
so I'm easy prey. I guess it could be new

Breakfast Topic: New to you. I have played multiple Night Elves over the years I've been playing WoW (which is since open beta). So why did I just notice the face in the wisp a couple weeks ago? It's not like I don't die a lot. I do. I play on PvP servers but am not very good at defending myself, so I'm easy prey. I guess it could be new (doubt it) diablo 3 gold, or it could be my recent graphics card upgrade (which isn't that recent), but I think it's just that I never really paid attention.I also just noticed that the Timbermaw Hold cave entrances are furbolg heads. Of course, they've been like that since the beginning diablo 3 power leveling, but it's new to me.What things that have been in the game a while are new to you? Or am I just particularly unobservant?Email This. Breakfast Topic: New to you.

