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129809336302398750_1434"Check in money? Hunan title judges eligible for termination "track on May 4, netizens claimed College is responsible for the lists of titles that the judges just determined that is disclosed, Police Academy Professor laoben who is a judge in the hotel" check in money ". On May 5, on its official website, the Department of education of Hunan province on the matter responded: have now terminated Yibing LiuProfessor 2011 series titles expert qualifications of teachers in colleges and universities, the situation is further investigation and verification. See the news, Han Hui Hunan provincial system staff (pseudonym) was relieved, his relatives in September this year in the work of colleges and universities would also like to comment on the title, he is dotted around. Analysis of the current situation, "this cost savings." Han HuiAlthough not as a review group members, but in years of accreditation organizations work, deep knowledge of accreditation rules. Yesterday, he told reporters some college titles inside. Keywords determine the judges "Department of education did not take the judges a cut" randomly selected judge shall be published professional titles in colleges and universities of Hunan provincial Web site management program shows the judges become judges has three steps. First of all, expertsApproved by qualified second, leading group qualification approval submitted to the provincial level modification, allowed to be formed after the judges library third, before the review time (only judges can review site is reached by regular time) taking the judges, extracted by people joined the staff of the Office of social services and the Department of education, discipline inspection and supervision departments of the Office of two follow-up. Han Hui said, there are provisions of each expertCan serve as judges for two consecutive years. Even if the names were randomly drawn for three consecutive years, you must exit. Han Hui said, according to the subject, subject of 300 people in the judges, small subjects have more than 100 people, elected by the subject judges are only 4-5 students, more than but up to more than 10 judges. In accordance with the provisions of the Department of education of Hunan province, receive the re-election chances of the judges is verySmall. "Five consecutive years" "here in the US, University title judge was arrested four or five years. "Han Hui said. On May 2, claiming to go Yibing Liu Yang Zhao, Associate Professor of money (pseudonym) also refers to a similar situation, physical review group had a judge have been working here for 5 years. "Old faces abound. "The reporters asked several of the teachers were able to guess who the judges are。 Introduction to Han Hui, determine if the judge candidate Department of Education Department of teachers ' work with the teacher education Department in each of the judges from the list of intended to be reported to the approval of the Office of human resources management, which almost does not change the list. Reporters yesterday afternoon the phone asked Director of Hunan provincial Department of education teachers and teacher-training education He Anxi, for many teachers reflect the number of experts re-elected judge for many years, this is aReal? In this regard, He Anxi and did not answer. Related Department whether or not to participate in determining the list of judges in the profit-making? Be denied He Anxi, represents a list of titles that the judges are people in Hunan province, Hunan provincial discipline inspection departments established under the supervision of two units, "absolutely no education Department of teachers from the judges take a cut in his hand". Keyword list disclosure orList of channels to know the judges "was informed that the list within a few hours," May 2, when close to work, located in Yueyang of Hunan Institute of technology, Associate Professor, one of Liu Li has been judge Director of information. Another claim to go laoben Lynn, Associate Professor of money (pseudonym) I get the message very early time, news has just come out, he learned that afternoon. One judge's close friend the first time learned thatThe matter and notify him. Within just a few hours, the judges name is known to the whole teachers participated in colleges and universities in Hunan province. Where information disclosed? Liu Li, said several of his colleagues keep in touch with the Department of education and the Office of human resources management had been so to hear the message. Hunan Institute of science and another teacher said, is a Dean's list of teachers for help about the judges. "Transfer of judges who participatedStill know "according to Han Hui understanding list revealed three main channels: Department of education, Office of personnel and judges. More deal due to Dean's Office and the Department of education, Office of personnel, many of the teachers of the school by the Dean's Office to ask for information. Because the school is on the hope that we can comment on some of the senior title. Judges themselves and people around them to spread out information. Lynn is the channel through whichKnow, "when determining the list of judges, will have with these officers familiar with the teachers to call to confirm, after once you have verified that the wind would leave out". Han Hui said, even though they closed in hotel reviews TERA CD-key, you can still send money. Review work in Changsha hotel for many years, such as pureed Park Hotel, hotels in Hunan province. Review every year, teachers from all over looking for here "and evaluationOpportunities for the exchange of "the days so full. Because someone reported a year, review group had to transfer to the hotel of Liuyang, inappropriately avoid gift giving. Han Hui thought did a good job security, but not long stay hotel, he would see foreign teachers coming to stay. News leaks about the judges, He Anxi said in media interviews, University teachingDivision titles were all closed, judge to the 3rd entry, has been to the end of the 9th, are not allowed to appear. In addition, in order to avoid the possibility of violation, Department of education have control as much as possible the time, 2nd, notified the judges list, if there is a check in to collect money, only that evening. Keywords fair does not take money out of money by the strength? "A judge sent 5Thousand or 8,000 "published by the Hunan provincial public bar participated in teachers ' information, Liu Li form of couches, he is a doctor and led a number of important issues, many papers. Forms and many teachers have a large white space. Liu Li has done nothing never not give money and strength participated alone, "others send me not give people added, my advantage is gone. ”However, 8 years ago, when Liu Liping, Associate Professor, did not send a penny, completely on their own strength. He recalls, is about from then on, he heard that money thing. Many teachers also agreed with this statement. On the Web, for titles in Hunan questioned is the earliest documented post of 2007 year. And in 2009 published a post wrote: Shen, Associate ProfessorAllows judges to 2000 dollars, the head of 5,000 Yuan; Professor Shen's double. Many teachers said, today was a comment on sent $ 5,000 to one judge, Associate Professor, Professor comments on sending $ 8 Diablo 3 power leveling,000. A review, at least spend twenty thousand or thirty thousand, no fewer than 50,000. Han Hui said that according to his experience and some judges are TERA Gold, if you do not give them money, the jury found theSmall not to stand for election on the ground of the teacher. If you send money, you as the teacher to review the strength of the judges. "Money is the admittance system of fair competition, sending money, you can participate in fair competition. Of course, if you get more money, more favorable to you. "Han Hui said:" judges do not refund your money "yesterday, the user claimed first" shanzhai "microblogging," saidInternet users denounced, Hunan authorities stopped the Professor Liu Yibing judges qualifications, but it cannot change condition of corruption in the titles. Even in the sport of professional accreditation, Yibing Liu is just a SideShow, head of the central figure is the assessment of the real, red envelope standards higher than laoben than 50%. "He Anxi told a reporter on the phone: this is exposure of the network's sports spotJudge Liu Yibing "check in to collect money" was an "individual issues", review of the Department of education will not be suspended this year. But Lynn continues to believe that laoben is a "good person", because last year, Yibing Liu began to open room to collect money, and called back to no comment on the subject. Han Hui on this support, "most of the people are done they do not refund your money, laoben isIs of importance to the credibility of ' business '. "Hunan Business College teacher said she heard judge refund thing," but a refund cannot be received, next year is also counting on the eyes of the judges. " This version of writing/Beijing News reporter Kong Pu (Editor: Lv Yang) Others:

