

129667889675615392_185Europe and the United States debt issues intertwined, global equity markets over the past week of heavy losses. As of 25th Beijing time, three stock markets fell in Europe, Britain, France, Germany's stock market declines, respectively, 0.6% and 0.5%. In Greece, and Italy and other countries, the stock market fell more than 1%, Italy was once close to decrease in the stock market 2%。 It is also European stocks for a seventh day.   Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! In the United States market, as holidays reduced to half a day trading of stocks on the day showing downturns. P 500 futures earlier 0.8%The Dow futures down 0.7%.  So far this week, the Dow has dropped nearly 5%. Asia-Pacific stock markets downturn this week, around the Asia-Pacific equity markets have even fallen, at least three consecutive day this week. Friday, Japan stocks down 0.1%, down 1.9% this week. Korea stocks down 1%. Australia stocks down 1.5%, the sixth consecutive day,Down 4.6% this week. Chinese Taipei stocks down 1.2%. Hong Kong stocks down 1.4%.  Reproduction of adjustments mainland stock market Friday, the Shanghai composite index closed down 0.7%, down 1.5% this week. On this week's global stock market resulted in the greatest destruction remains Europe's debt crisis. With the development of the situation, there was more to eurozone core countries of the European debt crisis vinesSign extended, this investor alert emotions greatly enhanced. The beginning of this week diablo 3 gold, the international credit rating agency Moody's to France issued a warning of credit ratings may be downgraded, triggering violent turbulence of financial markets in Europe and America. France has so far enjoyed the highest AAA credit rating diablo 3 gold, but as the debt crisis spreading in the region, France recently, funding costs are soaring. Moody's considersThat yields continue to rise and economic prospects deteriorate, will intensify France Government's financial difficulties, France adversely affect credit. Even have been considered Europe's most secure investment subject in Germany this week "in distress". 23rd, Germany available for sale at � 6 billion of 10-year Treasury bonds, but was snubbed in the market. Auction only attracted 3.9 billion euro on the day of recognitionPurchase amounts, far less than the debt target, resulting in Germany's Central Bank was forced to take over the remaining debt.  Germany Government and the European Central Bank, analysts believe that the debt issue cold, reflected the strongest market as the eurozone Germany economy suffered from fears of debt crisis. The other hand, Germany for euro-bonds and European Central Bank "lender" proposalsSo opposition, which in large part on his popularity.  And Portugal, and Hungary and other countries of the rating to junk status, increased market concerns.  IG markets company strategist Stan says, in the short term, European debt situation may result in investors remain cautious, Germany no longer appear to be immune to the debt crisis. In the United States, United States Congress "Super Committee"The leaders formally announced on 21st, representative of the democratic and Republican parties failed to reach agreement within the prescribed period to reduce the deficit, which indicates that the Committee since its inception in August of this year's Red reduction efforts ended in failure. Although the three major rating agencies that will not be downgraded United States rating, but it also reminded investors, United States domestic political stalemate continues,This on the already weak economic recovery will undoubtedly be worse. Looking to the future, Chief Strategist at BlackRock asset Bodor believes that despite the recent market fell, but the situation has improved significantly over the past few months. No matter is the United States still fears China's economy has declined. But as investors in the past few months have seen, the future market prospects very muchDepends on the further development of European debt crisis.

