dietary fiber (6. song to win cake 180 g) �� thiamine (1.4 mg) �� riboflavin (0.64 mg) �� Nick acid (17 mg) �� vitamin e(11.22 mg) �� calcium (210 mg) �� phosphorus (1194 mg) �� potassium (1140 mg) �� sodium (21.2 mg) �� mg (406 mg) �� iron (14 mg) �� zinc (14.98 mg) �� SE (25.84 ��g)�� Copper (2.22 mg) �� MN (210.34 milligrams) a shape in Changshu, historical and cultural places of popular pastries like Acer truncatum, called victory cake, folk customs, each time fetching the bride on the move, now still have to habit of winning cake, auspicious festive. Talked about its origins, also associated with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. That year, Zhong-wanglixiucheng the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom forces of mightySwing swing set out to the Changshu, opening along food, relief of the poor. Said a sale of dim sum King old man, small businesses, due to Government plundered, local ruffians and RIP, businesses have done down, thanks to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, diet, keep he spend a little family business, and doing a pastry. He worked, pull open the voice singing my song song of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom: "tooReally good, support for the poor, Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the poor of Acer truncatum Bunge "as sung by Wang Laobo, since after the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom to Changshu city, favourable TERA CD-key, produced plenty of people live and work, and plundered the wealth of the nation and its people by corrupt officials, local ruffians and did not dare to ride roughshod. Gone to the Qing emperor Tongzhi reign that year, Qing army sent out from the Jiangnan camp, to invest heavilyAttack the stationed in Changshu city of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. For the Defense Army of the Qing dynasty, Taiping Heavenly Kingdom at Yu ling in Shandong province to construct military facilities, according to Zhuge Liang's stone is said to gossip, all Yellowstone base, project. Changshu site in the mountains so far, said Shi Ying of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. When people are welcome soldiers with food and drink, to reward Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. The news was King after the old man knew and thought: Taiping Heavenly Kingdom on his exHill, now monsters of the Qing engaged and a bloody battle in the former, what can I take to express it? He and his family discuss decided to do cakes overnight, next day pick to sympathy. Whole family busy, even next to help a teenage son Rift Platinum, pinch cake to indiscriminately and said, "Dad, this is uncle to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. "The old man at Wang, son pinch cake of two large, intermediateSmall, like Acer truncatum, suddenly remembered the folk songs sung in Word and said: "well, Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the poor of Acer truncatum Bunge. I today changed the way, did the yuanbao cake! "So, the whole family busy for a whole night, thousands of Acer truncatum Bunge cake. Dawn is just breaking, old man stir up Shi Ying Wang ran. The site, break down, Shi Ying big and imposing, Yellowstone baseThe natural barrier, take mountain winding stretch, tight military camp, yifudangguan, wanfumokai. Thousands of Sergeant days a lot of midnight oil, internal project has been completed, is the surface area busy. Wang Laobo of Acer truncatum cake pairs sent to the Sergeant's hands. We ate this grotesque cake, fragrant, and very sweet, delicious, and was about to ask what is this cake, TenaHe had disappeared. Originally, the King of the old man out of curiosity, has swiftly ran into Shi Ying, wanted to see what was going on, everyone knows this is a military secret, not to mention seven going eight curved, like a scam or, outsiders have to go, or not. King of the old man in it around for a bit, go out, anxious sweat. His important numbers, belt out again: "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom really well designed for poorPeople backing of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the poor of Acer truncatum. "This song blow out Shi Ying, and finally be heard by Sergeant, immediately take him out. At stake, people broke into Shi Ying, Sergeant Reporter General, General and gradual respect Suzhou loyal Palace to report. Zhong wanglixiucheng perspicacious, that old man Wang Yongjun, just straying Shi Ying, you don't have to condemn. Stationed in ChangshuTaiping Heavenly Kingdom and established the wine is King of the old man help SB. get over a shock, reception people say old man Wang sing sing well, also invited him to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom theater stage performances! Site of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom theater stage in zijin Street, Changshu city, and at the end of synhovd Lane East of Yan ling in the public hall, Xianfeng County for ten years (1860) occupied by Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in Changshu, Ling Temple renovated the building, performance Theatre, encouraged by the officers and men, and King of the old man is only to playChangshu people building performance. So, this Acer truncatum Bunge cake you are really better than cake? There is a story. Later, the soldier as wantonly attacking of the Qing dynasty Changshu, Taiping Heavenly