
residential building volume rate in 1

129668574453125000_42Luxury Beijing normal housing standards threshold increase December 10, adjusting general average transaction prices of housing in Beijing. This means that a lot because housing prices are rising as a result of a "pseudo-luxury" will return to a normal range of housing swtor power leveling, transactions may enjoy corresponding preferential tax policies. The day before yesterday, Beijing construction Committee and municipal local taxation Bureau issued a notice to relax prices in Beijing housing found in the standard, of which, according to different housing location is setPrices in different standards. Implementation of the new standards will be held on December 10. The industry believes that this policy will be introduced to benefit property under construction, buyers of resale housing, waiver should not bear tax burden. Super 70% housing families will enjoy preferential it is understood that the preferential treatment of ordinary houses, should satisfy three conditions: residential building volume rate in 1 (inclusive) or more;Single area in 140 (including) square metres; actually sold for less than established in accordance with the notification area the ordinary housing with an average transaction price of 1.2 times times. In accordance with the notification, ordinary housing with an average transaction prices from the past "determined as link sets price cap" adjusted to the "average transaction prices combined with location adjustment coefficient by houses in the city" determined. At the same time, no longerAccording to the total price to calculate the price of housing standards, but the unit price per square metre. Standard four-ring in the northern region with the highest reach $ 38,880/m2, minimum six reached $ 17,280/m2 in the outer rim. Two sectors have indicated that, after this adjustment, Beijing over 70% of tax incentives for families to enjoy the normal residence of the purchase. Purchase newHousing for the taxpayer, to declare when you pay the deed tax general housing standards, define whether to enjoy relevant preferential tax policies. This means already purchase and there is no room owners, mostly under the new policy to perform. New houses in the highest tax definition of 120,000 houses in Beijing before has 3 years do not make any adjustments. In accordance with previous policyBeijing six residential housing area within the loop once over 90 square metres, the base will be into the "non-ordinary residence" category. Not more ceiling unit price under the new standards, improve and some "one-step" rigid demand, can be extended to most of the 90~140 square metres of housing, the highest tax burden decreased by $ 122,200. Centaline expects new standard shadowRing, Beijing will have more than 80% of residential houses, especially outside the five rings, 90% more than 140 square meters of residential houses. Centaline believes that this policy conducive to encouraging demand, also reduces the burden on buyers. For market regulation policy more humane star wars the old republic power leveling, attention to detail to ensure home demand. Regulation of such politicalStrategy execution time may be longer. In addition, the standards changes for the current market situation, the calculation will affect developers in designing sales type low-demand housing, and the present marketing good projects are mostly low price just need room.

