
this year

129667840429521642_56Bonds has exceeded 700 billion since the beginning, nearly 1.5 times of the last times this year, with the Central Bank repeatedly to improve deposit rates and lending rates, not only those who are not listed under the weight of SMEs facing money, even relatively easy to borrow financing problems of listed companies is not small. In the case of loans difficult diablo 3 gold, additional issue of shares and hard, turning to bond financing of listed companies. According to numberIt was revealed this year issued debt of over $ 700 billion in listed companies (including corporate bonds, convertible bonds, medium-term notes, and short-term financing bonds, the same below), well beyond the issue for the year 2010. Solutions capital bonds as thirst, also provides new investments. Super 40% over a year ago to issue bonds this year according to statistics, as of November 17, thisTrojan years a total of 237 listed company issued $ 705.57 billion worth of bonds, throughout 2010, Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets for a total of 155 companies issued bonds, issuing scale of 483.655 billion yuan. By contrast, this year, listing corporate bond issuance has surged HK $ 221.915 billion for the whole year compared with last year, showed an increase of 45.89%. Statistics show that in January-October, Shanghai and Shenzhen on the issue and rights issue finance respectively $ 371.8 billion and $. Industry analysts believe that, in the context of stock market weakness, increased the allotment financing is more difficult to take place, listed companies by the bond market has become the new way forward. New express statistics found that as of November 25 this year, a total of 379Companies listed on the announcement of the release notes, optical size of October there were 79.8 billion yuan. "In the case of return on the stock market overall is lower now, vigorously develop the bonds on capital markets as a whole will benefit. "Beijing yanjing overseas Chinese University Chancellor Watson is the comments. Watson said listed companies are among the best and most major partIf this part of the financing of enterprises from bank loans to the independent issue bonds would make banks significantly reduced demand for loans. Assistant General Manager of Shanghai Stock Exchange Xia Jianting enterprises issuing bonds is considered can also scale up, speed up development. It explained that the national debt, financial bond issuance greatly, truly based on enterprise credit credit debt market (including corporate bonds, corporate bondsAnd medium-term notes and short-term financing bonds) is the amount of 4 trillion, accounted for the entire debt stock of 20%, small and medium enterprises financing difficulty of problems is not yet valid key. National credit, quasi-State credit bonds accounted for the total amount of bonds in China's 80%, this ratio is far from equilibrium. This reporter has learned in a mature capital markets, debt is much more than equity financing, such as the United States companyBonds, government bonds, equity share respectively, 60% and 10%, therefore, the development of domestic bond markets is still at a low level, there is still a lot of room to improve in the future. Recently listed company SFC started the gem private placement bonds, company will also join the bond force next gem. Independent financial writer Pi Haizhou yearn for this, "saidAs a gem and the listed companies to issue bonds to refinance the main way, which is obviously conducive to relieve pressure on the refinancing of stock market faces. Because by issuing bonds, not only to maintain or even increase the proportion of direct financing, but also to relieve pressure on refinancing of the a-share ", and" through bond financing, can also reduce the listed companies ' circle ', on the increaseCompany in return. Through debt financing, also may enhance your planned funds of listed companies, changing ' lavish ' spending habit. "Coupon rate is up to 9% bond financing of listed companies" blowout "phenomenon, insiders explained that the Securities and Futures Commission to promote the development of corporate bonds currently implementing" green passage "system, greatly simplified approval procedure,Basic control of project approval in less than a month, at the same time, banking, insurance and other large institutions are permitted to enter the corporate bond market, the Exchange also will enhance the company's debt position in its entirety. From a company perspective, issue bonds subject to approval of high efficiency, time is short, it is currently issuing costs are lower in 2011, issuance of corporate bonds issued guiding interest rates interest rates below the medium-term bills. For example,Tai Junan lead underwriting 11 debt issues at Nangang guiding interest rates 40 basis points in interest rates earlier. In addition, with the rapid expansion of corporate bond market, a large number of investors are permitted to enter, corporate bond issuance increased steadily. Data show that as of November 22, to issue corporate bonds with an average size was 1.52 billion yuan this year. Of listed companies in the corporate bond market to meet the thawFunding needs. However, with the Central Bank raising interest rates three times this year, debt issuance costs of listed companies have gradually rose. New Express Reporter statistics found that since the beginning of January this year, except in May and July issue per cent from the interest rate fell slightly in addition to remaining month bond interest rates are to grow month by month, the average issue rate will reach, 4.24%, 5.06%,, 5.38%, 5.56%, 5.4%, 6.76%, 6.79%,, which means that in recent months of bond interest rates have been heading will be implemented early next year at least 5 years of benchmark lending rate (if no interest rate cuts by the end, from January 1 next year, 5 year benchmark lending rate rose from 6.4% to 7.5%). Judging from the average bond rate, per cent in January this year has exploded to per cent in November, an increase of up to 63.92%. Incomplete statistics, there are currently 48 corporate bond's coupon rate is greater than 7.05%, Changzheng electric (600,112) corporate bond coupon rate as high as 9%, refresh this year single listingDivision of corporate bonds coupon rate on record. Apart from Changzheng electric diablo 3 gold, Jiangxi cement (000789), Dunan environment (002011), rose to forestry (002259), tengda construction (600,512), kaidi electric power (000939), Xinxiang chemical fiber (000949), in the benefits of science and technology (002309), the southern sky information (000948), the new radicals (000972), Han's laser (002008), shanying paper (600,567), xinan shares (600,596), Jilin forest industry (600,189), and huayi brothers (300,027) 14 listed companies such as bond rates also reach or even exceed 8%.