Kingdom covering Shi Ying, Qing soldiers attack for a long time, and would like to find a man of understanding Shi Ying terrain, a local ruffians and gave the King the old man, saying only he Shi Ying, must know the facts. Old man caught and King of Qing soldiers, he Shi YingReal situation. King said the old man is not a Word. Qing soldiers lifted his tortured and beat to a Frazzle, King old man is simply not speaking. Finally, the Qing dynasty soldiers before the decisive battle and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the old man said to the King: "as long as you say the officers and men to win, long lost, let you do not die. "(Long hair, is the Qing dynasty Imperial Court defamation Taiping Heavenly Kingdom) Wang Laobo suddenly opened the mouth, loudly says," Taiping Heavenly KingdomWinning, pure demon losing! "Shameful rage of Qing soldiers, killed the King of the old man. This decisive battle, Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was a great victory, defeated the Qing soldiers and flee in a panic. To commemorate the old man Wang, everyone wins this Acer truncatum Bunge shapes of cakes called cake. Legends win cake cake! it was told in older, in the Tang dynasty, official provision of Changshu city, cakes on the city you want to measure, a rose basket of riceDo ten, about 121, called "Rose Cake". Changshu people for 121 cake bigger, Geely, claim officials in favor also, then came up with a very good way: pear wood carved into containers of all sorts of flowers and leaves, just hold one or two wet-rice noodles, rice flour mixed with water mixed with juices of various flowers and plants, including red, yellow,Green, end of container port is small, easy to pour out, pattern is half a peach, morning glory, Plum, pallet, bevel, five star, and so on. Steamer on the after poured a steaming, hot red marks on the cover, was named "peak cake". To the Ming dynasty, the war more and more, people put "its cake" gave the soldier able-bodied man as food, was named "victory cake." From "Rose Cake""Its cake", then to "win the cake", although the tone has not changed, mean gradient. It is said that for some time there will be "Rose Cake" and "soaring firecrackers" to officials, meaning "high". Believe it or not is up to you! "Legend of the winning cake 3" it is said that during the Song Chaojian inflammatory, gold cute invasion Linan, Hangzhou, is like the army and can't play like wild dogs FoundationFeet, storm fall from Linan to pingjiang, bursts into the Suzhou city. At that time, the name Han Shizhong was Songjiang area garrison in Southern Song dynasty, I heard that Kinbyo retreat north, and his wife, Liang Hongyu immediately led the 8,000 people, laid an ambush at the shores of Lake Taihu, attacks Golden North exit. Gold with a cute surprise Han Shizhong was on the Great Lakes, had a record SAP, very irritated, busy seeking reinforcements, and Han ShiLoyalty world war. This battle took the 7,749 days, played a day to go out, even the monarch also was wide berthat parties of Taihu Lake. The saying goes: "a difficulty in retaining four hands, still shy of four hands. "Han jiajun although brave and good fighter, 8,000 people where can fight the 100,000 gold. Sheng Jin Wu, there shall be a good gauge stunt. For this, Han Shizhong days and nights at Mull, and have no appetite for food and drinks, eyesGo Red with. One night, bodyguards, said to be his wife. Han Shizhong looked up and saw his wife, Liang Hongyu trying to deliver a cake, humbly runs came in says: "General, Suzhou people and sent to a few sweet cake basket, cheer soldiers. The pastries, they said, be sure to please your taste, this is their a little bit. "Han Shizhong took a look at this cake styleVery chic, two large, fine, quite like a sample. They reach a, one broke off, note in the cake, says four phrases: "enemy camp like tongue, small waist, cut off, and two do not. "Han Shizhong was surprising, hastened to greet his wife, his wife said:" people really know the General's mind, you see, the four sentences is not comeTell us: position of the Golden Army, people feel, and look out, it's good news! "Han Shizhong was pleased he said:" Yes, and I are exploring the enemy these days, haven't touched out playing, gold thieves position can be people I know. According to this view, I immediately sent troops to waist-cut the Kinbyo, let them first and last not xianggu, pins and disorder, and the opportunity to kill, Win. "So, Han Shizhong night moving missile, like a flying, straight to the enemy camp in the middle to kill. Suddenly, Jin Jun morale and disorder, Kinbyo like pinching the head of the fly, the North and South ends, only their own duolu fled. When Huang Tiandang fled all the way near the Zhenjiang, was already arrived at Liang Hongyu crack head pains, and wounded more than half; way too was caught in the Lake stormAnd drowned countless. Battle of Lake Taihu, sweep Han jiajun, Suzhou people sent samples of cakes, State did a. Because the Tenon and win the homonym, Han Shizhong will give the cake called "winning cake". Because words win cake good luck, happy, so later Suzhou people often like to win the cake as a festive and holiday gift present for family and friends. This practice has beenTo the present. Others:


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129809336020836250_981Bank of China International Finance Research Institute recently published research report (hereinafter referred to as "research report"), the current risk point in China's economic operation focused on four main areas, one is overcapacity problems; the second is foreign exchange problems; three credit growth issue, and the adjustment problems of real estate. Refers to the excess investment in fixed capital, labour, raw materials and other elements inBest under certain level of output, more than the actual yield of a State determined by market demand. The past ten years, investment in stimulating economic growth in the period of high growth in China at the same time, enables the rapid expansion of production capacity, storing up problems for later the excess. Now, the hidden danger is gradually emerging, particularly in a number of industrial products prices, benefit substantially in a landslide.Since last year, along with the economic downturn, demand, some sharp price declines, steel, cement, iron ore and coal are most typical. Studies show that, 2011 Chinese domestic demand for crude steel is approximately 660 million tons, while domestic crude steel production capacity estimated at 770 million tons, excess capacity leading to falling prices of iron ore and steel, industrial efficiencyDeclining profits of industrial enterprises by the beginning of 2011 fell all the way to growth of around 35% per cent in December, stripping out of monopoly industry of huge profits, profit growth is even slower in other industries, or even negative growth in some industries. Kirk Wong, head of research, from the perspective of micro-level, excess production capacity will lead directly to the enterprise operation and capacity underutilization, caused byWaste of economic resources, reducing the efficiency of enterprise production and management. From a macro point of view, overcapacity in many industries, will result in overall price levels decreased markedly, and formed a strong deflationary pressure will enable enterprises to investment and consumption are expected to decline, growing downward pressure on economic growth, and will probably cause an increase in non-performing assets, financial risk. Central Bank recently announcedData show that in January this year added $ 140.9 billion of foreign exchange in China, but February incremental was once again dropped to $ 25.1 billion TERA Power Leveling, on 2012 year scale of foreign exchange in the market growth is concerned. Generally expect, scale at about $ 2 trillion of Foreign Exchange accounts for growth this year, significantly lower than the past few years the average annual level of $ 3 trillion. In the 4th quarter of last year, foreign exchangeAppears to have negative growth. Kirk Wong considers foreign exchange and capital projects are not completely open and close to the exchange rate mechanism. On one hand, many years of trade and FDI (foreign direct investment) double surplus resulting foreign exchange inflows continued to increase, enterprises continue to sell foreign currency to commercial banks in exchange for currency, commercial banks also had to sell large amounts of foreign exchange to the people's BankThe other hand, has since 1994 currency reform, in China always adhere to the principle of appreciation of the exchange rate basically stable without progressive. However, the massive surpluses lead to market to the appreciation of the Renminbi has been expected, international capital pouring into the domestic market. To maintain the basic stability of the exchange rate, the Central Bank had to buy foreign exchange hedging. Exchange rate in China in 2003Year began to rise quickly wow cd-key, to maintain until the 2009 30% of the high growth. As of 2011, the scale of China's foreign exchange accounted for up to 25 trillion yuan, grew by nearly 17 times than they were 10 years ago. Research report pointed out that, in the short term, under the influence of the European debt crisis, especially developed countries, economic growth is not optimistic about the future of the global economy. February trade deficit of up to 315Billions of dollars, is the largest trade deficit of 4 times. In the long run, Japan and the United Kingdom and Germany, exports of history shows that export share of total global GDP of a country is difficult to exceed 3%, share of the global trade is difficult to exceed 10%. About China's export share of total global GDP reached 2.8%, per cent of global exports close to 10%, has hit the ceiling, Which means that the basis of appreciation has been changed. Last quarter of 2012, governed by the credit crunch and economic growth, purchase policies and other factors, "qi fell". Specifically, in January-February this year, from a sales point of view, national sales 70.04 million square meters, down 14%, sales of commercial housing 414.5 billionYuan, down 20.9% in 2011, representing a cumulative growth fell and 18.9%, the cumulative growth even more in 2009 for the first time since the "positive" to "negative". In February, a link and an increase of house prices decline of cities are significantly increased. However, in February, late start, Under the rigid role factors such as demand is the release of, a number of urban real estate market "price fall" warmed up the symptoms. According to the China index Academy, cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing residential business area of rebound, but prices continued to drop. This regulation in line with the Government's expectations, also showed that the real estate market is entering a reasonAdjustment phase. From the sources, 2012 1 February, real estate financing to $ 1.4 trillion, the cumulative growth of 16.2% compared in 2011, representing fell 0.1%. Domestic loans to $ 311.6 billion, Trojan up 16.3%, increase of 8.6% per cent compared with last year, personal mortgage loan of 1296Billion, an increase of 1.2%. Research report believes that small increase in domestic housing mortgage loans and personal loans, on the one hand, benefited from financial institutions are increasing their investments in affordable housing and housing needs of credit Diablo 3 gold, real estate Enterprise Fund chain tension had eased, while supporting the real estate market has also warmed up, making personal housing mortgage loanThe growth. From the perspective of real estate investments, 2012 1 real estate investment 543.1 billion yuan in February, the cumulative growth of 27.8% in 2011, representing a cumulative growth fell by only 0.1% per cent, down speed is less than-expected investment growth, the reason for this is: first, real estate financing, particularly the growth of domestic loans remained good, leading companiesInvestment in money difficulties and greatly compressed and, secondly, of subsidized housing investments on merchandise housing investment alternative is emerging, leading to still maintain a relatively rapid growth rate for real estate investment. Kirk Wong said while the real estate market has entered a "price drop" benign adjustment and self healing phase, however, the current real estate market also saw a number of new issues, such as the first Resident GeneralSome impact housing demand. At the same time, prices are still far exceed residents ' ability to pay, housing supply and demand remains prominent structural contradictions, rise in prices caused by irrational system still does not address. Research report believes that last quarter of 2012, as the "rigid demands" of further releases, moderate for the time being, the financial support of the policy role to strengthen role of multiple factors such as,Real estate market will be "snap fall" stage into "price delay" or "prices slightly up" stage, the real estate market will further warmed up. First, financial tensions eased, prompting real estate supply and demand will be enlarged and, second, since the beginning of February 2012, financial institutions increased the demand of buyers credit support, mainly reflected in theFirst set of mortgage lending rate was high, so the "rigid demands" will further release, real estate turnover will be magnified in addition, due to the volume of the amplifier is bound to push prices up, but due to the rigid demand and volume of turnover comes mainly from not increasing significantly, so prices could rise only slightly. Set of inventory after the release of the 3rd quarter, willEnter "align falling" downward path which means that 2012 will remain volatile downward trend. In addition, research report pointed out that the current amount of credit caused by low lower industrial production and fixed investment, macroeconomic slowdown risks increase. For stable growth, the need for structural adjustment of the monetary policy significantly increases. (Editors: Huo Yuqian) Others:

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129809335860992500_713Zhang Jie Zhang Jie star got quite the statement of ups and downs in recent days, a "fans raise termination payments for Zhang Jie" question of fever on the on the network, users have questioned raised for the 2008 fan as Zhang Jie and "old master" whereabouts unknown free kill millions of money on, and Zhang Jie took the money that year, did not live up to fans "not held ticket concert"Commitments. In response, Zhang Jie's brokerage firm comprehensive sealing. Release Entertainment General Manager Chen Yaochuan said to have been received on the compensation does not hold money sources. Yesterday (May 6), Zhang Jie delegate agency day entertainment issued a personal statement, stressed that "I've never been embezzlement, misappropriation fans to raise money, on the media distorted the facts, acts of malicious damage to reputation, I will remain throughLegal right to be investigated. "The new carding information found in news reporters, this thing exists in many areas of doubt, not a few words to explain. "Restores" 2004-I signed up I show champion Zhang Jie up entertainment, he also participate in the "fastest man" competition won the fourth prize, so interested in signing day entertainment media, but the original brokerage firms ask for contract termination fee of 100, entertainment by Zhang Jie kill fee itself. To this end, fans of Zhang Jie in 2008 launched a "in the name of freedom--to the Big Dipper starting concert" fund-raising activities. Users "public vest 332,211" says kill fee $ 500,000 was spent that year, donation remaining after the money was gone. Zhang Jie had previously promised to hold two not ticket salesConcerts are outstanding, many have hardcore fans disappointed. "Doubt" is "ambiguous accept", or "no hands"? Fans raise $ 1 million, in Zhang Jie's fans, there are two versions, one is: Fan said: "when fans strive scrape together $ 1 million to President Zhang Jie in the hands of his ambiguous attitude and took the moneyWhen he promised rich held a concert in the future, thank you fans of contributions of unpaid tickets, but did not refer to this thing today. When some fans donated tens of dollars, some junior high school or even elementary school children also donated ten or twenty dollars, to scrape together enough, the $ 1 million. Now, he opened a $ 900,000 for Land Rover car, with $ 500 Diablo 3 gold,000Appearance fees, his mansion in Beijing and Na Xie exposure make people blush, weddings are lavish of their $ 30 million, but where have you committed? "In addition, fans also claimed that" lawsuit composition practical of that year to $ 640,000, $ 360,000 in remaining where? Zhang Jie pockets! "The second version is: interview with one 2008 Zhang Jie fans are senior members, she said that: "fans will intervene with the up, reached a $ 1 million termination payment agreement. $ 1 million raised in place, fans will be responsible for finance on meeting directly with the senior management of the bank card to make name, money not by Zhang Jie. "Allegedly, Zhang Jie thus restoring freedom. Fan management group has told fans that, Zhang JieMeans that part of the money will be back in a charitable manner, and these years, Zhang Jie used to make money for charity at millions of dollars. Reporters comment: there is little doubt that, Zhang Jie has a good fan. But to be honest, even when the whole witnessed the participation of Zhang Jie "fast men" game journalists, fans helped Zhang Jie redeem oneself of this happened very weak, visible powderGiving is a very sincere, not as hyped. The other hand, both in that year's competition, also interviewed Zhang Jie is after so many years in various occasions, he never actively mentioned it. Apparently, Zhang Jie was not willing to recall the past. Zhang Jie has handled the money, he said in a statement "this is not my hand", where fans"Dubious accepted" and "not ticket concert held" promise? Is he free entertainment from the body and back in the year, himself did not feel strange? Or do you think everything is taken for granted? "Doubt the second" end is the full termination payment, or "part of the termination payment"? In Zhang Jie's statement TERA Gold, he said: "thank you for my care! I've never forgotten, in my career the most difficultAt all times, fans will give me support and help, spontaneous and raise funds directly to the broker before making a partial termination payments, help me through the hard times, successfully resolving disputes before me and brokerage firms. This without my hand. But bring me shocked and touched on this matter, will affect my life. "One" part of the termination payment "five words is quite glaring. And fans claimed thatBy raising $ 1 million on termination payments paid to free entertainment there is a certain contradiction. Reporters comment: imagine fans raise $ 1 million of capital is only part of Zhang Jie kill gold, Zhang Jie, fans, as well as free entertainment on three parties affirmed the need for a detailed communication, communication should have three parts: 1. free entertainment produced on specific number of termination payments; 2. Zhang JieThey can take up to much? 3. the fans how much force to make up for the rest of the funding gap. But all the signs indicate that this third party is not a communication relationship. If you exclude the free entertainment on two of termination payments received may be, remains only a possibility, is that fans helped Zhang Jie of the termination of all payments, the "partial termination payment" was intriguing. "Doubt three" why to avoid "holding not ticket concert" promise? In Zhang Jie's statement, full-text no mention "not ticket concert held" commitment. Why he studiously avoided the words? Is also worth pondering. You want to know the "no ticket concert" means is "zero revenue" concert, and Zhang Jie is now popular, concerts, of course, not too shabby,This also means that the cost of stage design, site, and even paid for security personnel, will be paid by Zhang Jie I, this number will certainly not cheap. Want to do a concert, not his usual company to manage their, they easily came as easy as singing dancing. Do not do a concert, obviously depends on two factors, Zhang Jie and my determination to economic strength. Zhang Jie isNot resolve it? Is not the economic strength it also? Reporters comment: participation in "super boy" before, reporters have interviewed on a small activity in Shanghai was in the down position of Zhang Jie. Remember that coincided with the celebrity Division of the I type what I show free entertainment on the ocean from defecting, and they asked him how Shi Yang, Zhang Jie's answer at that time was "one of the most important enough". Did not expectA few months later Diablo 3 CD-KEY, he has become a "super boy" of four, and became famous in one fell swoop. Although his popularity mainly depends on the strength of his own, however, Xie na and help fans play a decisive role. In short journalists were not believed when Zhang Jie has the ability to afford that expensive of termination payments. As fans said Zhang Jie was open now of 900,000 vehicles, are hundreds ofUniversal mansion, weddings, also called is the luxury of money out, but drink from, ever made such a commitment, Zhang Jie, in addition to "thank my fans" often hung on the outside of the mouth, helped the year should give his fans a return? Is also a new declaration. (Editor: Liu Hongrui) Others:

yellow anthers in the Middle SWTOR CD-key yellow anthers in the Middle - XWNZ

129809647260523750_559Crack alias Ye Qiu haitang Begonia Division characteristics of Taiwan duck feet TERA Gold, perennial herbs, high 40-65cm wow power leveling, the leaves are twisted oval, edges are jagged. leaves are hairy on both sides are ridged. flowering from May to the end of September, polygamy, but different flowers, male flowers have four flaps, pink, yellow anthers in the Middle, most Stamen, femaleIs a five-disc, pink, flower size approximately 1.5cm. fruit is capsule. Taiwan duck feet with water distribution in Taiwan at low elevations in the North SWTOR CD-key, likes to grow in water or moist, often a large growth, coupled with green leaves and red flowers, particularly striking. Taiwan duck feet, a very strange name, but as soon as you see the leaves can get it, imagine itCrack a little deep, is not like duck feet? section of the begonia leaf is the characteristic is asymmetrical-shaped, large, small, home garden variety as well. Others:

no fewer than 50 Diablo 3 power leveling no fewer than 50 - NAEV

129809336302398750_1434"Check in money? Hunan title judges eligible for termination "track on May 4, netizens claimed College is responsible for the lists of titles that the judges just determined that is disclosed, Police Academy Professor laoben who is a judge in the hotel" check in money ". On May 5, on its official website, the Department of education of Hunan province on the matter responded: have now terminated Yibing LiuProfessor 2011 series titles expert qualifications of teachers in colleges and universities, the situation is further investigation and verification. See the news, Han Hui Hunan provincial system staff (pseudonym) was relieved, his relatives in September this year in the work of colleges and universities would also like to comment on the title, he is dotted around. Analysis of the current situation, "this cost savings." Han HuiAlthough not as a review group members, but in years of accreditation organizations work, deep knowledge of accreditation rules. Yesterday, he told reporters some college titles inside. Keywords determine the judges "Department of education did not take the judges a cut" randomly selected judge shall be published professional titles in colleges and universities of Hunan provincial Web site management program shows the judges become judges has three steps. First of all, expertsApproved by qualified second, leading group qualification approval submitted to the provincial level modification, allowed to be formed after the judges library third, before the review time (only judges can review site is reached by regular time) taking the judges, extracted by people joined the staff of the Office of social services and the Department of education, discipline inspection and supervision departments of the Office of two follow-up. Han Hui said, there are provisions of each expertCan serve as judges for two consecutive years. Even if the names were randomly drawn for three consecutive years, you must exit. Han Hui said, according to the subject, subject of 300 people in the judges, small subjects have more than 100 people, elected by the subject judges are only 4-5 students, more than but up to more than 10 judges. In accordance with the provisions of the Department of education of Hunan province, receive the re-election chances of the judges is verySmall. "Five consecutive years" "here in the US, University title judge was arrested four or five years. "Han Hui said. On May 2, claiming to go Yibing Liu Yang Zhao, Associate Professor of money (pseudonym) also refers to a similar situation, physical review group had a judge have been working here for 5 years. "Old faces abound. "The reporters asked several of the teachers were able to guess who the judges are。 Introduction to Han Hui, determine if the judge candidate Department of Education Department of teachers ' work with the teacher education Department in each of the judges from the list of intended to be reported to the approval of the Office of human resources management, which almost does not change the list. Reporters yesterday afternoon the phone asked Director of Hunan provincial Department of education teachers and teacher-training education He Anxi, for many teachers reflect the number of experts re-elected judge for many years, this is aReal? In this regard, He Anxi and did not answer. Related Department whether or not to participate in determining the list of judges in the profit-making? Be denied He Anxi, represents a list of titles that the judges are people in Hunan province, Hunan provincial discipline inspection departments established under the supervision of two units, "absolutely no education Department of teachers from the judges take a cut in his hand". Keyword list disclosure orList of channels to know the judges "was informed that the list within a few hours," May 2, when close to work, located in Yueyang of Hunan Institute of technology, Associate Professor, one of Liu Li has been judge Director of information. Another claim to go laoben Lynn, Associate Professor of money (pseudonym) I get the message very early time, news has just come out, he learned that afternoon. One judge's close friend the first time learned thatThe matter and notify him. Within just a few hours, the judges name is known to the whole teachers participated in colleges and universities in Hunan province. Where information disclosed? Liu Li, said several of his colleagues keep in touch with the Department of education and the Office of human resources management had been so to hear the message. Hunan Institute of science and another teacher said, is a Dean's list of teachers for help about the judges. "Transfer of judges who participatedStill know "according to Han Hui understanding list revealed three main channels: Department of education, Office of personnel and judges. More deal due to Dean's Office and the Department of education, Office of personnel, many of the teachers of the school by the Dean's Office to ask for information. Because the school is on the hope that we can comment on some of the senior title. Judges themselves and people around them to spread out information. Lynn is the channel through whichKnow, "when determining the list of judges, will have with these officers familiar with the teachers to call to confirm, after once you have verified that the wind would leave out". Han Hui said, even though they closed in hotel reviews TERA CD-key, you can still send money. Review work in Changsha hotel for many years, such as pureed Park Hotel, hotels in Hunan province. Review every year, teachers from all over looking for here "and evaluationOpportunities for the exchange of "the days so full. Because someone reported a year, review group had to transfer to the hotel of Liuyang, inappropriately avoid gift giving. Han Hui thought did a good job security, but not long stay hotel, he would see foreign teachers coming to stay. News leaks about the judges, He Anxi said in media interviews, University teachingDivision titles were all closed, judge to the 3rd entry, has been to the end of the 9th, are not allowed to appear. In addition, in order to avoid the possibility of violation, Department of education have control as much as possible the time, 2nd, notified the judges list, if there is a check in to collect money, only that evening. Keywords fair does not take money out of money by the strength? "A judge sent 5Thousand or 8,000 "published by the Hunan provincial public bar participated in teachers ' information, Liu Li form of couches, he is a doctor and led a number of important issues, many papers. Forms and many teachers have a large white space. Liu Li has done nothing never not give money and strength participated alone, "others send me not give people added, my advantage is gone. ”However, 8 years ago, when Liu Liping, Associate Professor, did not send a penny, completely on their own strength. He recalls, is about from then on, he heard that money thing. Many teachers also agreed with this statement. On the Web, for titles in Hunan questioned is the earliest documented post of 2007 year. And in 2009 published a post wrote: Shen, Associate ProfessorAllows judges to 2000 dollars, the head of 5,000 Yuan; Professor Shen's double. Many teachers said, today was a comment on sent $ 5,000 to one judge, Associate Professor, Professor comments on sending $ 8 Diablo 3 power leveling,000. A review, at least spend twenty thousand or thirty thousand, no fewer than 50,000. Han Hui said that according to his experience and some judges are TERA Gold, if you do not give them money, the jury found theSmall not to stand for election on the ground of the teacher. If you send money, you as the teacher to review the strength of the judges. "Money is the admittance system of fair competition, sending money, you can participate in fair competition. Of course, if you get more money, more favorable to you. "Han Hui said:" judges do not refund your money "yesterday, the user claimed first" shanzhai "microblogging," saidInternet users denounced, Hunan authorities stopped the Professor Liu Yibing judges qualifications, but it cannot change condition of corruption in the titles. Even in the sport of professional accreditation, Yibing Liu is just a SideShow, head of the central figure is the assessment of the real, red envelope standards higher than laoben than 50%. "He Anxi told a reporter on the phone: this is exposure of the network's sports spotJudge Liu Yibing "check in to collect money" was an "individual issues", review of the Department of education will not be suspended this year. But Lynn continues to believe that laoben is a "good person", because last year, Yibing Liu began to open room to collect money, and called back to no comment on the subject. Han Hui on this support, "most of the people are done they do not refund your money, laoben isIs of importance to the credibility of ' business '. "Hunan Business College teacher said she heard judge refund thing," but a refund cannot be received, next year is also counting on the eyes of the judges. " This version of writing/Beijing News reporter Kong Pu (Editor: Lv Yang) Others:


under the system SWTOR Credits under the system - IHBX

