
poisonous wow power leveling poisonous - HWES

129809647243648750_523Basic information about Chinese names: Southern Star species Latin name: Arisaema elephas Buchet kinds of aliases: cannabis taro, taro (Yunnan Qiaojia) TERA CD-key, silver, and more than half of pinellia ternata (Lijiang, Yunnan), Black Southern Star (Sichuan Emei, Puge, leibo), Tiger, Palm (leibo, Sichuan), half-rotten (in Liangshan, Sichuan), three-step jump (fourConcentration and refinementof), water and corn (weining, Guizhou), trunk (nyingchi, Tibet), Chinese name: Araceae Latin name: Araceae are Chinese names: the genus Arisaema genus Latin name: Arisaema flora of China: 13 (2): 144 model taken from: eryuan culture: morphological characteristics as Southern Star wild tubers almost spherical,3-5 cm diameter, dense fibers of fibrous root growth over more than 10 cm. Squamous cell 3-4, 2 PCs in a narrow triangle, 9-15 cm long, the base of up to 5 cm wide, green or purple. 1 leaves, petioles 20-30 cm long, yellow-green, base of the rough can be up to 2 cm, no sheath, smooth or how much a Verrucosa ridged; leaf 3 full crack, dilute 3 deep cracks, divided0.5-1 cm of handle or no handle, dilute base Department joint, dry Shi II surface yellow green, in the rib back clear uplift, side pulse oblique stretch, to edge away from, pulse from 1-2 cm, collection pulse from edge 0.5-1.5 cm, network pulse clear; in the lobe pour heart shaped, top Department flat cut, Central Xia au, with are triangle of pointed, to base Department gradually narrow, wide far is better than long, long (5-) 9-9.5 cm (including 5-10 mm long-nosed), width (6-) 10.5-12.5 cm; side lobe large 6.5-13 cm long. Width (5.5-) 11-13 cm wide, oblique oval, short narrow sharp tip, lateral width, base rounded, wedge-shaped or rounded inside. Inflorescence stalk shorter than the leaf, 9-25 cm long, 3-5 mm coarse,Green or light purple, with small wart-like bumps or not. Spathe green purple, base, yellow-green, tube with white stripes SWTOR CD-key, evanescent, top with a deep purple, pipe cylinder, 2.4 to 6.5 cm long, coarse-1.8-2.6 cm, throat edge hip, lower edge on both sides meet at right angles; Minister lanceolate, long and 4.5-10 cm wide, 3-3.5Cm, base slightly bent, first at a narrow tip. Meat spike inflorescence single sexual, male inflorescence long 1.5-3 cm, inflorescence axis rough can up 8 mm, even spent rough 1.5 cm, spent soothing, subsidiary device base Department slightly fine into handle shaped, or several no handle, Central above gradually fine, last into linear, from Buddha flame shell throat Department near Xia bent, and of glyphs rose or bent go 360 of Hou rose or winds droop; Female inflorescences of long 1-2.5 cm, bottom heavy 1.2 cm, base dramatically expanded the subsidiary to 5-7 mm, 5-10 mm long Shanks, Yu Tongxiong-order subsidiary. Male flowers with a long handle, handle length 2.2-2.5 mm, 2-5 anthers, Chamber top gehu Lake, Horseshoe cracking; female: round eggs of ovaries of long, narrow end first as a short style and stigma discoid, keyIs down wow power leveling, 1 room, most of ovule (6-10). Berry, brick red, oval-shaped, about 1 cm long, 5-8 seed, ovoid, light brown, beak, infructescence axes sponge quality, cone-shaped, the base of the thick 2.5 cm. Flowering in May-June, mature fruit in August. Habitat in warm, moist, cold tolerance, shade tolerance, fear dry. Plants endemic to China. Southern Tibet to the Southeast, Tsuneo in altitudes of 1800-4000m forest, forest edge, grass and shrubs. Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou. Pharmacological effects of tuber medicinal, poisonous, treatment of abdominal pain, can only use trace. Others:

