
the old republic power leveling 307 points.   Judging from current trends - CKK

129667648233740392_7Business daily (blog, Twitter) Zeng Zijian reporters this week the old republic power leveling, the a-share market extended last week's declines, Yin-final for the third consecutive week week k-line collection appears, hit further low of 2,307 points.   Judging from current trends, downward trend of the market is still apparent, then Mr Douda Outlook views? Message "air loom"NBD: you said last week, this week the market or will continue to dip Diablo 3 Power Leveling, but decreases may not be too great, although the final result is the Shanghai composite index maintaining fell, but had fallen by only 36 points. Recommended reading hexun about City Hall: next week's a-shares or to five major gold stocks are now buying opportunity in consumption will burn at the passion 8 zhanchiyufei muddy water, andMin all: who black has who sets is now can't wait large shareholders discovered food Lee 8 family a 12 years fuck disc hand of 8 section to deep investment feeling IPO Meng Yu Tiger 29 months "circle" go near trillions [micro-Bo] Li Daxiao: for SFC initiatives applause [Unit 's] shaking good will let short died of is miserable road reached: after Shang a week of fast killed fell zhihou, this week market around 2Shocks to 400 points, but trading volume shrunk dramatically end markets cannot go, and therefore can only continue to collect yin.   From the perspective of turnover swtor power leveling, Trojan sold only 247.9 billion yuan in Shanghai Stock Exchange this week, average daily transaction volume of less than 50 billion, the volume, even lighter than 2 star wars the old republic power leveling,307 low points in early.   NBD: why is there this situation? Douda: mainTo be the reason that bad news too much. Such as the European debt crisis continued to deteriorate, resulting in overseas markets to fall sharply. This is an important factor affecting long confidence in the near future. From the a-share markets, although monetary policy oriented fine-tuning of signs still exist, but rumors still failed to become a reality. But on the other hand, IPO expansion speeds increase, coupled with the debt issue of speed-increasing Diablo 3 Power Leveling, Leaves the capital in serious tensions.   Hidden transfer NBD next week: so, how do you market next week? Douda: this week is the k-line of the week for the third consecutive weekly decline, it should be said that the overall trend is not good enough. But I want to say is that Outlook should not be too pessimistic, and even can be said to be secretly turn next week. So I have thisLaw, the main reason is "market the fall did not fall". News this week is very empty, supposed that market's fall should not be so small and vulnerable in the market as expected run, but a significant decrease in resistance diablo 3 gold, this description does not give up resistance. From that point of view, if you continue to dip next week, did not rule out bulls attack on ways to counter。   NBD: can be positive about the fact that the offense? Douda: although I am not pessimistic, but the overall strategy is still too cautious. Of course, if you think excellent rebound effort, then, can also be the right time, appropriate participation. But only if the set stop loss, quit when you are ahead. The first half of the week next week Diablo 3 Power Leveling, if the message does not have a big change, I thinkCan run will last this weak pattern. However, if a quick analysis of trends Diablo 3 Power Leveling, then it is likely to create opportunities to attack. In addition, or do you want to see turnover volume cannot zoom on it effectively, rebound will be very limited space. To volume amplification, it must appear to have a new hot spot, otherwise the market is lacking operability.