129810431528281250_13112 million pixels dual-core 1.5GHz LT26i HTC Touch color Sony promotions LT26i is a subsidiary of Sony's first dual-core Smartphone, sturdy designs of fashion and good hardware configuration make it won popular. At present, the latest HTC Touch color price is $ 3,175, price is not bad, worthy of purchase. Front picture of the Sony LT26i Sony LT26i uses a classic bar design touch, the front has a 4.3-inch capacitiveTouch screen, resolution is reached 1280x720 pixels, looks very exquisite. Top screen has joined the long front-facing camera Diablo 3 Gold, pixel reached 1.3 million pixels, built the back-back as a 12 million pixel camera, supports 1080p HD video recording, the image is very clear. And other mobile phone is different, the machine the screenA transparent design below, breathing light lamp and calls prompted, when lit at night, the effect is gorgeous. Sony LT26i picture on the back of other hardware, Sony LT26i carry a quad dual-core processor for Qualcomm Snapdragon 1.5GHz S3, run the memory 1GB SWTOR Credits, powerful hardware configuration to ensure aMachine runs smooth. System, this machine uses the popular Android 2.3 operating system, under the system SWTOR CD-key, has a wealth of resources available for users to download the software to install. Sony LT26i (HTC Touch color) [reference] $ 3,175 Others:


054th shuangse Qiu period TERA CD-key 054th shuangse Qiu period - XPHF

129810460603281250_211[Red basket basket] 12,054th shuangse Qiu period: the three blue 08 13 12,053th shuangse Qiu lottery results: 04 15 22 25 33 04 blue ball; Advice on: 12,053th interval-ratio-3, even and odd 4-2, 04, Blue balls out; "Analysis of the red ball": a period out of the 1 red ball, and trend chart analysis shuangse Qiu period, the area under the hot all of a sudden coldOpen 1 pieces red ball was accident, this period concern or 2 pieces red ball rebound, big area, trumpet continues to performance good, can focus concern, this period recommended: 03, and 04, and 06, and 72 area Shang period out 2 pieces red ball, near 5 period of interval 4-4-3-1-2, analysis big distribution, II area recent shocks range is expected to weakened TERA CD-key, concern 1-2 pieces red ball out; big partySurface, concern across period, 20, this period integrated recommended: 15, and 16 TERA Gold, and 20, and 213 area Shang period out 3 pieces red ball, analysis big distribution, three area go hot this period continues to good, 25-29 regional still big more cold, this period can continues to attention, 3 Word head number rebound, this period can again good, this period integrated recommended: 25, and 28, and 32, and 33 red ball recommended 12 code: 03, and 04, and 06, and 07, and 15, and 16, and 20, and 21, and 25, and 28, and 32, and 33 red ball recommended 3 bile: 06, and 15, and 33 "blue ball analysis": Shang period Blue balls out 04; blue a area even code; analysis blue ball trend, this period attention small code back supplement, focus concern II area number; and from blue ball odd even trend view, this period preferred even code.12,054th basketball: the red ball 08, 13, 14, General recommendation: 03, 04, 06, 07, 15, 16, 20, 21, 25, 28, 32, 33, select 8, 06, 07, 15, 16, 25, 32, 33, 14 Note: this articleShuangse Qiu color network expert "red basket basket" original, reprint SWTOR Credits, please indicate the source! Others:


Two thirds come to the end in Smith. Looking back at Walker controlled Wei Dalun-Corison TERA CD-ke

129810460639375000_288Magic again after 9 years consecutive first round out Anderson: Lakers Yeah sporting May 9: Beijing time on May 9, the magic 87-105 to Walker team, by a total score of 1-4 Walker out, stop at the first round of the playoffs, this is the magic teams stop at the first round of the playoffs two seasons in a row (the first round of the playoffs last season were the Eagles eliminated). Since is also a magic team since 1989, after 9 yearsStop at the first round of the playoffs two seasons in a row again (2000-01 season to cent season, magic has 3 stop of the season in a row in the first round of the playoffs). Jamir-magic guard Trey Nielsen-8 5, get the team high 27 points, but still failed to prevent the magic finger tip crash was eventually phased out. The entire fourth, Nielsen-5 1, Two thirds come to the end in Smith. Looking back at Walker controlled Wei Dalun-Corison, in the fourth section are individuals have 19-7 min 15 min, and send out 4 assists. Howard due to injury after a fall, Glenn-Davis became a magic line most heavily on the players. Although this service get 15 points, but his house-17 in only 6. Magic teamThe entire fourth section 16 release just hit 5 times, but Walker hit the fourth section is up to 75%, making a 36-16 wave of attacks. It must be said, that Howard's absence due to injury, and Dwight-series have an important relationship, but the absence of magic teams don't want Howard as a reason. "We do not believe that Howard's quezhen is the reason we failed,"Magic team striker Len-Anderson said SWTOR Power Leveling," we know we can win the next game, we know we can play much tougher. In the first game we have proved we can play hard and winning the game. "There are no playoffs the magic team has home advantage in the series away to win in the first game of the match Walker. 4th game of the series TERA CD-key, magicTeam once the game into extra time, but eventually regrets walkers to two parts per million difference. At the beginning of the fourth section of the game, magic has leading Pacers teams, but could not escape the fate of being eliminated in the end. "We have devoted great efforts," Anderson said, "we really worked very hard, no one can say we didn't work hard. This game is too hard�� "Just as Anderson says, magic teams to tailor-make the effort SWTOR Credits, but Pacers team in distal offensive power, only accept the first round of the playoffs out of the magic. Others: