
Zheng dashi's sent straight balls

129615080492031250_2273NetEase sports reported September 25: Beijing time on September 25, 2011-12 de b League 9th round of the season continued, in the midst in the Ruhr Derby, Duisburg team challenge Bochum team. Jiayi Shao because of knee problems for the third consecutive Miss list, missed and Bochum in AsiaPlayer Zheng dashi's and the expensive fight. Duisburg 88th minute encounter opponent gunnin ' Phoenix Suns final 1-2 lost. German war after 8 rounds before b, Duisburg 1 win 3 flat 4 negative 6 points ranked 14th in the League, Bochum last season to participate in the upgrading additional match now only 4 points in the League, bottom, knee old woundsJiayi Shao not healed for the third consecutive Miss list. After the start of the game both sides played cautious, 10 minute, lumbar discitis continuous feet knock at the door of the puliyaqikasi and pamiqi was blocked by Bochum player. After 5 minutes, dry your passing, azhawa closed area long shots were goalkeeper threw herself out. 17 minutes, the home teamBochum first goal. Akuisitapa race sent out assists, Christoph Dabrowski right foot knock at the door to the right of compromise within the closed area Florian fromlowitz guarded the goal, Bochum leading 1-0. Bochum continue to put pressure to the Duisburg goal after goal, 29 minutes, dry your support restricted area after passing the ball to teammate knock at the door on the right side highOut. 44 minutes, Zheng dashi's support matelici passing shots were Defender blocking out. End of period, Duisburg 0-1 behind. After the start of the second half, Duisburg began to strengthen the attack. The 52 minute, Duisburg get free kick to the left front, Cohen master free throws to a restricted area, Defender Badzic opponentHigh rub after leaping header under the press diablo 3 power leveling, the ball flying into the right corner of the goal, Duisburg 1-1 banping scores. 2 minutes later diablo 3 gold, Zheng dashi's sent straight balls, dry your support knock at the door after the hit, but was found offside and foul play. As the game proceeds, Bochum show confidence, DuisburgAlso have the opportunity, but did not take hold. 81 minutes, Zheng dashi's support your passing shot out of the cadre. 86 minutes, jiyasula road, closed area near long shots was Bochum goalkeeper leap-bashing out. 88 minutes, dry you sent deadly passing, Kincek single ball attack Florian fromlowitz cool tuishe ballRight corner of the door from succeeding, Duisburg 1-2 eventually lose.

