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129668600961250000_9Topic: China imports diversification effect the introduction of natural gas resources to reform pricing mechanism reform as soon as possible on November 23, President Hu Jintao in Beijing with visiting Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly berdymukhamedov signed the agreement on Turkmenistan to China increases for natural gas, according to the agreement, natural gas pipeline in Turkmenistan through Central Asia to ChinaNatural gas will increase by 25 billion cubic metres per year, year totaled 65 billion cubic meters. Add have with Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan signed agreement, imports of natural gas through the natural gas pipeline from the Central Asian countries will reach 80 billion cubic metres a year. 24th, Turkmen natural gas through the natural gas pipelines in Central Asia and the West-East natural gas transmission line of a long journey, Reached 8,000 kilometers of the Pearl River Delta, where industry and residents offer a clean and efficient energy. ����Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Holding China in Central Asia that the tremendous potential of the natural gas market and achieve their energy exportsThe purpose of, to wean Russia's dependence on stratagem of Central Asia had to Russia's energy strategy has an impact. In Turkmenistan to increase gas supply to China after the signing of the agreement, this impact is expected to strengthen further. At the same time, with the deepening of cooperation between China and Central Asian countries and increase in the imports of liquefied natural gas, gas imports diversification strategy of China already have outDisplay of results. The other hand, whether it is a natural gas from Central Asia, later from Russia's natural gas, they eventually be thousands of miles away through a pipeline to China, is consumed by residents and industry in China. However, in accordance with the international price buy low price of expensive imports and Government pricing of natural gas had a conspicuous contradiction of domestic gas. PetroChina said this priceContradiction does not benefit China's natural gas imports.����Industry experts say, including natural gas, prices of resource products must be made to rationalize and reform. Growing diversity Central Asia became important sources of imported gas supply trend gradually ease up until the late 20th century, developing China's natural gas industry has been relatively slow, natural gas supply and consumption in the energy mix proportionIs vanishingly small. Speed up the pace with China's energy structure adjustment and energy-saving emission reduction tasks increase, more and more natural gas as a clean energy be taken seriously. Since the beginning of 21st century, China stepped up its development and utilization of natural gas, 30.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas production from 2001 growth in 2010 to 96.8 billion cubic meters, with an average annual growth rate of 13.5%, consumption growth in 2001 from 27.4 billion cubic meters by 2010 of 109 billion cubic meters, with an average annual growth rate of 16.1%. According to plan, share of natural gas in the energy consumption structure in China from the current 4% to "Twelve-Five" 8% at the end of. Nevertheless Diablo 3 Gold, the proportion of natural gas in the energy consumption structure in China was seriously low, And this value is the current world average of 24.1%, even in Asia is at 11.2%. The other hand, since the beginning of 2006, China's natural gas consumption of more than natural gas production, and sustained supply situation, widening gap between supply and demand. Can be predicted is that in the development of a low carbon economy and to achieve energy-saving emission reduction policies under the guidance of natural gasDemand in the "Twelve-Five" and "Thirteen-Five" will usher in a period of rapid growth for the period, the average annual increment is likely to exceed 20 billion cubic meters.����From "Eleven-Five" during China's natural gas production growth situation, below the average annual increment of 10 billion cubic metres, to meet rapidly growing demand, could only be resolved through the introduction of foreign natural gas resources. Since 2006Since is natural gas-importing countries, imports increased year by year, external dependence increases for natural gas. 2010 China's introduction of 16.6 billion cubic meters of natural gas abroad, foreign dependence of natural gas over 10%.����Is expected to "Twelve-Five" end, external dependence for natural gas in China will reach about 40%, "Thirteen-Five" weekend around 50%. As China's daySpecific gravity of gas imports increased security of supply will become significant issues that must be taken into account. To this end, the strategy of diversification of gas imports have been taken in China, has invested heavily to accelerate the construction of Northeast, Northwest, Southwest, and four oil and gas imports by sea channel. One of those through the Northwest Passage introduced in Central Asia, Russia and other countries of piped gas will be the future of offshore natural gas resourcesImportant source. On the Sino-Russian "Marathon" talks deadlocked case of natural gas, natural gas cooperation with Central Asian countries have made a breakthrough in China, especially Turkmenistan in Central Asia have become important foreign source in China, to a large extent meet the growth in demand for natural gas in China, but also for the diversification of natural gas imports in China has laid a good foundation. According to theAs of November 24, 2011, the Trojan Turkmenistan pipeline 17.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas in China, more than 50% of China's natural gas imports over the same period, has played an important role in compensate for insufficient domestic production capacity. At the same time, China also continue through sea imported liquefied natural gas (LNG). According to the latest statistics of the national development and Reform Commission, the firstIn October, China's imports roughly 25 billion cubic meters of natural gas, per cent surge in 86.5%, including import of 12.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas from Central Asia, as well as from Yemen, and Malaysia, and Qatar, and Indonesia and Australia and other countries 12.7 billion cubic metres of LNG imports. In addition to increasing imports of natural gas in China, has been mining in ChinaResource potential, strive to increase domestic gas reserves and production, this will effectively relieve tension in the supply of natural gas in China, promoting the sustained and healthy economic development in China. Published on November 24, the national oil and gas resources of the Department of land and resources dynamic evaluation (2010) displays, recoverable resources had reached 32 trillion cubic meters of natural gas in China, 2003-2007 of a new national oil and gas resource evaluation of growth and 49%, respectively.����Years of proven natural gas reserves have maintained a "five-year plan since the" rapid growth, 20 Trojan proved 10 trillion cubic meters and above, an average of more than 600 billion cubic meters. China and Central Asia to achieve "win-win cooperation" successful experience of Russia draw according to Chinese oil forecast,By 2015, the year 80 billion cubic meters of natural gas in Central Asian countries will lose to China, when demand will reach 260 billion cubic meters of natural gas in China swtor power leveling, Central Asian countries imports of natural gas equivalent of China's consumption of about 30%. Central Asia will become a major outside source has two major advantages of support: on the one hand, as China's naturalThe rapid growth of gas demand, urged by imports to meet domestic demand in China, and oil and gas-rich Central Asia, from the geopolitical point of view, is a good source of energy in Central Asia; on the other hand, imports diversification strategies which will be implemented for energy security reasons also coincide with the Central Asian country is seeking to diversify exports. China-Central Asia daySo the rapid development of cooperation is not only open the diversification of natural gas imports for China channel, as well as Central Asian countries to expand export channels to reduce Russia's dependence has opened a section of the Orient "road". Oil and gas-rich Central Asia, according to United Kingdom oil released the 2011 world energy statistics show, 8 trillion cubic metres of proven recoverable reserves of Turkmenistan, Ranked 4th in the world, second only to Russia, and Iran and Qatar, 4.3% per cent of the world's total. Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan also 1.8 trillion cubic meters and 1.6 trillion cubic deposits. 2010 total production reached more than 120 billion cubic metres of natural gas in the three countries, has been mining for years-compared to the Middle East, Central Asian natural gas developmentIs clearly more great potential. As the former Soviet Union, Central Asian countries are oil and gas pipeline for a long time Russia control, its export prices far below international market prices, serious constraints on the development of national energy economy. Therefore, the Central Asian country began taking "energy export diversification" strategy, with a view to moving away from Russia's control, expand domestic resources export channels.Therefore, ventilation of the end of 2009 China-Central Asia gas pipeline into Central Asia to develop diversified exports an important bridgehead. However, that Russia clearly cannot be considered a good thing, such a disturbing emotions from Russian gas (Russia RAO Gazprom) Vice President Medvedev had questioned can be seen in the Turkmenistan's natural gas reserves.Russia fears justified, on the one hand, Central Asian countries are trying to get rid of dependency on Russia, sought by China and the United States cooperation in natural gas consuming nations such as the independent resources-power status; on the other hand, increase the supply of natural gas to China in Central Asia, the invisible will be crowding out Russia for natural gas in China's market share in the future, this will also affect RussiaDeveloping the China market opportunities in the future. Xia Yishan experts on China's energy strategy in an interview with a Xinhua reporter, said: "after all, Russia has always regarded the Central Asian countries for the benefit of them and China strengthen cooperation in energy, Russia not concerned at all? "Prior to this, Russia sustaining power in the negotiations is more by supporting demand in Europe. As the world economyA gradual recovery from the financial crisis, gas demand also continues to grow, and Japan after the events of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, States reduced nuclear energy development plan, natural gas dependency is bound to continue to rise. At the same time, unrest in the Middle East this year to the Middle East, North Africa as a source of imports in Europe have been seriously affected, European countries have to strengthen Russia's cooperation.Nevertheless, Russia, export diversification is also a need to consider issues, European natural gas market has matured, excessive dependence on the European market ultimately detrimental to Russia's natural gas exports, Russia also need to seek such as China's emerging and fast-growing market demand. Xia Yishan said that China and Russia energy cooperation must be "mutually beneficial and win-win", requiredFrom the standpoint of the long-term, global and national strategies.����In the previous stage, the Sino-Russian bilateral differences are on the decline in prices, China and Russia's natural gas cooperation talks in the final analysis is a negotiation of mutual concessions, "the two sides will reach a unanimous agreement in the end". Russia, with China to expand its gas export channels to enhance theirBargaining power of the market and other markets in Europe; for China, and Russia to obtain a stable natural gas resources in cooperation with input and provides strong support for their sustainable economic development. China Petroleum West-East gas pipeline sales Branch said in a press interview, natural gas cooperation between China and Central Asia to achieve a "win-win" situations worthy of Russia for reference,Also, to a certain extent, urged Russia to make decisions as soon as possible. At the same time Russia illustrates two truths: first, China's natural gas market potential is huge; second, although the Chinese have a certain capacity of natural gas prices, but due to demand in China are mainly located in the Eastern and coastal, from Asia, Russia and other countries of introducing natural gas pipeline transport costs high, and China's domestic natural gas pricesOn the low side, China cannot afford gas prices with the European market. High tone at contradictions to straighten out either the Government pricing and price trend is modified while the success of the strategy of China's natural gas imports, we also need to be seen, according to the international market to buy imported natural gas pricing in domestic sales to the Government, to the import and sale of natural gas enterprisesCost pressure. Furthermore, as China's natural gas imports increased, the pressure will continue to grow. First of October of this year, China's natural gas imports per cent increase in 86.5%, the increase will be with the operation of pipelines and LNG receiving station and continue to improve. Compared to other major gas importer in the world, on the import of natural gas in China faced two majorThe pressure on.����First, import cost pressures. At present, China's imports relies mainly on Northwest onshore natural gas pipeline transportation of natural gas and imports shipping LNG from sea lanes. Gas from the pipe, in China from Central Asia, Russia and other major natural gas resources to far away from European countries, the farther distance means that the pipeline cost is higher, in the case of the same ex-factory price, Cost of natural gas reached national markets are higher than in Europe. For example, the European market even though Turkmenistan most of the distance from Belgium and the United Kingdom, its transport distances than Turkmenistan's gas to China's much shorter transport distance of the target market. Shipping LNG from the point of view, Asia-Pacific region has always been the highest in the world LNG trade price, this price in the future will also be in for a longBuoyed by rapid growth in demand for some time.����From Qatar LNG imports as an example, in May this year to the LNG to the Bank of China was $ 15.02 million British thermal units/, compared to the United Kingdom's LNG CIF price is $ 8.99 per million British thermal units.����Second, the pressure of low prices of domestic natural gas market. At present, China's importsGas prices usually take the form of crude oil or petroleum products price-linked, negotiations agreed by both parties in accordance with market rules. However, over the years, the Government in China's domestic onshore natural gas price price, although the 2005, 2007 and 2010 State three times tuned factory benchmark price of natural gas, but the current price level is still well below theThe world average. From the figures for August 2011, residents in the same period by gas tax-inclusive price was 2.1 Yuan/cubic meters, industrial gas prices are also lower. While in natural gas mainly rely on imports of Japan, the price of 12.96 Yuan/cubic meter; in European countries, at current exchange rates, United Kingdom is $ 5.67/m; even in theIn recent years by slashing domestic natural gas shale gas development of the United States, the price reached $ 3.59/cubic meter. Even from the point of view of alternative energy, natural gas prices are too low in China. Because crude oil prices surged in recent years, domestic natural gas calorific value such as ex-factory price is equivalent to crude oil price about one-third. Price signalsDistortion, resulting in around Mount oil to gas works, compete with natural gas as raw materials and fuel-energy-consumption on chemical projects, adding to the contradiction between supply and demand of natural gas. The prices are too low pressure is evident on the imports of natural gas in Central Asia. According to China's natural gas supply agreement signed with the Central Asian countries, landed-paid price of the gas at about 2.6 Yuan/cubic meters, andIn terms of government regulation of domestic gas ex-factory price of only $ 1.15/cubic meter swtor credits, more than 1 time lower than the price of imported gas. This means that imports 1 cubic meters of natural gas from Central Asia in China, at least to bear the loss of more than $ 1, annual imports of 80 billion cubic meters of natural gas needed to bear losses will reach about 100 billion yuan. When China and RussiaRoss agreed Russia through East and West each year to deliver more than 60 billion cubic metres of gas to China so that imports of natural gas as a result of losses will be even greater. Thus, to relieve pressure on both, in order to fundamentally resolve the contradiction between demand and supply of natural gas, straighten out the relationship between supply and demand, natural gas pricing system reform is imperative. It is learnt that theResidents Committee modified gas stepped pricing scheme is currently being used in the making, taking into account domestic inflationary pressure and the stable and sustainable economic development, gas pricing reforms will take a gradual approach to gradually move closer to the market. Industry experts said the reform trend of future natural gas prices are expected to include two points, first, progressive enhancement and relevance of alternative energy to keep the pipelineOil and natural gas, LNG and other alternative fuels competitive advantage, ease the contradiction between supply and demand unreasonable; the second is formed in accordance with the flow of natural gas supply and demand of domestic natural gas market, gradually reduce the intensity of price controls, allowing different areas depending on the gas source, and pipeline costs on their own pricing.

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129667634776084142_0PV's big four loss of 290 million dollars was too dependent on exports Had been high hopes, but now is the whole industry into unprecedented difficulty. Recently, domestic four photovoltaic giant Yingli solar, Suntech, TRW, sinovideo started to publish third-quarter earnings, four companies total loss of $ 290 million. Vice President of China renewable energy society Meng Xiangan said Chinese PV companies rely too much on exports, which led to shrinking European market, United States marketBeing "double-reverse" investigation Diablo 3 Power Leveling, the photovoltaic industry in trouble, and this will continue. Line loss on November 21, Trina solar (NYSE:TSL) has released the third quarter reported in the third quarter, Trina solar revenue of $ 481.9 million, up by 5.2%, loss of $ 31.5 million. 22nd, Suntech Power (NYSE:STP) third-quarter results showed that total net revenues of us $ 800 million in the third quarter, losses amounted to us $ 116.4 million, becoming the most serious losses in photovoltaic business. The same day, the LDK LDK (NYSE:LDK) reported net sales of us $ 471.9 million in the third quarter losses reached $ 114.5 million. The same period last year, sinovideo's net profitUS $ 93.4 million. On November 23, Yingli Green Energy (NYSE:YGE) release third-quarter earnings, its total net revenues of approximately US $ 670 million in the third quarter, net loss of us $ 28.3 million. Meng Xiangan said that sudden huge Profil age of PV industry has ended, will usher in the era of small profit margins. This is also reflected in the giant photovoltaic on gross margins. The thirdQuarter, the LDK LDK 2.2% decline in gross profit margin over the second quarter is-3.6%, 22.2% sinovideo's gross margin for the same period last year. The third quarter, Trina solar profit just US $ 52 million, compared with 67.4%. Gross profit margin was just 10.8%, fell by 6.2%. Yingli's gross profit margin also slumped badly.Results showed that Yingli's gross profit in the third quarter to $ 71.9 million, gross margin of 10.8%. Yingli propaganda department Deputy Manager Wang Zhixin said of the group swtor power leveling, relative to the past 25%~30%, or 30% per cent of the gross profit margin in the third quarter, gross profit margins are very low indeed. The worst moment? In the middle of this year, Yingli Chairman Miao Liansheng have told reporters that the PV industry's futureAfter at least 18 months of "winter". Other PV companies listed at home and abroad are generally in the third quarter losses. Reporter statistics has released 15 of the report of the third quarter PV companies at home and abroad, data show that as of 23rd, there were 12 net loss, 15 per cent on average for photovoltaic enterprises net profit growth rate of-220.28%. The first half ofEuropean national market began to shrink. Many PV companies have been turning to United States, Asia and other emerging markets. Beginning in October, domestic photovoltaic business in the United States market are also suffering from the United States Government's "double-reverse" survey. 9th United States Department of Commerce Office. If the United States "double-reverse" investigation eventually losing of Chinese enterprises, it means that United States market was closed. "That means in ChinaPhotovoltaic industry will be even more challenging. "Meng Xiangan said. State Energy Office new energy and renewable energy Division Director Dong Xiufen recently revealed that, in accordance with the "Twelve-Five" new energy development plan, in solar power generation plan development goals on scale in China will expand 50% Diablo 3 Gold, by 2015, solar power in China is expected to reach 15 megawatts of installed capacity. But Meng Xiangan said,Domestic solar cell production capacity has reached 35 MW, component 36 megawatts of production capacity. If coupled with the small and medium enterprises, the PV industry's total production capacity will reach 40~50 MW. "Global photovoltaic demand of 23.9 megawatts. Even the demand for European and American markets last year, to meet the needs of domestic enterprises. Slump in demand in foreign markets, this isLooking make up for the domestic market have no chance. "Meng Xiangan said.

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129668631866093750_60Since late October's rally does not last long, market again in near future into a status callback finishing. Short-term policy of fine-tuning does not seem to slow down the pace of the a-share market shocks. In the view of many funds, the current policy orientation and practical measures are not clear, while economic growth continued to decline, European debt problems still exist swtor credits, the a-share market or still be repeated shocks。 Fundamentals Boshi Fund pointed out that policy fully turned loose a lack of support in the short term, the current policy orientation and practical measures are not clear, or contain market long on emotion. Specifically, this rally from late October to early November, basic trigger point is expected to relax liquidity, liquidity sensitive sectors rose rushed in front. And later it turns out that marketThe expected reaction of some excessive. Policy is fully turned loose a lack of support, real estate policies recently let go without more likely. The Chinese new year is approaching, policy orientation and practical measures are not clear. The current from the end of 30 days or so, money market rates rose again appeared, banks push annualised yield of 5-6% frequency of financial products, highlighting the tension peaks or liquidity will once again come。 While Morgan Stanley huaxin Fund also believes that market's lack of confidence in the short term mainly from concerns over the economy. Preliminary market rebound stems from changes in liquidity expected October new loans exceeded expectations also have verified that the policy shift expected to a certain extent, however in the current economy still in the process of decline, has not reached the expected corner. In addition, the callOpened the central economic work Conference will set the tone for next year's economic development, market callback waits before held in economic conference is in the bottom area required by stages. Technology on the surface, two cities in the 2420-2380 mark interval has shocks 5 trading days in a row, a sharp contraction in trading volume. Huzhi was suppressed by the 5th of equal-string obvious, intraday reboundWeak. If integer a gate could not be recovered quickly, future shocks IAM test 2300-2350 interval support, again challenging larger probability of 2 swtor credits,307 lows in early. On the operation, taking into account the market's overall lower valuations, excessive fears is no longer appropriate, the current market level not overly bearish, intraday plunge against high quality stocks but bargain-goodMachine. On the configuration, shenyin wanguo believes that the industry should be concerned about the economy has been able to reverse cycle upturn: electrical equipment (in particular, transmission and distribution equipment and nuclear) pharmaceutical, consumer investment unit; after larger policy loosening star wars the old republic power leveling, should seize the resonance cycle and growth opportunity, then recommended configuration of real estate, heavy trucks, construction machinery, chemicals and associated with the transformation of growth stocks.


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129667786215615392_117Huatai plus high-voltage inverter market volume of about 100 billion yuan (renminbi, the same below) Diablo 3 Power Leveling, the current penetration rate was only 20%; 2010 market size of $ 4.9 billion, peak annual demand market will exceed $ 10 billion, future five years industry growth rate will remain in 3-5-25%. Liquidity demand is strong, scale advantage significantly, cultivation of talents teamIndustry characteristics of high maintenance costs, as well as the leading enterprise competitive strategy of lidehuafu subject to change, will result in a living environment improved, prices and interest rates are expected to stabilise. Kang frequency converter (300048.SZ) development strategy: horizontal expansion of product lines, longitudinal eucalyptus provide total solution to customers; rapid homes subscribing to leading the market through the establishment of a joint venture company, to improveMarket share: at present the company product line from the low voltage frequency converter in high voltage inverter to expand to areas and enter the explosion-proof frequency converter, the future may also do photovoltaic inverters and other related products; at the same time the company is committed to providing customers with the overall solution of eucalyptus, currently operating in the coal industry is better. Capacity expansion of the company at the same time, through the establishment of a joint venture company with downstream customers, fast developing cityField, improve product market account rate, guarantee the steady growth of orders. At present calculated according to the amount Diablo 3 Power Leveling, the company market share at about 15%, next year is expected to be close to 20%. "Synchronizing lifting machine" is about to promote large-scale company capacity 120/month Diablo 3 Gold, limited capacity 150/month, in May next year Wuhan base went into production, 40 units/month in the early days, 2012Increase to 50 units/month Diablo 3 Gold, there is insufficient capacity limit the ability of single issues are effectively addressed. At the same time capacity expansion for the company also offers significant purchasing scale swtor power leveling, the company general product gross profit margin higher than zhiguang electric and Kyushu electric. As of the second quarter of 2011, the company has confirmed 3 synchronizing lifting machine income, four quarters also are expected to confirm 1 next year, synchronous hoistOrder will be delivered, revenue recognition significantly accelerates. At present the company is working on product identification swtor power leveling, Synchro, after mass promotion, their orders and earnings growth are expected to exceeded expectations. Lateral expansion of low-voltage variable frequency as the company's new products, production is getting better in the third quarter gross profit level has been upgraded to 37.66% star wars the old republic power leveling, this year is expected to achieve 3,000 per centSales, volume growth next year. ����We expected 2011 earnings per share (EPS) for $ 0.60, $ 0.88 and 1.2 Yuan respectively, Fu-growth 41.75%, corresponding to its current price earnings ratio (PE) for the 32.7 times times, 22.2 times times and three times Diablo 3 Power Leveling, giving the "buy" rating. China International Capital CorpLine statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, and at your own risk.

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129667840538271642_329The European debt crisis under the haze, commodity markets this week see a visible rebound, chemical market consolidation trend overall low oscillation. Recently swtor power leveling, the rating agencies once again make a warning to European countries, Fitch was Portugal's rating to junk status. Italy yields high, while Germany debt auction unsatisfactory market fears Europe's debt crisis is to eurozone core countriesSpread. The European debt crisis not improving at the same time swtor power leveling, United States waves again, the two parties arguing on the problem of reducing, stock markets also tumbled affected by this. In the context of European and American debt crises, commodity markets will remain weak as a whole. New York crude oil prices above $ 100 a significant correction after last week, fell slightly this week, but decreases significantlySlowdown Diablo 3 Power Leveling, as at 15:00 hours on Friday diablo 3 gold, New York crude oil at $ 97.09. Rising Futures Research Center analyst Liang Jingchao said, compared with the movement of the early downs, domestic chemicals market was relatively stable this week, most varieties of low vibration finishing. RU1205 natural rubber main contracts this week by $ 865, representing a decrease of 3.42%, closed at $ 24,455. Recently, natural rubber stocks at a high level in the lower reaches, business procurement initiative, rubber prices to upstream. Although early announced three major rubber-producing countries will ensure that rubber prices were above $ 3000~3500, but this will require an improvement in plans lack of substantive progress, businessmen took a wait-and-see attitude. In addition, the synthetic rubber prices high in early marked decline swtor power leveling, although nearlyStabilisation, but on the day adhesive intensity of support are also very limited. In the case of macro-no better, Shanghai rubber future or continuing oscillation down. Plastic prices this week finishing sideways oscillations, the major contracts $ L1205 close at 9 swtor power leveling,365, representing a decrease of $ 100 or 1.06%. Crude oil prices remain above the US $ 95, on the formation of chemical market strong support。 Price stability of vinyl plastic upstream Asia seen to rise, at present, the CFR vinyl quotes in Northeast Asia in the 1026.5-$/ton, CFR vinyl quotes in 1002.5-$/ton in Southeast Asia. PTA trend of weaker this week Diablo 3 Gold, the major contracts $ TA1205 close at 7,844, representing a decrease of $ 214 or 2.66%。 As PTA prices retreat, PTA manufacturers limiting quoting of policy have been taken, but for now Diablo 3 Power Leveling, this method stimulus to the market is very limited.

the old republic power leveling 307 points.   Judging from current trends - CKK

129667648233740392_7Business daily (blog, Twitter) Zeng Zijian reporters this week the old republic power leveling, the a-share market extended last week's declines, Yin-final for the third consecutive week week k-line collection appears, hit further low of 2,307 points.   Judging from current trends, downward trend of the market is still apparent, then Mr Douda Outlook views? Message "air loom"NBD: you said last week, this week the market or will continue to dip Diablo 3 Power Leveling, but decreases may not be too great, although the final result is the Shanghai composite index maintaining fell, but had fallen by only 36 points. Recommended reading hexun about City Hall: next week's a-shares or to five major gold stocks are now buying opportunity in consumption will burn at the passion 8 zhanchiyufei muddy water, andMin all: who black has who sets is now can't wait large shareholders discovered food Lee 8 family a 12 years fuck disc hand of 8 section to deep investment feeling IPO Meng Yu Tiger 29 months "circle" go near trillions [micro-Bo] Li Daxiao: for SFC initiatives applause [Unit 's] shaking good will let short died of is miserable road reached: after Shang a week of fast killed fell zhihou, this week market around 2Shocks to 400 points, but trading volume shrunk dramatically end markets cannot go, and therefore can only continue to collect yin.   From the perspective of turnover swtor power leveling, Trojan sold only 247.9 billion yuan in Shanghai Stock Exchange this week, average daily transaction volume of less than 50 billion, the volume, even lighter than 2 star wars the old republic power leveling,307 low points in early.   NBD: why is there this situation? Douda: mainTo be the reason that bad news too much. Such as the European debt crisis continued to deteriorate, resulting in overseas markets to fall sharply. This is an important factor affecting long confidence in the near future. From the a-share markets, although monetary policy oriented fine-tuning of signs still exist, but rumors still failed to become a reality. But on the other hand, IPO expansion speeds increase, coupled with the debt issue of speed-increasing Diablo 3 Power Leveling, Leaves the capital in serious tensions.   Hidden transfer NBD next week: so, how do you market next week? Douda: this week is the k-line of the week for the third consecutive weekly decline, it should be said that the overall trend is not good enough. But I want to say is that Outlook should not be too pessimistic, and even can be said to be secretly turn next week. So I have thisLaw, the main reason is "market the fall did not fall". News this week is very empty, supposed that market's fall should not be so small and vulnerable in the market as expected run, but a significant decrease in resistance diablo 3 gold, this description does not give up resistance. From that point of view, if you continue to dip next week, did not rule out bulls attack on ways to counter。   NBD: can be positive about the fact that the offense? Douda: although I am not pessimistic, but the overall strategy is still too cautious. Of course, if you think excellent rebound effort, then, can also be the right time, appropriate participation. But only if the set stop loss, quit when you are ahead. The first half of the week next week Diablo 3 Power Leveling, if the message does not have a big change, I thinkCan run will last this weak pattern. However, if a quick analysis of trends Diablo 3 Power Leveling, then it is likely to create opportunities to attack. In addition, or do you want to see turnover volume cannot zoom on it effectively, rebound will be very limited space. To volume amplification, it must appear to have a new hot spot, otherwise the market is lacking operability.

Diablo 3 Power Leveling - TBN

129668732720781250_41Xinhuanet Diablo 3 Power Leveling, Shandong Diablo 3 Gold, November 27 (reporter Zhang Xudong)-27th lowered in the early morning fog in Qingdao City Diablo 3 Power Leveling, killing 78 cargo ships stranded in Qingdao, Qingdao liuting International Airport have been 18 flights delayed more than more than 1000 passengers stranded. Reporters learned from the Qingdao border check points Diablo 3 Power Leveling, under the influence of heavy fog Diablo 3 Power Leveling, current Qingdao sea visibility less than 10 metres from the morning of 27thStart growing sea mist Diablo 3 Power Leveling, make a serious impact on Qingdao port routes. Starting from the 26th star wars the old republic power leveling, waters near Qingdao routes are closed. At present, the stranded ship and Huangdao in Qingdao port has 78 articles. This reporter learned from the frontier inspection station of Qingdao airport, 27th, under the influence of heavy fog in the morning swtor power leveling, some flight delay of Qingdao liuting international airport. Up to 9:40,18 flights delays domestic flights concentrated in Beijing, Shanghai, Kunming, and Xiamen, direction, some more than 1000 passengers stranded. Stop all international flights in and out of Hong Kong. According to reports, the frontier inspection station of Qingdao airport, civil aviation and other departments launched a large area of the airport emergency plan for flight delays, will be promptly made known to the passengers of flight and weather information, and actively coordinate the refund checks go formalities. (End)


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Diablo 3 Gold not suitable for the amount of small investors. To sum up ENV

129667840535615392_322Large stocks such as chicken ribs from the perspective of management issued by implementing market-oriented ideas, gain little or even break the new listings are a good thing, but rational stepwise regression in favour of the IPO price. Therefore, unless the issuing earnings decline in the future, otherwise large stocks purchase, profits will become more and more difficult. Gem check new stock gains are harder to early gem, so checking small investors makeA fortune. Checking of the gem Diablo 3 Power Leveling, however difficult, so many people hate, millions of funds is not in the case of a share are. In fact, checking key gem is shall I purchase, there is no guarantee that check Diablo 3 Gold, capital ratios but character strengths. Small and large stocks rise as gem has attracted a primary market of the main funds, making small and new share purchaseThe success rate has improved, but also small and new shares rise remained impressive, successful applicants is as profitable. Of course, is also a question of small and medium-sized disk cannot be stable, even when shall I purchase, its success rate is still unable to determine, not suitable for the amount of small investors. To sum up, blind-arbitrage theory tells us: renqiwoqu. In the primary market on this battlefield, the above rulesStill working.

star wars the old republic power leveling to get to see your opponents make how much trouble for yo

129668763113906250_186Reversal of Lee Chong Wei final realignment chenlong lindane: Previews the Olympic semifinals Although 19:21 regret losing the first game, but did not prevent Buchanan won the final victory, he 21:12, even pulling two reversed Lee Chong Wei, intruded into China open badminton men's singles final for the fifth time.  Following last week's Hong Kong, China, after the match, lindane within a week for the first time in eight years "Double play" NO.1 Lee Chong Wei, but also for his 21st victory. ForestDan and chenlong victorious junction of finals ahead helped taking care of the Chinese Team Championship, for the upcoming civil war, Buchanan admitted not to care. "Tomorrow's finals for me is not particularly important, the game may be more important to me today, because this may be the semi-finals of the Olympic Games next year. "" Is actually the first game of the process is normal, because we playVery conservative, while the leading 19:17, I have a little impetuous. The second is I do better in my whole game, adjust faster, calm, adhere to the enacted before the tactical. "Buchanan said after the match," in fact we are two people playing extremely hard today. From after the end of the World Championship, two of us are playing the game today at the endWe are adhering to. When you don't know what to do, to get to see your opponents make how much trouble for you, you will know what to do next. "While won Diablo 3 Gold, but Buchanan admitted that Lee Chong Wei is one of the greatest opponents. "To me, compared to Lee Chong Wei and other opponents are different. His long time ranked first in the world, which needsVery strong capacity to do so. He is now one of the most powerful men's singles competition, he was for so many years has maintained a very high form of. Many people now are taking me and he makes the comparison, I sometimes get is affected by some influence in this respect, so every time he plays games mean to me is huge. "Lee Chong Wei seems to have grown accustomed to the outcome," loseDoes not matter, where is is important to know that they lost. Lindane vehemence star wars the old republic power leveling, attack and defense are very strong, sparring with him to be very patient to spell. But many of their games in the near future, manual can not keep up. ”

diablo 3 gold the euro is a step by step to death IRM

129667786259990392_224Han Zhiguo, November 25, a famous economist in microblogging, the euro is a step by step to death, bankruptcy of the eurozone is a foregone conclusion. Han Zhiguo, said: "the eurozone crisis come and go, and crises increasingly broad, deep as the crisis level. Unified monetary policy and decentralized fiscal policies leading to macroeconomic policies, the ECB cannot be used as the main rescue diablo 3 gold, the euro area Member States did notExpulsion mechanism the three fatal flaw does not have the self-help abilities of the eurozone, huge debt burden of other euro-zone countries weak huitian, bankruptcy of the eurozone is a foregone conclusion. "--------------------------Han Zhiguo: German Government bonds 39% stream of famous economist of European debt crisis is now a significant deterioration of Han Zhiguo 1124th in microblogging, with significant deterioration of the European debt crisis, euro-zone or at the 2012 draw a full stop. Han Zhiguo Diablo 3 Power Leveling, said: "Germany auction a major failure, is an important symbol of the overall deterioration of the European debt crisis. 6 billion euros in bonds had 39% not subscribed by the market, 17% average broke through the previous record. France sovereign debt crisisXianxing significantly increased, Fitch has already warned France losing 3 a-class rating, but also for stormy euro hit hard. Euro 2012 draw a full stop. "(Securities times network) Gold-line statement: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, windAt your own risk.

Diablo 3 Power Leveling indicating that investors are happy to buy risky assets QCM

129667889640615392_94Gold market related Barclays: correlation analysis of four-quarter gold price to $ 1875 short-term bearish concerns 1680 supports main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Click to enter the gold price in New York gold futuresFriday's decline, as the dollar rose, and the equities and crude oil futures prices also rose, indicating that investors are happy to buy risky assets, gold prices down below the $ 1700 per Troy ounce in New York. On that day, the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) under the commodity exchange (COMEX) gold futures for delivery in December fell$ 10.2 per cent to $ 1685.7 per Troy ounce, down 0.6%. Integrated Brokerage Services LLC says Frank McGhee, head of precious metals trading, "if not achieved within a short time a strong rally in gold Diablo 3 Gold, then more selling is expected to emerge Diablo 3 Power Leveling, Which would push gold lower price points. "Gold of the world's largest publicly traded fund (ETF)--SPDR Gold gold positions of Trust as of November 24 at 1,297.32 tons of levels.

Diablo 3 Gold Henan Yuhua PV materials company limited HMH

129667864336240392_61Gem Committee 2011 Conference audit results announcement issuance examination Committee of China Securities Regulatory Commission gem 2011 Conference was held on November 25, 2011 swtor credits, audit results announcement of the Conference are as follows: Henan Yuhua PV materials company limited (the first) agreed to. Beijing longitudinal technology sharesLimited (first episode) did not pass. Gem distribution regulatory Department, November 25 Diablo 3 Gold, 2011


the old republic power leveling Liu Xiumei XAV

129668688802187500_126The Ministry of Health announced on November 24 national food safety standards of the quick-frozen flour and rice products (GB19295-2011). Several big brand of frozen foods in the near future due to Staphylococcus aureus and detection under the background of off the shelf, due to the presence of conditions permitted limit of Staphylococcus aureus, new standards are of widespread concern. Standard references international current standard provisions for frozen foods, frozen foods"Staphylococcus aureus" not checked out, but in the new standard will come into effect on December 21 this year, but lays down limit values that can be checked out. Coordination of Ministry of health, food safety and health inspection Bureau Deputy Inspector Duan Dongmei described, this does not mean that food safety standards to reduce. She noted that the new standards has modified the terms and definitions relating to quick-frozen flour and rice products Diablo 3 Gold,It is more accurate; refer to the International Commission on microbiological criteria for foods sampling programme and limited provisions, revised the microorganism index requirement, using the microbiology classification sampling programmes. Meanwhile, according to pathogenic bacteria risk assessment results, adjust the limited provision of salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, making it more scientific and rational. In fact, provided for in the old standard "not checked out"The biggest reason is because the old technology for quantitative detection. Chinese Center for disease control and prevention of nutrition and food security researcher Liu Xiumei, said: "we used in Microbiological methods and no quantitative detection method, it is not possible to set a specific limit value the old republic power leveling, check out the food contains the number of pathogenic bacteria, only qualitative test of concept, check out failed."However, from 1999 international Codex Committee on food hygiene to control microbiological hazards in foods after the changes in principle, the concept is not the same. "In some foods, not all pathogenic micro-organisms have the same hazards. According to food risk analysis principles in certain specific foods you want to be the focus of specific pathogens to control. IfIn accordance with the standards of the past, generally prohibiting pathogens from check out is the lack of scientific evidence. "Sampling, sampling rate and limit the scope require more scientific and rational to amend before the national standard of quick-frozen flour and rice products, in accordance with the classification of quantitative detection requirements, started our microbiological method for the series of amendments, gradually introducing quantitative microbial detection methods, including goldYellow staphylococci inspection method is the first amendment. It is reported that in sampling programmes of the International Commission on microbiological criteria of food, some sort of some type of pathogens in food, is considered on the risk rating. Liu Xiumei pointed out that Staphylococcus aureus belonging to General against pathogenic bacteria. Under the condition of 100 degrees Celsius, cooked food, the bacteria would not exist.In accordance with the principles of the International Commission on microbiological criteria of food, Staphylococcus aureus, is possible under certain limited scope. Staphylococcus aureus containing 5-th time of not more than 10, it produces an enterotoxin likely minimal and, as such, risk of harm to human body health is also small. 5-th 10 is that it limits of toxin production, now we2 power of the standard set at 10 to 3 power, raw flour products in 2 to 4 of the 10-th, this limit is a reference to the International Commission on microbiological criteria of food standards, in line with international rules. As far as sampling, Liu Xiumei, said new sampling scheme was set in a 4-element. The past, we determine product mining 1 qualified or not. Because of microbial contamination and distributionAre uneven, if mining 1, you may pick up bacteria, but also most likely missed already contaminated by pathogens in products, mining 5 pieces from the evenness and sampled on the scientificity of greatly improved. In other words, the new standard in the range of sampling, the sampling volume and limited requirements, is a more scientific and more reasonable. China's food safety standards consistent with the basic international standardsFor some of the media on "China's food safety standards different from both inside and outside" coverage, the Ministry of health supervision Bureau of standards Director Zhang Xudong stressed, "this is no problem, our food safety standards in line with international standards. "Introduction to Zhang Xudong, 2001 after joining the WTO, step by step in accordance with the international Codex Alimentarius standards and risk assessments, improvement of foodProduct safety standards. China's food safety standards has been gradual progress in line with international standards, with limits of pollutants in food as an example, our national standards with international Codex Alimentarius standards project and in line with the index values of rates of over 70%. Zhang Xudong, said on the comparison of different national standards, it should be comprehensive, objective, not only the individual criteria or indicators for comparison. For example abroad allowsUse of Ractopamine, benzoyl peroxide and other material, are prohibited from using the variety in our country. "Recent being developed by limits of food contaminants, pathogens and other food safety standards, most of the indicators and requirements are consistent with international standards, in particular food safety standard system and food safety standards, using risk assessment principles, I have to say and international standardsInduced. "Recently, after the publication of many food safety standards, it was felt that these standards are for large enterprises. So, is kidnapped by enterprise standards of food safety? Liu Xiumei said, developing food and product safety standards, must have a supervisory departments, research institutions and industries and enterprises to participate. Some indicators need repeated discussions, technology is carried out by expert checks.These indicators are not enterprises came up with the data, but drew international Codex Alimentarius and the International Commission on microbiological criteria of food provisions. "We cannot comment participation, enterprise or an enterprise of case the current standard is identified was abducted by the enterprise. "

Diablo 3 Gold CZE

129668732710781250_20Phoenix on November 26 the news talk program broadcast "Yumoto:Enclosed capitalism really has any questions, do you think that capitalism has problems? What is the status of a State of what capitalism? United States public opinion like this tendency would not make United States political system include some changes in the economic structure of this? Yumoto: we can say that the United States on the whole it is now in a democratic capitalist state, it has three departmentsThe Organization, including citizens in political Diablo 3 Gold, economic, cultural rights of all can be protected, as are guaranteed, so these protesters continue to this day, of course, they continue to continue. But from another point of view, because the United States itself in the system vulnerabilities and shortcomings emerged a new kind of capitalism, we can call it a "gangster capitalism", "Gangster capitalism "we have said before is the United States a member of the Federal Reserve, is also called Thomas, a Fed Chairman * good Neiger (tone) the point raised by Mr, English Black Brothers is the literal translation of capitalism, we simple call" gangster capitalism ". "Gangster capitalism" is arguably hurts the United States people's political reputation a phaseSome of our reviews, some talk shows that the Western so-called political reputation very seriously, but they forgot to Western countries sometimes have some power in history, actually does not say the credibility, just don't say the credibility of the opium wars, people of the State is now appear on acts not say the credibility of the politicians, so they do not speak this appears on the credibility of politicians and political vulnerabilitiesProblems and the "mafia capitalism" to be resolved, of course Diablo 3 Power Leveling, wasn't resolved in a day, to be solved step by step. There exist three extreme interest groups continue to influence United States political system allows United States parliamentary resolution did not exist when some of the parliamentary system in representing the interests of the people, contrary to the interests of the people, this is the discontent of the people, but this extreme is not 81%Full, suggesting that United States citizens by the call of the elite, because some of the problems turned out to be the elite in the discussion, now become people's consciousness, people's thinking, this is an improvement.

swtor power leveling received Hungary administration requests for financial support KSV

129667837425927892_306Lowered from Baa3 to Ba1 and maintain its prospects as a negative, Xinhua international rating agency Moody's investors service on 24th Hungary long-term sovereign level lowered credit rating from Baa3 to Ba1, and maintaining its prospects as a negative. Moody's said in a statement the same day, in view of HungaryFunding costs rise and sluggish economic growth, in the medium term, Hungary in complete austerity, the Government and there is great uncertainty in the debt reduction goals, therefore decided to adjust its long-term sovereign credit ratings to Ba1, or "investments" below. In addition swtor power leveling, Moody's view that Hungary's debt structure made it more vulnerable to external risks against the Government, which in turn will furtherIncreased funding costs for the Government. "These factors will have on Hungary adversely affecting the financial strength of the Government, and undermine its ability to resist risks. "Or was further downgrade, Moody's also warned that if Hungary government financial muscle due to structural reform and medium-term reduction of red negative and significant decline of programme implementation, Moody's further downgraded their ratings may be considered.Under the influence of eurozone sovereign debt crisis and its economic policy, Hungary economic conditions worsen in the near future, and to the IMF and the European Commission has recently requested financial aid. ����IMF21 day issued a statement saying Diablo 3 Power Leveling, received Hungary administration requests for financial support, will be taken into account in the near future. Earlier on 24th, another international credit rating agency standard and poor'sCompany says it will maintain Hungary's credit ratings at the lowest investment-grade "BBB-" does not change, but will continue to be "Credit Watch", in accordance with Hungary aid progress in negotiations with the international creditors to determine next steps. Official statistics show that recent Hungary debt burdens intensified, their total debt in gross, from the end of June82% of 75% to the end of September.

diablo 3 gold compared with the second quarter increasedIncrease of $ 723 million LDZ

129667864498896642_474Released yesterday by the Central Bank of the 2011 payment systems run in the third quarter General (hereinafter report) showed that the development of real estate enterprises in areas such as North Canton cool the enthusiasm to continue swtor power leveling, and signs of this cool mood has spread to the nation. Reported third quarter national bank clearing account number of the real estate industry continues to grow, but from the accelerated significantly slowed down. WithBody, has, since the first quarter of 2010 diablo 3 gold, the real estate industry unit growth in Bank settlement account for six per cent from the quarter remained at around 4%. However, as at the end of the third quarter, national real estate industry unit Bank settlement account number a total of 839,000, only 2.8% per cent, representing a fall in the second quarter of 1.3% per cent growth in 2009Year for the first time since the second quarter fell to 3% the following interval.  At the same time, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Jiangsu and other real estate per cent from the first-tier regional bank clearing account number of the real estate industry growth has six quarters in a row below the national average. Bank settlement account means a bank to apply for funds of depositors opened cash settled currency demand deposit account. ALike, developers will set up separate bank accounts for settlement of a single development project, settlement account growth reduced means develop a developer enthusiasm waned. Report also suggests that late half of total outstanding credit credit card faster-growing, final claims total credit ratio declined. At the end of the third quarter, total credit card credit $ 2.45 trillion, up to increaseLong 31.6%, $ 146.799 billion over the second quarter, an increase of 6.4%; final claims total $ 693.216 billion, an increase of 86.5%, the second quarter increased by $ 108.11 billion, an increase of 18.5%. As at the end of the third quarter, half a year overdue credit card total outstanding loans of 10.652 billion yuan, compared with the second quarter increasedIncrease of $ 723 million, an increase of 7.3%; late half of total outstanding credit credit card account for the final claims total credit of $ 1.5%, down 0.2% in the second quarter.

Diablo 3 Power Leveling for refining Enterprise profitability throughout HHR

129668652373281250_4Development and Reform Commission: September before 1.17 billion net loss of two large oil companies in oil refining industry: September oil refinery before losing $ 64.5 billion gap is so big, what zehui Shi? Development and Reform Commission, the day before yesterday disclosed data show that September oil refining industry profits, profits of about $ 400 million. But refining industry affected by the overall impact of high crude oil prices for the whole year, in September before the net$ 1.17 billion loss. This data and the two largest oil companies huge September $ 64.5 billion oil refinery losses before the data is very different from. Recommended reading, cuangdong province chemical plant explosion jumping dozens of meters in diameter mushroom cloud (photo) opposition of many countries of the euro note programme Italy debt yields breakthrough 7% Commission: single to enhance risk management and control non-ferrous metals for ten25 five-year plan will be published: shocking sex scandal counted among global leaders [gushen supremacy] daily limit King surfaced water skin: overseas hot money is not optimistic about China's even losing after 4 months earnings for the first time the day before yesterday, CNPC (601,857, unit) and the chemical industry Federation (Federation of petrochemical) also revealed that this is after oil refinery stocks losing 4 consecutive monthsProfit for the first time. ����According to the refining industry development and Reform Commission has previously disclosed according to the refining industry 7.2 billion yuan in profits in the first half, then July one-month loss of $ 4.8 billion, in addition in August before refining industry losses of $ 1.84 billion, which could calculate that the August monthly amount to $ 4.24 billion. After development and Reform Commission said, "May chainOil industry from profits to losses, highs for the year out in June, July or August, losses had eased. ����"This can determine, oil refining industry May run into losses, but at present profit situation has continued to hold up well. Guosen securities the day before yesterday, also reported in the third quarter, under the influence of factors such as the European and American debt crises, international oil price shocks downward. Oil prices expected to remain under the shockLine pattern, oil refining margins will continue to improve. ����24th WTI oil prices close 95.85 USD, a figure that has more than $ than the May prices fell by nearly 20 dollars. ����Other refinery profit of $ 63.3 billion? From the perspective of development and Reform Commission disclosure of data, in September before refining industry as a whole a net loss of $ 1.17 billion, this data and the two largest oil companiesSeptember $ 64.5 billion oil refinery losses before the huge amount of data is very different from. Prior to this, PetroChina and Sinopec reported, the first three quarter refining losses reached $ 41.5 billion and $ 23.09 billion for a total of $ 64.5 billion. ����Industry-wide loss is the loss of two major oil companies only 1.8%. It is understood that the development and Reform Commission, data from the Statistical Office, for numbersAccording to the disparity is so great, Petrochemical Association appeals against reporters, apparently other refiners ' hedge earnings of two major oil companies refining losses. ����He said that refineries in the country more than more than 340, although two major oil company refinery losses, but some local refineries remained profitable, industry-wide losses overall is very low. On thisClaims, insiders questioned said two major oil company refinery in September before huge losses $ 64.5 billion, and $ 1.17 billion industry-wide losses only, at that rate, other refineries should first 9-month earnings amounted to $ 63.33 billion Diablo 3 Power Leveling, the result is a bit hard to believe. Yesterday, reporters asked the national development and Reform Commission on this issue swtor power leveling, at the time the closing did not receive reply. People in the industryAlso, for refining Enterprise profitability throughout, it is difficult to have a comprehensive set of statistics. According to the Beijing News and dispel doubts explain a refining and flexible production result in profit for refining profits, while the two giants losses, Petrochemical Association of people concerned believe that when a loss occurs in oil refining, the two major oil companies even losses to continueProduction, while local refineries are more flexible and can arrange production according to market circumstances, earnings and more time to produce losses when produced, it can be profitable. Explain two low cost lead smelting profit CBI analyst Liao Kaishun analysis, smelting raw materials with the exception of two major oil companies outside the internal redeployment of a small amount of crude oil, mainly imported fuelOil, as well as poor quality diesel, costs are relatively lower, so most refineries to be able to profit, total profit might be better. Explain 32 single large clamping enterprise data loss issues in this regard, also quoted market analysts believe that the losses are the two major oil companies themselves "do", the company recorded higher crude oil prices calculated nature led to oil refineriesBlock loss. However this claim with some in the industry is not authorized, and said domestic crude oil prices would have to achieve and international synchronization, it is common knowledge that, even if it is their own business must also be settled according to international oil prices.


swtor power leveling Zhongxinwang UKP

129668732747656250_98 <a href="http://diablo3.power-leveling.org">Diablo 3 Power Leveling</a>Zhongxinwang, November 27, according to a foreign news agency reported that Syria Foreign Minister mualemu (Walid Muallem) 26th position accused the League of Arab States "contradictory", calling for a clear position of the League to ensure that no foreign intervention in Syria. It was reported that the League 26th special session held in Cairo, Syria had missed to allowMission of the League to enter Syria within deadlines for inspections and therefore develop Syria sanctions. Syrian Foreign Minister mualemu sent a letter to the League swtor power leveling, said in his letter, "what we think of the latest decision of the League, and it is for Syria situation in internationalization, allowing other countries ' intervention in Syria have the green light for domestic affairs." Mualemu said, the League called on UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moonConcern Syria problem, as is the "foreign intervention (Syria)" an invitation "rather than avoid doing so." He accused the League's position contradictory, on the one hand says "respect Syria national sovereignty and avoid foreign intervention", on the other, called on the United Nations Secretary-General's concerns. He also pointed out that, since earlier in November, the League for Syria issued on LasImmigration decides to discuss the details of sending observation missions fails to respond. He said the Mission of the League if not with Syria cooperation is impossible in Syria expanded tasks of the territory. Mualemu said he "made sure that all Arab countries have opposed foreign intervention in the Arab States of affairs, so we want the League to make a statement, maintaining such a position".

Diablo 3 Gold participating cities have more than 300 MPE

129668732763437500_131On suspicion of extorting money, "hope Cup" mathematics competition Division of Beijing Organizing Committee of Beijing Municipal Education Commission and other departments for prosecution. Recently, the Municipal Education Commission issued a compulsory education on the prohibition of organizations ' participation in the notice of discipline contest, pointed out that recently some civil society institutions and organizations to hold "hope Cup" mathematics competitions on behalf of the school and student-oriented compulsory, organization-wideUrban discipline of competitive activities, collect application fees and proportional return to schools. At the same time, through a variety of ways to mislead parents that it would contest award winners from this class in the selection of outstanding students, recommended to the higher level schools, leading to many parents blindly registration examination. The argument has been made, "hope Cup" Division Head of the Organizing Committee of Beijing stance, had been requested by the City Board to learnRefund. Yesterday, "hope Cup" National Organizing Committee said Zhou Guozhen, competitions of the Beijing Organizing Committee of the contest site in 2012 the right to organize has been cancelled, and investigation of irregularities have been made to the Organizing Committee. Zhou Guozhen said the National Organizing Committee of the Beijing Organizing Committee of the Division are two details of the survey, first of all, whether the Organizing Committee of the contest site has high charges and, secondly, is theWhether using "hope Cup" platform to do the other profit-making activities, "If the survey results show the exact violation, the Organizing Committee of the contest site will be processed, the worst result was cancel its qualifications, hosting the event in Beijing. "It is reported that the Beijing Organizing Committee of the contest site beginning in 2003 commitment" hope Cup "event in Beijing. Zhou Guozhen said prior to 2008, the arenas groupAuthority is strictly in accordance with the Constitution Act, beginning in 2008, a number of irregularities have emerged one after another. Zhou Guozhen said Beijing Division races in March or April next year will be held as scheduled and arenas across the country. At present, the National Organizing Committee has commissioned a Morningstar training institutions such as the registration work for next year Beijing arenas of the National Organizing Committee will directly supervise the race matters。 Preparing the national and the local organizing Committee was to do with it? No subordinate relationship, according to Zhou Guozhen introduction similar to join nature, apply to the National Organizing Committee local organizing Committee take on events, first of all, the National Organizing Committee to check the qualifications of the applicants, whether in local register is a legal entity and, secondly, the National Organizing Committee will send people to local knowledge in activities of the institutionSpecification for third, joined the hope Cup's local organizing Committee to strictly follow the hope Cup articles IV, if the National Organizing Committee found violations of the Organizing Committee, will be limited. "After all, the local organizing Committee has no subordinate relationship with us, but a similar joining of nature. "Zhou Guozhen said the Organizing Committee to join in these places, the National Organizing Committee did not chargeAt no cost. "Hope Cup" how much is the registration fee? 10 yuan per person for students, primary school students $ 12 per head of the Beijing Organizing Committee of the Division is found one of the reasons, is the question of the application fee. It is learnt that the Organizing Committee of the Division to charge a registration fee of $ 25 or so students, and student fees in training schools and students in public school fees also varySample. Zhou Guozhen, organizing Committee of the national requirements of "want the Cup" race entry fee is $ 10 per head of middle school students Diablo 3 Gold, primary school students $ 12 per person (in the cost of primary schools include a training materials). Fees to be taken all over the Organizing Committee, on a per-student cost of $ 3 surrendered to the National Organizing Committee. "Hope Cup" national mathematics tournament first held in 1990. 1998Year hosting the 9th hour, participating cities have more than 300, participating students has more than 1.2 million members. Since then, at each entry are the number of students in more than 1 million, calculated in accordance with the annual registration fee of at least tens of millions of Yuan. In 2009, when the 20th, participating high school Trojan has almost 20 million people. Where the entries of primary and middle school students in Beijing have beenNearly million, an average session will apply thirty thousand or forty thousand, according to this calculation, annual registration fee of at least $ 300,000. Who is going to organize next year, "hope Cup" competition? Education and training of the National Organizing Committee may delegate organizing examinations "hope Cup" holding one session annually, each holding two try swtor credits, for the first test in mid-March, first test in the application to the examination. After the test, schools 1One-fourth/5 students and primary school students can enter in mid-April for the second try. Second try arrange examination room in the region. Beijing Organizing Committee has now been suspended the right to organize, how Beijing Organizing examination next year? Zhou Guozhen, at present the National Organizing Committee is working on this issue, intends to entrust organization of education and training institutions exam. In addition, due to the City Board of file rules, Primary and secondary schools are not allowed to provide the examination room, also are not allowed to let the classroom, the National Organizing Committee intends to classrooms through education and training institutions and universities classrooms as a test site.

Diablo 3 Gold and repeatedly have worked with fashion designers such as Dong Qing GRK

129667750461240392_128Harvin (material) Beijing CCTV "the most beautiful family portrait" collection activities ended yesterday. It is learnt that the Spring Festival evening groups are selected from a large family picture 8 works for films. Ultimately selected for the announcement of the results will be published on the Dragon before the Spring Festival. Then there is news that the CCTV Spring Festival evening this year will not have too much "grassroots" works appeared. In last year's Spring Festival evening sun masculine, andXidan girl appears to grass roots artists were given a lot of sense. Harvin earlier said in a media interview Diablo 3 Gold, does not make a distinction between artists as got talent and the grass roots and professional, as long as there are good programmes on can. But according to current knowledge, this year's Spring Festival evening grass roots artists on the stage will not be too much. However, is derived from the Chinese up to one show program "crystal ball up" Hu Qizhi as early as a few months ago,Received a Spring Festival Gala invitation. "Have rehearsals preparing for many months, probably starting from August. "Su Hu Qizhi broker told the reporter that," he States are very good, and he is really a carefully polished each link. Because signing a confidentiality agreement, so cannot disclose details BlackBerry Battery, but surely that blew the audience again. "It is reported that CCTV will beDecember dance program of rehearsals, when Hu Qizhi will also participate in. At the same time, various message has been spread about the Spring Festival evening blaze. Recently, makeup the CCTV Director XU Jing and university students to communicate, said that "Spring Festival evening show host a skirt on the more than 300,000 a year, because the Spring Festival evening show, those domestic small stall has now become listed companies! "In this regard,Many netizens criticized the Spring Festival evening show "too flashy". However, and repeatedly have worked with fashion designers such as Dong Qing, Zhou Tao Guo Pei the Assistant said: "this figure is not accurate, at cost to something like ten thousand or twenty thousand, about 30,000. "Trainee journalist Xu Haiyang

star wars the old republic power leveling JEE

129668763127500000_215NetEase Lottery promotion serie a 13th round: AC Milan VS Chievo November 28 (Monday) 3:45 weather: cloudy, 2-10 ℃ place: San Siro Stadium, Milan live: AC Milan VS Chievo Europe foot (AC Milan) ranking: 3 points: 21 rank: 9 points: 15 (qiehe) Asian Cup:-1.5 pitch: Chievo: my 1:0 some AC mLanzhou Central European home defeat to Barcelona, a wheel to determine in advance to group the second outlet. Hiboult, older Boateng each banping score for the team, Harvey then Barca into winner. Older Boateng League suspended for the last weekend, this service will release comeback, 24 years old, he has recently announced its withdrawal from the Ghana National team, had received 6 because he had knee surgery, inability to support too many run。 Neisitazhouzhong left early, this service may quezhen. Chievo at the weekend away from home against Catania, Captain striker peilixiyeyi fired a pass, the personal representative of Chievo's goal a few refreshes to 99 balls. Chievo week Italy Cup semi major victory over Modena, this season the League has not yet featured Colombia striker Uribe the plum blossoms BL, young striker Paloschi lock shengju, two weeksMosikaerdeli composition in man, don't expect this weekend on three first. Boss dikaerluo said the victory shows the bench depth of Chievo. Defender g · Sardo, s · Mo tamburello and midfielder Cruzado dislocated ankle. Betting advice AC Milan 3 consecutive home victory over the League (NET win 2 and above), and it is approaching the limit, the team in recent years only in 08-09Made over 4 consecutive home victory over the League at the end of the season. Chievo this season Naples, Genoa, Juventus, inter, Fiorentina 5 Asia won 4, lost 1, this service when not dusting. Zucai "3" enough. NetEase exclusive Lottery zhuangao, declined to reprint! Team injuries stopped: AC Milan: Gattuso (injury), Flamini (injury), Cassano (injury), Alessandro Nesta (injury) Chievo: Sardo (injury), Monerau (wound), keluzhaduo (hurt) projected a first: AC Milan (4,312): 32-Christian Abbiati/20-Abate, 25-Daniele bonera, 33-pedicled Asia Ke-da Silva, 77-Antonini/18-Alberto Aquilani swtor power leveling, 23-Massimo Ambrosini and 22-Nocerino/27-Boaten/11-Hiboult, 7-Alexandre Pato Chievo (4,312): 54-Paolo Sorrentino/21-, 5-Frey Davide Mandelli, 3-Marco Andreolli, 13-yuejiqi/10-Luciano, 16-Rigney, 6-7, Bradley-Samarco/31-Sergio Pellissier, 77-teleiao most recent confrontation: AC Milan 9 wins 1 defeat (nearly 10), 5 WINS (near5 at home) (arena of the home team almost 4 confrontation) SNAI o color 10/10/16 3:1 win serie a 1.4 cent 8.00-1/1.5 win 10/03/15 master 1:0 to win serie a 1.36 4.5 8.50-1/1.5 lose 08/11/16Won serie a 1.15 6.5 15.00-1.5/2 lose 07/03/03 1:0 main 3:1 win serie a 1.36 3.9 9.00-1/1.5 won (the home team/team, drove in the nearly 4) 11/02/20 2:1 win serie a 09/10/262:1 WINS won serie a serie a 09/04/11 1:0 06/10/25 1:0 win serie a home team: the trend 3 WINS 2-1 defeat won 3, lost 3-4 large 2 small eleven-twenty fourths (2:3), Barcelona (Crown) 0.5/1 transport eleven-twentieths (0:0)-Florence 0.5 distance less than eleven-sixths (4:0) Catania -1/1.5 win eleven-seconds (1:1), Badi (Crown)-1 transmission and small ten-thirtieths (3:2) Roman 0 win ten-twenty sevenths (4:1) Parma-1.5 win disputed the trends: negative win 3 lose 3 WINS 3 eleven-twenty thirds 3 small, 3 3 main (3:0) star wars the old republic power leveling, Modena (Cup) -1/1.5 win eleven-twentieths (2:1) Catania 0.5 win big eleven-sixths (1:0) Florence 0/0.5 win smallTen-thirtieths (1:4) Siena 0/0.5 lose ten-twenty sevenths (0:1), Bologna-0.5 distance less than ten-twenty thirds (0:1) Inter Milan 0.5/1 lose small home team future tournament twelve-thirds Genoa in Serie a centBai Xin Yutuo fornia champions Atlanta, disputed the future tournament twelve-fourths main twelve-elevenths Udinese of Serie a serie a

diablo 3 gold citizens are living in the shadow of death JQH

129668731665937500_110This reporter recently in "Chinese longevity village" interview in laizhou city, Shandong province found that growing chemical contamination of the local part of the village as "cancer", life for many cancer patients warning of eco-environmental deterioration of the South coast of laizhou Bay.   Interviewed by reporters, sewage enterprises Chairman of the Board but said villagers were "da Jing Xiao guai, talking irresponsible". "Chinese longevity village"Become a "cancer", shocking. Villagers over more than 30 names of villagers died of cancer the past two or three years, is undoubtedly painful complaint, sewage enterprises Chairman still say "da Jing Xiao guai", once again let people experience the greed of humanity under terrible. Of course, this social responsibility defect of bad business, not surprisingly, are also not uncommon. The real problemIs that sewage so why businesses rush in where angels fear to tread. Originally, the sewage enterprises should be under strict supervision, in fact, in "Chinese longevity village", chemical pollution should be to focus on, but now, home of longevity has become a "cancer", surely must be the consequences of lack of supervision, for example, a local official said town on some villages in high cancer incidence ratesDid not know, nor heard of "cancer" idea.   This apparently outraged, citizens are living in the shadow of death, who was not informed. According to reports diablo 3 gold, "generated massive amounts of waste gas and waste water in the production of" direct emissions, as well as "pungent odor and foul-smelling water", "seven or eight years, almost every day", the town governmentGovernment House every year "coordinating several sewage enterprises a little money" this what villagers call "smell money" "compensation fund", which also makes some officials in the so-called "no knowledge" collapsed. Some officials in the buttocks, in fact, starting from the polluting enterprises settled, is destined to sit in the polluters. In fact, being a "Chinese longevity village" of local officials as to whetherIntroduction of chemical enterprises, should be particularly careful.   Now, however, the claims industry giant chemical factory, actually not even pesticides production license, it is clear that local governments in order to introduce the business at that time, approval hurdle is simply useless. In order to attract investments, to ensure the local GDP growth swtor power leveling, in many places, it is only natural that a choice.For example, this chemical plant, production accounts for more than 50% of the national production, "is the largest, benefit the best manufacturer of profenofos". the GDP they create, clear officials ' performance.   The competitiveness of the chemical company relies heavily on exhaust pollutants thefts-theft, making environmental protection money. Both sides for the benefit of their respective local governments and enterprises, centsDo not hesitate to choose the expense of the environment and the health of local populations. "Chinese longevity village" becomes "cancer" is undoubtedly the one-sided pursuit of sorrow of the GDP. ()