
Miao Jixian

129668732734843750_71Xinhuanet, Jinan, November 27 (reporter Wang Haiying)-in April, Shandong Qingyun County lost sheep found "lean" attracted wide attention. A few days ago, 5 people involved in this case of Shandong province Qingyun County people's Court to crimes of producing and selling toxic food and help to destroy evidence of crimes, sentenced to prison. On March 31 this year, Hebei province foodProducts to which regulation report, Shandong province, said a number of "lean" sheep to the slaughter, Qing County daizhuangzicunyin Middle Road in Cangzhou, scheduled for evening or the next morning on the day of slaughter. Hebei food regulation sent to Qing County checks, the slaughter of more than 190 points total to be slaughtered sheep was found more than are Shandong Qingyun County farmer Liu yuguo from transportation in Shandong province. Check field will extract the two urine samples"Lean" rapid detection, the results are positive, suspected "lean" sheep. On April 2, Qingyun County Police officers sped to the Hebei Qing County two suspected illegal control, which had been cracked. It is reported that the case Miao Jixian, Liu yuguo, Liu Tiejun, and Miao Jianping, Li Chongjie Qingyun County farmers. The investigation, in January 2011, the Miao Jixian, and Liu yuguo, and Liu TiejunCo-financed, in tongyu County in Jilin province to buy hundreds of small-tailed Han sheep, after a few times to Dongying Lijin County salt Wo town purchased through other "small" (commonly known as "lean") a total of four bags. The beginning of March 2011, three people in the sheep feed added "small" feed sheep, end of month, Miao Jixian, and Liu yuguo sold the 192 sheep Qing County, Cangzhou city, Hebei province daizhuangzicun. SeedlingJian ping to Liu yuguo, Miao Jixian, Liu Tiejun sheep are known to feed "little" after being seized on April 3, ordering Li Chongjie, who left the "small" buried in the grave must be destroyed. Court heard that, Miao Jixian, Liu yuguo swtor power leveling, Liu Tiejun sheep farming process, in order to get illegal benefits, added the ban of use of "lean" and sold his behavior constituted theManufacture and sale of toxic and harmful food, sentenced three people two years ' imprisonment, a fine of RMB 10,000 yuan, Miao Jianping, Li Chongjie maker II Miao Jixian and others for the sheep feed added "small" was uncovered, and help them destroy evidence the old republic power leveling, its conduct constituted the crime of helping destroy the evidence and sentenced to prison term of two years, suspended for one year. Reporters learned from the Qingyun County people's Court,After the delivery of the case, five defendants were not appealed within the statutory time limit, it is the judgment has become legally effective.

