
the current laborMarket conditions are in short supply

129667837368740392_159Nomura, Chief China Economist Zhang Zhiwei China Securities Journal reporter recently said in an interview, exacerbate the risk of China's economy is, GDP growth rates of less than 8% per cent in the first quarter of next year risks being increased. Zhang Zhiwei believes that if the economy is clearly downward, monetary policy is eased, it is expected will be gradually relaxed, and effects on the economyA delay.   The China Securities journal: HSBC's sharp drop in the November PMI initial value released this week, does this mean that the turning point in the economy of China? Zhang Zhiwei: China's economy is to exacerbate this risk, economic growth is likely in the fourth quarter of this year and a significant decline in the first quarter of next year. Latest HSBC PMI initial weakness, further strongOf the idea. This judgement is mainly based on three reasons. First, the obvious signs of weakening in the real estate market, recent market leading indicators, including home sales, new construction area and house prices are falling sharply, while the indicators used to accurately predict the goods marked decline in residential investment. Therefore we expect in coming quarters living housesField weakening, investment growth rate of decline may accelerate. Second, the next year affordable housing efforts to support new investment by the two quarter will be weak. Mainly under the influence of the following two reasons, first, the Government 10 million units of affordable housing plan for 2011 building was completed in October, the next two months will not have many new construction projects. Second is affected by severe winter weatherAnd the cash-strapped local governments impact 2012 started in an area is likely to slow growth in the first quarter. We believe that the real estate market after some time ago the confrontation after a stalemate, is entering a downward cycle for the next 6 months or so markets will continue to be downward. That will give concrete, steel and other associated industry offers significant negative impact to drag down overall industrial production, A similar situation in July 2008 has been found. Third, because of the weakness in external demand, export growth will slow. Various leading indicators showed a significant drop in exports in the near future, heralding the next few quarters export growth will decline.   It will make slower real estate investment for this year's four quarters and industrial production in the first quarter of next year. Overall, next yearFirst quarter GDP growth per cent below the risk of 8% is increasing, but two or three quarter macroeconomic trends next year will gradually improve, mainly due to starting from the second quarter of next year, affordable housing investments will speed increased again. 2012 investment in affordable housing's contribution to the GDP growth rate is expected to reach 0.9%, but larger construction schedule by quarter may be ups and downs. In addition, macroChanging view of economic policy during the lagged effect of economic support to the second quarter of next year even reflected in the second half.   The China Securities journal: If a marked slowdown in economic growth within the next six months and below 8%, whether the Government would loosen policy to stop the economic downturn? Zhang Zhiwei: housing policy, the Government clear direction, that is, for some time to come continue toPolicy tightening.   This reinforces our judgment, namely, real estate will continue to maintain the downward trend.   Monetary policy if the economy really showed a significant downward, policies will be eased, but will only be gradually relaxed, and on the economic impact of a delay. Compared to 2008, the current economic situation has seen tremendous changes. First of all diablo 3 power leveling, the current laborMarket conditions are in short supply, and after the outbreak of the financial crisis have become different status of China's 20 million people lost their jobs. Second, the current inflationary pressures are greater, and the problem of structural inflation is shown diablo 3 power leveling, this limits the fiscal expansion space. Third, the stimulus measures on debt limits the ability of Government to loosen policy. Rapid expansion of credit in the past three years, has beenRaises concerns about banks ' balance sheets may suffer losses, substantial further relaxation will only make the banking sector and the growing problem of local government. IV, starting from the second quarter of next year the construction of affordable housing will speed increased again, this helps support economic growth for the year 2012. This was actually a kind of stimulus, just time-point could have an impact on the economy later. Due toThis, we believe that policy makers may be less willing to significantly loosen policy.   We believe that the policy of relaxation rate in the first quarter of next year will be bigger, major areas of relaxed reserve requirements and new loans in Yuan, while the benchmark interest rate is expected to remain unchanged. China Securities journal: the economy faces downside risks and policy adjustments expected under the background of, what the stock market would havePerformance? Zhang Zhiwei: macro-economic short-term trend downward, bad news will continue to come out. Now the market is the main risk of policy adjustments, is substantially relax quickly or slowly relaxed slightly is uncertain. If the policy quickly relaxed substantially, for short-term market was aided, long is bad. Experience can be compared to the past three years, on the marketAfter the rising, we will begin to worry about the future long-term risks. If it is a slow, relaxed slightly, for short-term market is not good.

many retailers such as Gap and toys on sale

129667864411865392_252 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/diablo-3-gold/">diablo 3 gold</a>On November 25, according to media reports in Hong Kong, Li and FUNG (494) Le Yumin interview, Chief Executive, said the United States retailers starting price promotions, meet retail season; in addition, the company is still seeking acquisition opportunities, acquisitions and beauty business supply chain related to the project. According to the Hong Kong Economic Journal reported that Li and FUNG (494), Chief Executive of Le Yumin interview tableAs shown in the United States retailers starting price promotions, meet retail season; in addition, the company is still seeking acquisition opportunities, acquisitions and beauty business supply chain related to the project. United States slow economic recovery, to stimulate the market, many retailers such as Gap and toys on sale, retailers would rather small profits but quick turnover. The company as a United States Wal-Mart of procurement suppliers, Le Yumin said that even if retailers on sale will not affect the profitability of Li and FUNG, because this year the company will do a good cost control, and main high-margin business diablo 3 power leveling, this year the company margins would be good. Li and Fung actively made a number of acquisitions in recent years, he said, the company is still seeking acquisition opportunities, particularly in a recession, while will choose the beauty industrySupply chain, enhancing its beauty business development of the company. ����The other hand, this Wednesday, UBS published a report, questioned Li and Fung is designed for its client Wal-mart set up a purchasing department, will help Lee achieve the goal of profit before tax of us $ 1.5 billion next year. The Bank believes, purchasing of effect trading more stimulating the overall profits of the company. The row dimensionLi and Fung "sell" ratings and target prices remain at $ 9. The company yesterday rose 1.1% closing report of $ 14.46.

the game is interrupted. Finally

129667750465771642_140Xinhua News Agency on November 25, Jinan sports--(reporter He Chen) in the 25th night of Chinese men's Professional Basketball League in the third round of the competition, Shandong gold by virtue of the head home House 14 threes, Zhejiang guangsha 97:89 win beat the visiting team, made three consecutive victories. Zhejiang guangsha was Shandong gold three-part opening submerged by rain, Hunt He SuiranHit three mind Trey, Shandong gold making 15:2 in the first year. Zhejiang guangsha relies on foreign aid, but Chandler's single 10 minutes, gradually narrow the difference. The first Festival, Shandong gold single Trey five vote. Section II, pursuit of ext's singles was a fall in accuracy by Shandong gold, while Zhejiang guangsha ext steady defense and fast counterattacks to score into 42:43. Critical moment, Wu Ke who had four points, Wang Ruheng two penalties and two in the Shandong gold stabilize the situation on the field. The corruptor, Zhejiang guangsha under the pressure of two foreign aid Chandler and Jones, mistakes in Shandong gold appears more than once, shooting in the distance with declines. Zhejiang guangsha then score to 60:63. The third section, and then there were 2 minutes 15 seconds, disputes on the field:Chandler outside hits three points diablo 3 gold, but referee, Assistant Referee and technical representative is 24 seconds when he sold illegal had a disagreement, the game is interrupted. Finally, after watching video, Chandler's three-part is held to be invalid. The fourth section begins, Chandler even 7 points, Shandong gold old Jin Lipi voted third, Zhejiang guangsha scores fanchao to 7469. However Sun Jie and then three consecutive successful Anderson, Hunter "strike three" successful, resulting in six foul out Jin Lipi diablo 3 power leveling, Shandong gold to make a small climax fanchao score, 97:89 and finally to successfully take down your opponent, made three consecutive victories. The whole game, Shandong gold Trey 29 shots in 14, Hunt got 19 rebounds in 27 large two pairs.Zhejiang guangsha player Chandler cut the audience high of 42 points, but no one scored double on other players. (End text)

$ 0.7 restricted shares listed

129667889706396642_266Plus net (300,104), the total share capital: 220 million shares of capital funds into stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Flow of equity: 85.46 million shares three quarterly earnings: $ 0.4 restricted shares listed (August 201312th): 122 million shares of company in the field of long video resources has formed a leading edge expanding content realisation through future directions. Content is divided into the flow to expand and paid-for program business development both; flow development relies mainly on potatoes and self-made content differentiation and building cooperative platform; pay TV business development relies mainly on regional development and terminal development.Copyright distribution business stay ahead. Company's dominance in Internet copyright issue market already established cooperation with potatoes forming copyright Copyright purchasing strength of the purchasing companies contribute to the further expansion of the company. In the upper reaches of the bargaining, tax incentives, as well as penetration under the support of production, and many other advantages, companies are expected in the next three years in the area of distribution of copyright will maintain its leading position.Internet advertising: content made with potatoes, cooperation platforms, enormous potential for growth.����To increase advertising revenue share, the company is a self-made attract user traffic, improve its own platform advertising inherent to put value; the second is imported and widening flow of potatoes to build a cooperation platform, achieve flow through revenue minimum guarantee into realisation. Pay-on-demand services: PC, and TV endsA two-pronged approach for future growth. Company policy, a regional outreach, both at home and China Unicom cooperative extension PC-side billing-on-demand cards, as well as into the overseas market; second diablo 3 gold, Terminal promotion, including cooperation and Hubei Unicom IPTV business. Future main business structure from the current copyright distribution to the ad, a single payment, copyright distribution transformation troika go hand in hand, the wholeFurther optimization of growth promotion.����2011 is expected diluted earnings per share of $ 0.61 per cent of the company, 1.09, 1.51, giving the recommended rating. Long full precision (300,115), the total share capital: 172 million shares in circulation equity: 60.71 million shares three quarterly earnings: $ 0.7 restricted shares listed (December 2012): $ 9 million shares of company intentions invested 70 million ~9000 million capital increase and share transfer acquired stakes in Jie-Shun Tong 65%. Jie-Shun Tong had 56 acres of land, more than 15,000 square metres of clean production workshop, and more than 1200 employees; the main products include screen, the battery connector, SIM card connector, I/O, storage card, camera socket connector, where cameras are companies such as Sockets, memory card connector area where currently no. Jie-Shun Tong's primary customer is the domestic companies like Lenovo, in addition, also provide OEM services to companies such as Molex and Acon. Jie-Shun Tong 2011 sales revenue is estimated to be over $ 130 million and net profit is estimated to be 1000More than million, net interest rates well below the company's current level.����With the company after the merger, the scale advantages bring about synergies are expected to improve the profitability of Jie-Shun Tong. We believe that this acquisition will expand the company's mobile phone connections for monthly production capacity to more than 120 million, while product range expanded to areas such as camera socket and the memory card connector, also increased our company at Lenovo and other domestic customerVendor status. Company relies on the mold design and processing of core competitiveness, expanding its product range, from connector and shielding gradually extended to the Rails, LED brackets, metal frame and small metal parts companies are constantly opening up new customer. This acquisition is complete, company with over $ 200 million extra proceeds without use, hopefully with other acquisitions accelerate the achievement of high growth������We 2012-2013 to forecast results for the year, raised its price target to $ 45, maintain outperform rating. Kang frequency converter (300,048), the total share capital: 246 million shares in circulation equity: 77.93 million third-quarter earnings: $ 0.35 restricted shares listed (November 30, 2011): 2.6 million shares and high pressureFrequency converter industry market volume of about 100 billion yuan, at present penetration rates only 20%; 2010 market size of $ 4.9 billion, peak annual demand market will exceed $ 10 billion, future growth will remain in the 3-5 industry 20%~25%. At present the company product line from the low voltage frequency converter in high voltage inverter to expand to areas and into the explosion-proof frequency converter in the futureCould also do photovoltaic inverters and other related products; at the same time the company is committed to providing customers with total solutions, currently operating in the coal industry is better. Company capacity 120/month, limited capacity 150/month, in May next year Wuhan base went into production, 40 units/month in the early days, 2012 could be increased to 50 units/month, there is insufficient capacity limit the ability of single issuesAn effective solution.����At the same time capacity expansion for the company also offers significant purchasing scale, the company general product gross profit margin higher than zhiguang electric and Kyushu electric. As of the third quarter of 2011, the company has confirmed 3 synchronizing lifting machine income, four quarters also are expected to confirm 1, synchronous hoist to hand the order will be delivered next year, revenue recognition significantly accelerates. At presentCompanies were doing product identification, Synchro, after mass promotion, their orders and earnings growth are expected to exceeded expectations.����Lateral expansion of low-voltage variable frequency as the company's new products, third-quarter gross margin level has been upgraded to 37.66%, this year is expected to reach the $ 30 million ~4000 million sales revenues. We expected to 2011-2013 per share chargeBenefits for $ 0.60, $ 0.88 and 1.2 Yuan respectively, complex growth 41.75%, corresponding to its current price earnings ratio for the 32.7 times times, 22.2 times times and three times, giving the "buy" rating. Huitian adhesive Enterprise Co (300,041) total shares: 105.5968 million shares in circulation equity: 49.644 million unit threeQuarterly earnings: $ 0.6648 restricted shares listed (January 08, 2013): 55.9528 million shares in the company is mainly engaged in organic silicone, polyurethane glue, anaerobic adhesive research and development, production and sales of engineered viscose. Company products are mainly used in areas such as cars, high-speed trains, solar, the company is a national certified "Chinese adhesives market product qualityUser satisfaction brand ". As domestic users in high quality domestic brands such as more and more used in deeper into the local enterprises will gradually replace imported quality adhesives and achieve growth. Huitian adhesive will depend on continued long-term growth of the industry to develop new products, high-speed rail carriages LaTeX for rubber, ship and new areas such as wind power blades gum gradually import substitution. Taking into account the company construction adhesives industryThe leading position, strong research and development and sales ability, given the company a "buy" rating. Tip: belongs to the research reports section of this article, only for institutions or analysts for a stock's personal opinions and views diablo 3 gold, and informal news reports, the network does not guarantee its authenticity and objectivity, all valid information about the unit, is subject to the notice on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges, please investorsRisk.

suning easy buy

129668600988593750_67All the free shipping, could not carry. As of November 25, Jingdong Mall said orders below $ 39 will be charged $ 5 freight, Diamond Grade, double Diamond-level users can continue to enjoy all the special offers free shipping. Main funds into stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) certain unit cut meat fled certainly regret the sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: presentationStrong stocks saved! "All the free shipping" as a tool for electric enterprises reshuffle at the same time, also greatly improve the distribution costs of the whole industry. Insiders said that no matter how much price, no matter how low gross profit margin, warehousing costs are always calculated according to the package as a unit of, in this way, low unit price of the order, the Maori contribution to logisticsThe company. So, the major began building their own logistics.  For East Beijing Platform, can use the scale to diluted their logistics costs, but for vertical categories of electric Commerce, it was the biggest one, and difficult to touch the threshold. Can't afford a freight-free "passenger unit prices for small orders, gross margin was almost Express charges devour done" since last year,"All the free shipping" Jingdong, dangdang, excellence, three electricity to large commercial book price wars.  Since then, "all the free shipping" becomes increasingly B2C electronic business standard, since electrical outlets have helped them to keep up. A sophist executives told a press conference, in Beijing on the East, below $ 39 orders a large part of books and small electronics. Average unit price of the book is 25 Yuan, gross margin of about in-15%. This means that every sent books, Māori only 5 dollars.  Small electronic product gross margin was only about 5%, almost not making any money. "Passenger unit prices for small orders, gross margin was almost swallowed by the courier fee is complete. More order, the greater loss. "Li Chengdong, network analyst believe that $ 5 delivery fee will be addedBalancing going northward for wide distribution in major cities, such as fees, for small and medium-sized cities, distribution costs far exceed $ 5 for each order. B2C is mostly covered by the retail industry, low profits, logistics costs have their lackluster. Li Chengdong told reporters that "at present, still take advantage of free shipping to grab the market, in fact, shipping is free does not play. "RetailProfitability is relatively low, so are reduced intermediate channel e-commerce. This reporter has learned that all gross margins of less than 5%, the computer is 6% per cent, the profit is as thin as blades. They most of the net profits from brand supplier rebates, only about 2% per cent. Gross profit margin of the dress is about 50%, shoes are more than 20%, relatively high gross profit margin, priceLow return rates are high, the wearing of rate of return is 7%, the shoe is 10%.  Planing to marketing, human, normal operating expenses, conversion, clothing, shoes and other items of net profit of only about 10%. Koubba Networks CEO Wang Zhiquan told reporters that those good 3C types of business, on average, a household appliance distribution costs are more than 50 Yuan。 Among them, all electric distribution cost higher than home appliances. For example, a $ 5,000 worth of refrigerators, gross margin is about 250 dollars, and distribution logistics of a refrigerator costs $ 100, this is not counting value-insured transportation, warehousing, research and development, the cost of staff salaries. Small appliance profit margin more than 20%, but low unit price, the average was $ 200-$ 300, woolLee nearly only covering logistics costs. "Footwear B2C logistics costs accounted for price 10%. "Music at Amoy Gardens network (microblogging) Vice President Chen Hu told reporters that at present, the footwear B2C implementation of" two shoes "mode to further push up the cost of logistics.  Good music buying price is more than 300 yuan, Le Tao is the price of more than 200 million. "B2C business ifPoor business, most likely losses. Then do some promotion, get some discounts or free shipping, then losing big. "Wang Zhiquan complained that" in 2008, the koubba revenues of 100 million, then there are millions of profit. Now, 2 billion in revenue, but losses a lot. "" Now is the electric companies pay their logistics, but in the future, the logistics costs or pay suppliersOr paying consumers. "Wang Zhiquan said electric commercial" excessive service logistics "shuffle too is operating in many B2C hemorrhagic.  In addition to the foreign trade B2C can make money, for the domestic market of B2C almost no one can make money. Third party logistics of die young "to get speed, do not waste time, do not allow customers to try on, unpacking""Now, all B2C commercial logistics and storage costs are very high. On average, the logistics costs account for 18%.  "Li Chengdong told reporters. Sophist of the previously mentioned former Executive says that national average count, Jingdong average of warehouse logistics cost is $ 15 per order, Jingdong price is more than 900 Yuan, thus calculated, Jingdong logistics warehousing costs ratio is2%. Based on when the results of, the third quarter of this year, when when the logistics and storage cost is $ 130 million, total revenues of 14.2%. Since the "build spell speed logistics," after becoming a competitive factor, when when of warehouse logistics costs yilupansheng. Last quarter of 2010, when when spending on storage and logistics take revenue ratio is 12.3%, the first quarter of this year13.3%, today, that number was updated to 14.2%.  Korean clothes care CEO Zhao Yingguang told reporters, including returns due to logistics, costs, logistics and storage costs in the garment industry accounted to 10%. In an interview at the press conference, many lamented, and distribution of high quality third-party logistics is too expensive. According to one shanggaoguan disclosed that Shun FengExpress, the national average was $ 22-25, with the City Express is $ 15, off site was $ 25 or more. "If Shun Feng price descending nines-30%, then I would be able to accept.  "The person said. In fact, many city admits that he is not willing to engage in logistics, but no way. Now express company to provide serviceDoes not meet the electrical demands. "Third-party logistics is more to send files, in order to grab the speed, do not waste time, do not allow customers to try on, unpacking. Electricity to a high cost of new customer, third party logistics customers experience is poor. This will all be lost their users.  "Good buying CEO Li Shubin lamented. For the electrical industry, 70% items are cash on delivery. EMS standard return time is 35-60 days, Shun Feng and zjs is typically 5-7 days. But required cash flow running period shorter, longer billing cycles for business is a challenge. But, that doesn't guarantee 100% settlement, logistics companies need one layer at a courier hand collection, goods get deeper(Three cities, counties), longer payment cycle. Similarly diablo 3 gold, cash on delivery, logistics companies are often reluctant to. "Cash on delivery for major cities, courier took more time and a lot of money with them, but safe for the courier. "An express company employees told a press conference, e-business websites deliver faster than ordinary businessDelivering profits, corporate requirements for capital turnover ratio is high, some small logistics companies often give dianzi. Self-built logistics distribution cost Bill 60 single/day volume of distribution is the demarcation point in the face of third party logistics cost pressure, Jingdong, good music purchase of GOME, suning easy buy, Amazon, shopping mall, and various other electrical outlets had begun building their own logistics. At present, BeijingEast of nearly 20,000 delivery personnel, 72% order to achieve a self distribution. Jingdong Storage Center add up throughout the country reached 500,000 square meters.  Within the next 5 years, East Beijing would cost $ 20 billion to 30 billion yuan in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, four cities, including the development of the logistics. "Count of logistics cost in accordance with each package, and price not much relation。  "E-bang Jia Penglei, editor-in-Chief of power network said, for those who are building their own logistics enterprises that often require a substantial increase in the same area of billed amount, can effectively reduce logistics costs. On large platforms East of Beijing, to diluted their costs on a large scale. At present, the sophist average daily order amount at 300,000. In the major cities of North Canton, similar to the number of packagesRelatively large. For vertical type of electronic commerce, improve scale to reduce logistics costs, is not an easy thing. Le Tao had made it clear that, not building their own logistics.  Belle also purchased, owned by choice and as the wind up cooperation, not building their own logistics. Good buy logistics costs now accounting for about 3% per cent of the revenue, this does not include the costs of warehousing. Among them, warehousingWarehouses are generally rented, shelves, lines were built, warehouse staff by themselves are equipped with outlets. "Count storage costs as the volume of orders, goods turnover, is variable.  "Li Shubin told reporters that building their own logistics can improve distribution, personalized service and need for speed. When you use a third-party logistics, good music to buy the return rate is 10%; Use after building their own logistics, returns only 5%. Building their own logistics not only need to consider is the attitude, rate of return is also an important parameter.  Rate of return is too high, will bring a backlog of inventory, product discounts, funds tied up, bring damage would be greater. In the view of Li Shubin, retail profit is not high, you need to have enough goods to increase repeat purchases, verticalNecessity to expand product lines.  The future, good music buying will also provide clothing, accessories development. According to Web CEO Bu Guangqi revealed that for 3C product diablo 3 gold, if a single distribution to complete the delivery of 60 single/day, building their own distribution system is lower than the cost of outsourcing to a third party. "Requirements for a single delivery 60 single/day, and many B2C companies the size of theDoes not meet. "Wang Zhiquan said.


Gold-line reproduced above

129667786214365392_114 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/diablo-3/">diablo 3 power leveling</a>Microsoft's "Black Friday" latest discounted promotional measures Beijing time on November 26 message has 14 retail stores in the United States Microsoft (microblog) "Black Friday" latest discounted promotional measures, promotions including laptops, mobile phones, software, games, and Xbox 360 consoles Kinect gamesCommission, and so on. Microsoft online promotional sales since Friday and will last until next Monday, some of them only in retail shops, others only in the Web store. These transactions include: S137GX-Sony notebook: for $ 599, normally priced at $ 999 (only available in the Web store);-using Windows 7System of Samsung (microblogging) RC512 notebook: for $ 499, the normal $ 799;-Acer (microblogging) Iconia dual touch-screen notebook: for $ 599, the normal $ 999;-Xbox ultimate game package, including accessories diablo 3 gold, Xbox Live game and 90-day membership: discount up to 200 usYuan,-Kinect sensor holiday gift pack includes three games: 100 m, normal: US $ 150 (not sold on the Internet);-signed two year free Windows Phone handsets (unknown operators);-Office home and student Suite: 120 us $, the normal $ 150. In addition, MicrosoftAlso the recent popular Xbox games on sale, many cases were sold at half price, such as the Assassin's creed: Apocalypse, and the battlefield 3 and the world's best American football of 2012, and so on. In contrast, Apple reduction well below Microsoft announced Wednesday, only to reduce the price of the iPad, and iPod and Mac not to 10%. (Tang Feng) GoldOnline statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors a basis for action, at your own risk.

laopa and someNot convinced

129667775678740392_44Dani Pacheco: try to avoid dual-line operational results may teach guozu Report from (reported by reporter Zheng Xiao long) won the Super-runner-up in the season, national security manager, Dani Pacheco does not meet, said yesterday he must win the new season in Guangzhou evergrande (Club official Twitter). Return to Portugal vacation, with the exception of and outside the family, and friends get together diablo 3 power leveling, Dani Pacheco has begun selecting foreign aid candidates for the new season for national security. Review national security performance of the season yesterday, laopa and someNot convinced: "I often joking with players like this, if there are no Guangzhou evergrande (Club official microblogging), Super League this year, according to the normal order, then we have this year is the champion. Next year's tournament Guangzhou evergrande is not invincible diablo 3 power leveling, and constant game of the year we have are good, but lacked some luck. "For national security next year's AFC Champions and Super double-line operationsProblems, Paceco bluntly: "this year I noticed a bad phenomenon, super teams participating in the AFC Champions back in the domestic league status is bad. National security and I must try to avoid such a situation occurring next year. "A dream of the Paceco also revealed his own, that is the future have the opportunity to coach the Chinese team. "I am a person who likes challenges, or will notTo China. I hope that in the future have the opportunity to take our men soccer player, in my view, there are a lot of good players in China, if we can teach the Chinese team, it would be a very interesting experience. ��

How Blackberry

diablo 3 power leveling How Blackberry, not Twitter diablo 3 power leveling, fuelled the fire under London’s riots . . How Blackberry, not Twitter, fuelled the fire under London’s riots .


129667889644209142_104Toll roads in Guangdong liabilities amounted to $ 290.3 billion 2010 loan amounting to $ a few days ago, Guangdong Provincial Transport Department made public a special cleanup of toll roads in the province to investigate thoroughly the statistical results. According to the special cleanup mapping results of the survey shows, toll roads in Guangdong last year, losses of over $ more than 3.17 billion. Main funds into stocks (11/25) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! MoC seeks national road charging and self-correction yesterday, spokesman for the Ministry of transport introduced a news conference He Jianzhong, national toll roads of all provinces now have announced the toll roads within their respective administrative areas of investigationMapping results, in most provinces, are the five ministries file requires full access to self-correction stage. He Jianzhong introduction, toll road-specific cleanup as of November 11 diablo 3 power leveling, national toll roads of all provinces, has announced the results of investigating thoroughly toll roads in their respective administrative areas. At present, most of the provinces, municipalities, and is in accordance with the five ministries Office filesRequirements thoroughly on the basis of the investigation had begun to develop concrete reform measures. And some implementation of rectification and reform measures also achieved good social repercussions and effects. "Have reduced fees, for example, some sites withdrew charges, some unified fee standards, about the situation around the previous measures, while external also announced a corresponding letterInterest rates.����"He said. Province highway transportation debts can be charged as early as October 17, the Guangdong provincial Department of transportation to the public a special cleanup of toll roads in the province to investigate thoroughly the statistical results. According to the special cleanup mapping results of the survey shows, mileage 12678.63 kilometres of toll roads in Guangdong, accounted for total length of the opening of Highway 6.67%. AndTouch search results has been compared to the 12 provinces of Guangdong than in Ningxia and the low proportion of toll road, charging more than 10,000 km mileage and only of provinces and cities. At present, the toll roads in the province the cumulative debt of over $ more than 226.7 billion, with 85% per cent of Bank lending. Total debt ratio Super toll road 75%, bank loans for more than 62%. In Guangdong ProvinceTransport official said the Office diablo 3 gold, within the scope of the current debt situation is under control.����In 2010, the toll roads in the province total more than 35.4 billion for more than $ repayment amount is more than 18.3 billion yuan, charging enough to be used for repayment, but excluding maintenance expenditure, operations management, tax expenditures, items such as depreciation, losses of over $ more than 3.17 billion. Before that, at leastJiangsu, Beijing, Chongqing, 12 provinces and announced the toll roads such as Ningxia mapping surveys, reporter rough statistics found that 12 provinces and accumulated debt balance exceeding 750 billion yuan of toll road, toll-road charges amounted to $ 102.57 billion last year.����Some experts believe that under pressure from the loan payments, operational and other pressures, cancel toll roads difficult to achieve in the short term. ByCamp Highway loss calculation of 2.27 billion according to the reporter, "loss" of the highway, free primary and secondary roads, independent bridges, to varying degrees. In this regard, relating to the situation said Guangdong Provincial Transport Department, apart from some lucrative commercial roads, highway of Guangdong also has a lot of loss, such as high speed along the coast were running at a loss. The sources also said, The survey also did not address illegal situation for the time being, the next step in specialized cleanup, government departments will continue to announce policies. This reporter has learned that last year China Guangdong Expressway toll amount is more than 27 billion yuan, loan repayment amounts are more than 13.5 billion yuan, deduction of expenditures, losses more than 2.29 billion yuan, with operating losses of $ 2.27 billion of Expressway.Industry insiders said, the current highway industry did exist huge debt problems, but the charges were sufficient to repay the loans. Prior to this, Guangdong repaying for 2012 to remove the State secondary road toll station. But 2010 loan secondary road fees of $ 789 million, loan repayment amount to more than 770 million Yuan. At that rate, the remaining more than more than 7 billion dollars of debtThe amount is difficult to pay off this year and next. Therefore repay the second-tier road cancel charges specifically how to solve the problem, relevant departments are being studied.

marriage is the norm. Life love someone

129667716792490392_61Hai Qing: divorce is a way to solve marriage problems Hai Qing (microblogging). (A) Oceans network-Guangzhou daily reported on November 26 by Hai Qing, Xiubo Wu (microblogging) television series starring you please forgive me a few days ago are TVS hit. "National bride," said Hai Qing played one bold pursuit of love, in the play "plant flowers" any better. Hai Qing laughs: "the audience can see how I love. "When an interview with this reporter, first time admits marriage her views, saying" marriage is the best practice ". Point 1: love and marriage are not fully connected to the Guangzhou daily: people more familiar with you starred in bride roles before, but this time one side of the show you are in love, are you having difficulty? Hai Qing: but actually it is rather difficult for me, I have not so much in love, destiny is not asToss off me. Play better and I was quite different in character. Reality I sometimes very cowardly and unwilling to face a number of things, and performed the play to the role of a process, I envy characters go and return without undue delay in the play's character. Guangzhou daily: actor in a play in "polygonal love", do you think the "affair" and "three" is the biggest of marriageEnemies? Hai Qing: "three" is actually from ancient times to the present has been there, not only today, but now people living environment more open, publicly talking about it. Guangzhou daily: do you find love in marriage? Hai Qing: I think, love and marriage, but not entirely connected. Is there a marriage can no longer love? Marriage than social cultivationRefinery to be much more difficult. I am a pessimistic person, I think first of all to understand, what you wish for in the marriage, kids, love, wealth, position, and to understand what they want to. Marriage is the best practice. One of my elders, the old man more than 90 years old, his wife of more than 80 years old, diamond wedding a few days ago, I went to take part in their celebrations, do people envy.I also have an uncle, he twice divorced, live extremely happy now, I think is very good. Important in marriage still feel the freedom and happiness. Point 2: divorce is a way to solve the marriage problems of Guangzhou daily: the ideal relationship between husband and wife should be like? Hai Qing: the subject of marriage must be two very good friends. Some people say that marriage is two trees, Relative to each other independently; it was said to be like two drops, mingling with each other. I think both the tree and in the water, they each have their own habits. Between couples it is important that both future plans are the same, have a common aim in life, mutual understanding. We all want to find freedom in marriage, but did we enter the marriage is not bound to each other? Marriage is in fact the moralAnd human nature. I see the people around you, some give in to human nature, some succumb to morals, it's no good or bad, everyone is looking for his own happiness. Guangzhou daily television drama is reflected in the Wang Gui and an elegant marriage of father's generation, many people will feel like parents ' generation, stumbling's marriage is also quite good for a lifetime, what do you think? Hai Qing: Film DepartmentReflects that era. But I think, better together, well not together, no need to be tied for so many years. Love is a passion, is in itself it can not be maintained, marriage is the norm. Life love someone, the person itself is a minority, imposing their minority situation to the public diablo 3 gold, in fact, is contrary to human nature. Marriage there are lots of ways if you junctionMarriage, love your partner is not found, what should I do? You can go to find elsewhere. Who are not born will operate married, you will need to learn, everybody is coming this way. Divorce is a normal way to solve marriage problems, do not have to be together. Point 3: I, the entertainment as colorful Guangzhou daily: look, how would you rateLi chuan (of the double-sided glue) and the Guo Haiping (snail House), green soy bean beans (of the daughter-in-law of good times) and he Jia (please forgive me)? Hai Qing: Hu Lijuan is a raw egg, have a strong, in fact, at a touch broken; green soy bean beans are the tumbler, she balanced her approach, one is able to defeat her Guo Haiping is a snail, is the most heavily upon her real life can't get rid ofBurden for he Jia, I would like to say a little more. Although she is secular, but she has attached to lovely, but also has its own small 99, selfish calculations. She is able to self-redemption was able to save someone else's woman, so she is the godmother of all selfish men. Guangzhou daily: these roles make you very closely watched, what do you think about all this? Hai Qing: I was three or four lines of actors,Can walk today I feel very satisfied already, today, I can wear this pair of high heels, but tomorrow I will have the courage to take off, who is a pair of barefoot, there is nothing to be afraid of. Guangzhou daily: fans worried about your declining in popularity. Hai Qing: I couldn't have one big Mac screen for so many years, the audience is very painful. My career ups and downs, called objectiveThe law, I do not and the objective law of competition. Trough in climax, I am also from the bottom up, climax will go trough the last end, show business itself is pass��. I don't think even if I do not play in the future, people will be disappointed. I, like the circle colorful. I came out, I will disappear, this is the truth. Point 4: I was scared to be described"High complete" star in Guangzhou daily: Teng Huatao Director is said to have advised you to do except lower blepharoplasty surgery, you refuse? Hai Qing: my face is the net result of acting was born, rather than for their own health. I don't like gossip, dislike of being defined, and adhere to the filming of not more than three a year. I was scared to be described as "high complete" Star, doesn't like to be misunderstood, seePaper article, all the time and I write another person diablo 3 power leveling, in fact, I am particularly simple. Guangzhou daily: but I think if it is too watch, things truly are little, and I thought, "truth" is a feature of you. Hai Qing: Yes, I had thought about the problem, but I feel fear, but as for me this is what I think is not so important, it is important IWhat is that role, even if you were seen talking to a very Hai Qing, special leave, but I would not necessarily bring such things to my creativity, it's just a way of life, but just a phenomenon. Guangzhou daily: screenwriter 66, you are idealists, not so much reality, like the ideal? Hai Qing: she was right! Manifest in what, I don't know, but I admit that I was in her eyes is an idealist. I feel like the Unicorn, only thought about acting like this. I hope the activities will not attend not to participate, advertising can not, can not do not do an interview. I just love acting and I want to want to play when you play, don't want to play when you don't play. But I know it is not possible, it isCompletely excluded from the community's collective personal, so I resized. Frequency quickly, I don't do anything hasty, to accommodate a lot of minor things.

Australia's biggest mining companies Rio Tinto and Chinalco

129667837336552892_75Yesterday, Australia's biggest mining companies Rio Tinto and Chinalco (601,600), the two sides in the joint venture in China aluminum Rio Tinto exploration limited liability company has obtained registration, a joint venture company will carry out mineral exploration operations in China. Joint venture company will be mainly for integrated exploration and deep exploration diablo 3 power leveling, first working on copperExploration and plans to expand in the future to coal and potash.   It is learnt that, as one of three of the world's largest iron ore giant Rio has extensive experience in exploration techniques and, the aluminum company has been committed to the shift from manufacturing to resource-based enterprises. In a joint venture company diablo 3 gold, the aluminum company owns 51% shares, Rio Tinto owns 49% shares. The aluminum company of three directors were appointed, theIncludes a Chairman, Rio Tinto has appointed Chief Executive Officer and two directors.


an online photo sharing network

iPhone 4 About To Be Flickr's Top Camera. Point & Shoots? Pretty Much The Opposite. | TechCrunch. What's the most popular camera used in terms of pictures taken that are uploaded to Flickr? Right now, it's the Nikon D90. But in about a month or so, it will be Apple's iPhone 4. What's amazing is that D90 is nearly three years old. The iPhone 4 is not even a year old. Just look at a the chart above. The rise has been spectacular.But it's hardly the first time an iPhone has risen this quickly. Back in 2009, the iPhone overtook the Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi as the most popular camera on Flickr. The difference is that at the time, Flickr was counting all the iPhone models together. That meant the original iPhone, the iPhone 3G, and the iPhone 3GS were all clumped together to overtake the Canon model. Now they're split up, and the iPhone 4 alone is still going to be the most popular camera on Flickr in under a year. It's pretty remarkable, really.It also speaks to just how badly Flickr has dropped the ball with regard to mobile. We've previously delved into this topic when recounting a former Yahoo employee talking about how Flickr should have built a service like Instagram, but simply couldn't due tobureaucracy. Flickr has long had the data to show that smartphone cameras were starting to dominate the market diablo 3 power leveling, but they really didn't do anything about it.The chart below is even more interesting. The "popular" point & shoot camera are all tanking, quickly. You'd think there would be one that is still doing well, but when compared to the high end (SLR) market and the smartphone market diablo 3 power leveling, they're in a total nosedive. This will only get worse. As we've also previously written, the point & shoots have also totally dropped the ball with regard to the social photo revolution �� they've committed seppuku.Six months ago, the data looked bad for point & shoots. Now it looks downright frightening. If the trend continues (and it's actually speeding up), the point & shoot is finished.Flickr's data obviously isn't absolute. But they do have a wide range of users who are interested in photography uploading to their site. And the main disclaimers they give about their data is that smartphone data may actually be under-represented. So yes, it's not looking good for point & shoots.And if you were to lump all the iPhone models together, they would be so far ahead of every other camera that the graph would look absurd. This is the state of photography right now. And it's going to continue in this direction.While Android has overtaken the iPhone in terms of market share, none of their individual phone models are doing particularly well from a photo-taking perspective. It's hard to say why this is �� lack of a good Flickr Android app, or just because there are so many different model? But with the iPhone 5 now not likely launching until the fall, the iPhone 4 will have plenty of time to sit on the crown and expand upon it.Flickr, meanwhile, will have plenty of time to contemplate what they missed out on in the mobile photo revolution happening on their own charts. And the point & shoots will have plenty of time to bleed.(As an interesting sidenote: note how Apple is actually the least popular of the camera brands on Flickr. Is it because they only have four models? Or is Flickr's data just wrong? Also worth noting: the iPad 2 is not doing well as a camera in terms of Flickr pictures. No surprise there �� it's simply not good for still image capture.) Crunchbase IPHONE 4 FLICKR Product: iPhone 4 Website: Company Apple Apple��s iPhone 4 was introduced at WWDC June 7th 2010.Apple CEO Steve Jobs claims it is the ��Thinnest smartphone on the planet.��Hardware featuresGlass front and back panelEntire rim is the antennaStainless steel construction326 pixel per inch displayFront facing cameraRear facing camera with LED flash Battery life7 hours of 3G talk6 hours of 3G browsing10 hours of Wi-Fi browsing10 hours of video playback300 hours of standbyUpdated screen960 x 640, 326 pixel per inch display800:1 contrast ratioIPS Technology screenCameraFront facing cameraRear... Learn more Company: Flickr Website: flickr.com Former game designers Stewart Butterfield and Caterina Fake created Flickr, an online photo sharing network, in 2004. Flickr, which began as a photo-sharing feature of their gaming project, has since then blossomed into one of the premiere photo-sharing sites on the web. Yahoo purchased Flickr for $35 million in March of 2005. Since then Flickr continues to compete with other photo-sharing giant Photobucket. Learn more. iPhone 4 About To Be Flickr's Top Camera. Point & Shoots? Pretty Much The Opposite. | TechCrunch.

in the company's online shop offer is $ 4

129614848134062500_523Old for new policies such as, home appliances to the countryside "feel good" usher of a year before the end of the last climax IT times Qian Lifu "11" golden week, chain stores are "enough ammunition", by aggressive sales detonate the market. This "11" Golden weeks, manufacturers more attention.Because of market pressure on the one hand, market demand in the first half, Mong Kok, so either the store or the manufacturer for the second half, particularly the national day Golden Week expected a plus. And on the policy, trade-in incentives will be canceled before the end, sells many consumers are expected to catch up with old for new "last bus"Potential consumption is expected to be released. Promotion battle started early in the past, chain stores are always around September 30 launch national day promotions. This year sales war "war" date significantly earlier, reporters from Shanghai suning (Twitter) and Shanghai company (Twitter) noted that, when the two stores have a week in advanceStart national day promotion. Shanghai suning September 22 started the "11" promotional strategy, in order to prepare for this year's national day Golden Week, suning feet under a Kung Fu. Suning national procurement reached 35 billion yuan, of which Shanghai Stock $ 3 billion total, mainly for consumer electronics. Shanghai companyAhead of the national day Golden Week of the start time to the 23rd of this month diablo 3 power leveling, holding multiple promotions. "Jingshifang home appliances purchase subsidy" is the important measure of Shanghai suning national day promotion this year, residents of jingshifang, this application is successful, suning appliance enjoy comprehensive subsidies of up to 10% of household appliances. According to reports, thisSubsidies for Government approval to jingshifang buyers, "confirmation of selected rooms" can be subsidised. General Manager of Shanghai suning Tao Jinghai, jingshifang home appliances purchased the first start-up capital of 10 million Yuan, objects can be achieved 1-1.50,000, depending on the activity and Government jingshifangProject promoting, suning will append invest.����"Generally speaking, during the national day of discount at about 15%, plus national scrappage allowance and suning jingshifang appliances help purchase subsidies, preferential margins of up to a maximum of 35% new Trojan", General Manager of Shanghai suning Tao Jinghai said. The national day periodBetween two stores to open new stores to attract popular.����In recent time, suning will have 4 stores opened in Shanghai, while the Shanghai company in Asia-Pacific first store opened on the first day of national day promotion company, opened at the preferential Super 35%. "Crowded" stimulate consumer enthusiasm at the beginning of September to hold a shopping festival activitiesShanghai Municipal commercial Commission related to the situation said, Shanghai goods, market growth slowed in the first half of this year, growth only 12% 7 August's growth is not ideal. This dilemma also appeared in household appliance market, home appliances market in as housing a restriction order, influence of macroscopic factors such as CPI rises, the CouncilPurchase the will be suppressed. "The market is not very good in the first half of this year, many of the important category of demand for the product are negative, so we are looking at the shopping festival", Sony Shanghai, officials said. Manufacturers want sales drive in the second half, to make up for the first half ofPoor, so for this year's national day Golden Week is extremely seriously. "11" period, dozens of new product we Su Ning IPO. Part, the company said major household appliance manufacturers have more than 60% of special resources, new products and selling products of the year resources to the company. This shows that the vendors on this year's national day holiday cycleAt about thick. Consumer enthusiasm for the first half was "suppressed", as the State canceled before the end of scrappage allowance policy factors such as impact, consumer enthusiasm is expected to be out in the second half. General Manager of Shanghai suning Tao Jinghai optimistic about market expectations for the second half, the end of this year, home appliances and old for new policies,Home appliances to the countryside in parts of policy would be terminated, the "11", two big subsidies will break out the last wave is large waves of policy sales. Real estate is also good news, Housing Ministry ask the end of November this year to complete all annual plans affordable housing program started, ensure completed projects during the year 4 million units, Completion of large-scale protected appliance market will bring enormous market opportunities.����Ekon is expected around 2011 domestic appliance market will reach $ 1.2 trillion, growth will be more than 10%. Linked stores "left cross beats" line products are cheaper on suning, GOME, notHas only online store, and they also have their own online shopping mall: SUNY purchase (Twitter) and GOME electrical appliances online shop (microblogging). National day, stores also had their own troubles, they face a quandary right hand cross beats, stores and online shop competition price to each other. From journalist surveyConditions, online product prices are relatively cheap, but price difference is small. Nokia (microblogging) 5 diablo 3 power leveling,230 in two online shopping mall in a quote in about 1150, Zhongshan Park and suning stores, this machine cost around 1280, Zhongshan Park in the company's store, the price is $ 1299�� Sony KDL-40CX520 television, in the company's online shop offer is $ 4,000, and the Zhongshan Park in the company's in-store, sales person told reporters that now may be sold in accordance with the national day activities at $ 4,200, "However you want to invoice a few days late. "Gree paragraph 1.5 of the well-being of, SUNY purchase price was $ 3,702, can enjoy the 10% trade-in allowance, and in the stores, the list price is $ 3,998, however sales personnel said that during the national day promotion after participating in trade-in, may be sold $ 3,252.

Zheng dashi's sent straight balls

129615080492031250_2273NetEase sports reported September 25: Beijing time on September 25, 2011-12 de b League 9th round of the season continued, in the midst in the Ruhr Derby, Duisburg team challenge Bochum team. Jiayi Shao because of knee problems for the third consecutive Miss list, missed and Bochum in AsiaPlayer Zheng dashi's and the expensive fight. Duisburg 88th minute encounter opponent gunnin ' Phoenix Suns final 1-2 lost. German war after 8 rounds before b, Duisburg 1 win 3 flat 4 negative 6 points ranked 14th in the League, Bochum last season to participate in the upgrading additional match now only 4 points in the League, bottom, knee old woundsJiayi Shao not healed for the third consecutive Miss list. After the start of the game both sides played cautious, 10 minute, lumbar discitis continuous feet knock at the door of the puliyaqikasi and pamiqi was blocked by Bochum player. After 5 minutes, dry your passing, azhawa closed area long shots were goalkeeper threw herself out. 17 minutes, the home teamBochum first goal. Akuisitapa race sent out assists, Christoph Dabrowski right foot knock at the door to the right of compromise within the closed area Florian fromlowitz guarded the goal, Bochum leading 1-0. Bochum continue to put pressure to the Duisburg goal after goal, 29 minutes, dry your support restricted area after passing the ball to teammate knock at the door on the right side highOut. 44 minutes, Zheng dashi's support matelici passing shots were Defender blocking out. End of period, Duisburg 0-1 behind. After the start of the second half, Duisburg began to strengthen the attack. The 52 minute, Duisburg get free kick to the left front, Cohen master free throws to a restricted area, Defender Badzic opponentHigh rub after leaping header under the press diablo 3 power leveling, the ball flying into the right corner of the goal, Duisburg 1-1 banping scores. 2 minutes later diablo 3 gold, Zheng dashi's sent straight balls, dry your support knock at the door after the hit, but was found offside and foul play. As the game proceeds, Bochum show confidence, DuisburgAlso have the opportunity, but did not take hold. 81 minutes, Zheng dashi's support your passing shot out of the cadre. 86 minutes, jiyasula road, closed area near long shots was Bochum goalkeeper leap-bashing out. 88 minutes, dry you sent deadly passing, Kincek single ball attack Florian fromlowitz cool tuishe ballRight corner of the door from succeeding, Duisburg 1-2 eventually lose.

so I'm easy prey. I guess it could be new

Breakfast Topic: New to you. I have played multiple Night Elves over the years I've been playing WoW (which is since open beta). So why did I just notice the face in the wisp a couple weeks ago? It's not like I don't die a lot. I do. I play on PvP servers but am not very good at defending myself, so I'm easy prey. I guess it could be new (doubt it) diablo 3 gold, or it could be my recent graphics card upgrade (which isn't that recent), but I think it's just that I never really paid attention.I also just noticed that the Timbermaw Hold cave entrances are furbolg heads. Of course, they've been like that since the beginning diablo 3 power leveling, but it's new to me.What things that have been in the game a while are new to you? Or am I just particularly unobservant?Email This. Breakfast Topic: New to you.

forgot the accomplishments of obtaining the dominant position of the Android system

129614862366250000_597IT times Lai Zhen entertainment reporters, written a basic skill is pulling relationship. Most of the world's best news "Beijing four less ACE in the hole on the ACE", Wang Shuo less simple reports with the capital four guns Wang Ke, it's hard to be qualified; must be reported Wang Yan stepson, Zhou Xun ex-boyfriend Shuo Wang gunLiu Tao, husband Wang Ke, this would be the basic standard. Wang yan, Liu Tao, Zhou Xun, a group of female star with two King conflict with relationship? The slightest relation does not have. Entertainment news tips is unrelated to get out, somewhat related more to relationships. So what we see in entertainment news, not male and female Idol sparks, And send secret messages; is actress scrambling for the limelight, heart health, and not with sth Senior entertainment reporters understand that let people interested not buzzing all day to star in the class itself, but rather legendary mad admires give way to all the behind-the-scenes relationship between them, as to the true also is making up false presumptions, that would matter.A lot of IT reports are more and more in the style of entertainment news, recent Samsung and HTC love hate on Google News as is the case. After Google's acquisition of Motorola's mobile operations, according to media reports, very serious consequences. Google Motorola contain as of one ' s direct coinage, Android campsMain force of the other two Samsung and HTC are heart suspicions germination. Samsung will develop its own operating system Bada; and HTC is intent to buy HP's mobile phone system WebOS.����In this way, Google's Android group faced collapse. This interpretation is truly wonderful, of course,Love right here, but it looks too much like the familiar entertainment reports.����Really because Google acquired Motorola, Samsung and HTC will angry and running away, please? Mobile phone manufacturers depending on your choice of operating systems, the base can be divided into single platform, and Platform two. Apple, with iOS have BlackBerry RIM, Motorola with Android are all single platform strategies, produces only a single category of smartphones, while manufacturers such as Samsung, HTC introduced a number of platform strategy, at the same time making Android, Windows Phone and other different series of smartphonesMachine. Only Nokia have the problem, used to be a single platform on Symbian, now having three platforms of MeeGo and Symbian, and Windows Phone, but also will gradually migrate to the Windows Phone platform in the future, strategyExisting variables. As a multi-platform mobile phone manufacturers, Samsung, HTC has always been both ways, they are not the same as Motorola were betting on Google's Android body while Microsoft introduced Windows Phone, Samsung and HTC is most committed supporters. Think GoogleBuy hurt Samsung and HTC's "feelings", demonstrate a little too romantic diablo 3 gold, you know, everybody is a person who foot a few ships, no one who is not unique. Search for a new mobile operating system, in line with their usual multi-platform strategy. Some say Google spur to Samsung to develop their own mobile phone operating system bada�� This is through, you know, Samsung Bada operating system were launched nearly two years ago, Bada phones have listed a few paragraphs. Samsung has launched its own layout on a mobile operating system, which Google acquired Motorola had no relations. Two things as the cause,Like entertainment reported that Zhao Wei, Zhou Xun, Chen Kun-lien quarrel just to vent one ' s spleen, sounds fun, who is really a mess. Of course, Samsung, HTC has recently discussed in a high profile new phone operating system diablo 3 power leveling, like Apple, but they can strike out own system, I believe they should also knowMing. Samsung Bada OS if competitive, not development for two years in obscurity.����HTC claims considering acquisition of WebOS, but if it is difficult to support even a HP WebOS reconstruction of ecological systems, HTC emboldened? Samsung and HTC high profile spread rumours the other set up and listened to theMore like to Google the spoiled. In fact Google cannot be acquired by Motorola, forgot the accomplishments of obtaining the dominant position of the Android system;, Samsung, HTC and more ethereal impossible in its own operating system without a trace of the situation, give up multi-platform strategy out sweeping Android camps. Every dayCall people who run away from home, very often just hope someone can give enough attention to it.