
frequency range

129668568831718750_35Power outages need not fear-C1KSUPS power supply review Computers are now indispensable in the work, the computer was launched by relying on the power. Ensure smooth work is to ensure the stability of electric power. If the power is not very stable, how do we work? Power now, it is quite good, rarely have problems. But in power upgrade is when you will experience problems with power outages, in which case you need a guaranteed power tools, Which is UPS. Santak unveiled a product-line UPS-C1KS works very well, we shall try to enjoy yourself in detail. Mt C1KS in AC mode or battery mode can be output low-distortion sine wave power swtor credits, load equipment for the best power protection for the user. When the mains power failure or when a complex power, UPS power modeSwitching between battery and no conversion time, would effectively guarantee the reliability of the load operation. Mt C1KS in order to avoid the Mt user enable UPS in BYPASS MODE does not power on using, causing power disruptions, UPS device abnormal shutdown. Mt C1KS~3K (s), enter the normal mains, the default output without bypass�� Must turn to normal inverter output. But can be changed by Mt WinPower software on the Web site is configured to "bypass output listing". Mt C1KS TVSS function, TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE SUPPRESS surge voltage protection function. For FAX, tELEPHONE, conversions such as MODEM, network protection features. Castle series UPS input power factor correction function, loaded with case, input power factor up to 0.95 per cent, allowing users of power environment no pollution. On-line UPS is able to provide better load-power environments, in terms of voltage output ranges swtor power leveling, frequency range, enter theNoise filtering, and even power mode and battery modes such as zero-transition time considerations-online is the best UPS structure, therefore, important that device, or on power environment almost demanding devices should use on-line UPS. Mt C1KS affordable, is good, is a high price/performance in the on-line UPS, interested friends can takeTaken into account.

