
swtor credits and Iran and Qatar - AYA

129668600961250000_9Topic: China imports diversification effect the introduction of natural gas resources to reform pricing mechanism reform as soon as possible on November 23, President Hu Jintao in Beijing with visiting Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly berdymukhamedov signed the agreement on Turkmenistan to China increases for natural gas, according to the agreement, natural gas pipeline in Turkmenistan through Central Asia to ChinaNatural gas will increase by 25 billion cubic metres per year, year totaled 65 billion cubic meters. Add have with Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan signed agreement, imports of natural gas through the natural gas pipeline from the Central Asian countries will reach 80 billion cubic metres a year. 24th, Turkmen natural gas through the natural gas pipelines in Central Asia and the West-East natural gas transmission line of a long journey, Reached 8,000 kilometers of the Pearl River Delta, where industry and residents offer a clean and efficient energy. ����Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! Holding China in Central Asia that the tremendous potential of the natural gas market and achieve their energy exportsThe purpose of, to wean Russia's dependence on stratagem of Central Asia had to Russia's energy strategy has an impact. In Turkmenistan to increase gas supply to China after the signing of the agreement, this impact is expected to strengthen further. At the same time, with the deepening of cooperation between China and Central Asian countries and increase in the imports of liquefied natural gas, gas imports diversification strategy of China already have outDisplay of results. The other hand, whether it is a natural gas from Central Asia, later from Russia's natural gas, they eventually be thousands of miles away through a pipeline to China, is consumed by residents and industry in China. However, in accordance with the international price buy low price of expensive imports and Government pricing of natural gas had a conspicuous contradiction of domestic gas. PetroChina said this priceContradiction does not benefit China's natural gas imports.����Industry experts say, including natural gas, prices of resource products must be made to rationalize and reform. Growing diversity Central Asia became important sources of imported gas supply trend gradually ease up until the late 20th century, developing China's natural gas industry has been relatively slow, natural gas supply and consumption in the energy mix proportionIs vanishingly small. Speed up the pace with China's energy structure adjustment and energy-saving emission reduction tasks increase, more and more natural gas as a clean energy be taken seriously. Since the beginning of 21st century, China stepped up its development and utilization of natural gas, 30.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas production from 2001 growth in 2010 to 96.8 billion cubic meters, with an average annual growth rate of 13.5%, consumption growth in 2001 from 27.4 billion cubic meters by 2010 of 109 billion cubic meters, with an average annual growth rate of 16.1%. According to plan, share of natural gas in the energy consumption structure in China from the current 4% to "Twelve-Five" 8% at the end of. Nevertheless Diablo 3 Gold, the proportion of natural gas in the energy consumption structure in China was seriously low, And this value is the current world average of 24.1%, even in Asia is at 11.2%. The other hand, since the beginning of 2006, China's natural gas consumption of more than natural gas production, and sustained supply situation, widening gap between supply and demand. Can be predicted is that in the development of a low carbon economy and to achieve energy-saving emission reduction policies under the guidance of natural gasDemand in the "Twelve-Five" and "Thirteen-Five" will usher in a period of rapid growth for the period, the average annual increment is likely to exceed 20 billion cubic meters.����From "Eleven-Five" during China's natural gas production growth situation, below the average annual increment of 10 billion cubic metres, to meet rapidly growing demand, could only be resolved through the introduction of foreign natural gas resources. Since 2006Since is natural gas-importing countries, imports increased year by year, external dependence increases for natural gas. 2010 China's introduction of 16.6 billion cubic meters of natural gas abroad, foreign dependence of natural gas over 10%.����Is expected to "Twelve-Five" end, external dependence for natural gas in China will reach about 40%, "Thirteen-Five" weekend around 50%. As China's daySpecific gravity of gas imports increased security of supply will become significant issues that must be taken into account. To this end, the strategy of diversification of gas imports have been taken in China, has invested heavily to accelerate the construction of Northeast, Northwest, Southwest, and four oil and gas imports by sea channel. One of those through the Northwest Passage introduced in Central Asia, Russia and other countries of piped gas will be the future of offshore natural gas resourcesImportant source. On the Sino-Russian "Marathon" talks deadlocked case of natural gas, natural gas cooperation with Central Asian countries have made a breakthrough in China, especially Turkmenistan in Central Asia have become important foreign source in China, to a large extent meet the growth in demand for natural gas in China, but also for the diversification of natural gas imports in China has laid a good foundation. According to theAs of November 24, 2011, the Trojan Turkmenistan pipeline 17.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas in China, more than 50% of China's natural gas imports over the same period, has played an important role in compensate for insufficient domestic production capacity. At the same time, China also continue through sea imported liquefied natural gas (LNG). According to the latest statistics of the national development and Reform Commission, the firstIn October, China's imports roughly 25 billion cubic meters of natural gas, per cent surge in 86.5%, including import of 12.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas from Central Asia, as well as from Yemen, and Malaysia, and Qatar, and Indonesia and Australia and other countries 12.7 billion cubic metres of LNG imports. In addition to increasing imports of natural gas in China, has been mining in ChinaResource potential, strive to increase domestic gas reserves and production, this will effectively relieve tension in the supply of natural gas in China, promoting the sustained and healthy economic development in China. Published on November 24, the national oil and gas resources of the Department of land and resources dynamic evaluation (2010) displays, recoverable resources had reached 32 trillion cubic meters of natural gas in China, 2003-2007 of a new national oil and gas resource evaluation of growth and 49%, respectively.����Years of proven natural gas reserves have maintained a "five-year plan since the" rapid growth, 20 Trojan proved 10 trillion cubic meters and above, an average of more than 600 billion cubic meters. China and Central Asia to achieve "win-win cooperation" successful experience of Russia draw according to Chinese oil forecast,By 2015, the year 80 billion cubic meters of natural gas in Central Asian countries will lose to China, when demand will reach 260 billion cubic meters of natural gas in China swtor power leveling, Central Asian countries imports of natural gas equivalent of China's consumption of about 30%. Central Asia will become a major outside source has two major advantages of support: on the one hand, as China's naturalThe rapid growth of gas demand, urged by imports to meet domestic demand in China, and oil and gas-rich Central Asia, from the geopolitical point of view, is a good source of energy in Central Asia; on the other hand, imports diversification strategies which will be implemented for energy security reasons also coincide with the Central Asian country is seeking to diversify exports. China-Central Asia daySo the rapid development of cooperation is not only open the diversification of natural gas imports for China channel, as well as Central Asian countries to expand export channels to reduce Russia's dependence has opened a section of the Orient "road". Oil and gas-rich Central Asia, according to United Kingdom oil released the 2011 world energy statistics show, 8 trillion cubic metres of proven recoverable reserves of Turkmenistan, Ranked 4th in the world, second only to Russia, and Iran and Qatar, 4.3% per cent of the world's total. Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan also 1.8 trillion cubic meters and 1.6 trillion cubic deposits. 2010 total production reached more than 120 billion cubic metres of natural gas in the three countries, has been mining for years-compared to the Middle East, Central Asian natural gas developmentIs clearly more great potential. As the former Soviet Union, Central Asian countries are oil and gas pipeline for a long time Russia control, its export prices far below international market prices, serious constraints on the development of national energy economy. Therefore, the Central Asian country began taking "energy export diversification" strategy, with a view to moving away from Russia's control, expand domestic resources export channels.Therefore, ventilation of the end of 2009 China-Central Asia gas pipeline into Central Asia to develop diversified exports an important bridgehead. However, that Russia clearly cannot be considered a good thing, such a disturbing emotions from Russian gas (Russia RAO Gazprom) Vice President Medvedev had questioned can be seen in the Turkmenistan's natural gas reserves.Russia fears justified, on the one hand, Central Asian countries are trying to get rid of dependency on Russia, sought by China and the United States cooperation in natural gas consuming nations such as the independent resources-power status; on the other hand, increase the supply of natural gas to China in Central Asia, the invisible will be crowding out Russia for natural gas in China's market share in the future, this will also affect RussiaDeveloping the China market opportunities in the future. Xia Yishan experts on China's energy strategy in an interview with a Xinhua reporter, said: "after all, Russia has always regarded the Central Asian countries for the benefit of them and China strengthen cooperation in energy, Russia not concerned at all? "Prior to this, Russia sustaining power in the negotiations is more by supporting demand in Europe. As the world economyA gradual recovery from the financial crisis, gas demand also continues to grow, and Japan after the events of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, States reduced nuclear energy development plan, natural gas dependency is bound to continue to rise. At the same time, unrest in the Middle East this year to the Middle East, North Africa as a source of imports in Europe have been seriously affected, European countries have to strengthen Russia's cooperation.Nevertheless, Russia, export diversification is also a need to consider issues, European natural gas market has matured, excessive dependence on the European market ultimately detrimental to Russia's natural gas exports, Russia also need to seek such as China's emerging and fast-growing market demand. Xia Yishan said that China and Russia energy cooperation must be "mutually beneficial and win-win", requiredFrom the standpoint of the long-term, global and national strategies.����In the previous stage, the Sino-Russian bilateral differences are on the decline in prices, China and Russia's natural gas cooperation talks in the final analysis is a negotiation of mutual concessions, "the two sides will reach a unanimous agreement in the end". Russia, with China to expand its gas export channels to enhance theirBargaining power of the market and other markets in Europe; for China, and Russia to obtain a stable natural gas resources in cooperation with input and provides strong support for their sustainable economic development. China Petroleum West-East gas pipeline sales Branch said in a press interview, natural gas cooperation between China and Central Asia to achieve a "win-win" situations worthy of Russia for reference,Also, to a certain extent, urged Russia to make decisions as soon as possible. At the same time Russia illustrates two truths: first, China's natural gas market potential is huge; second, although the Chinese have a certain capacity of natural gas prices, but due to demand in China are mainly located in the Eastern and coastal, from Asia, Russia and other countries of introducing natural gas pipeline transport costs high, and China's domestic natural gas pricesOn the low side, China cannot afford gas prices with the European market. High tone at contradictions to straighten out either the Government pricing and price trend is modified while the success of the strategy of China's natural gas imports, we also need to be seen, according to the international market to buy imported natural gas pricing in domestic sales to the Government, to the import and sale of natural gas enterprisesCost pressure. Furthermore, as China's natural gas imports increased, the pressure will continue to grow. First of October of this year, China's natural gas imports per cent increase in 86.5%, the increase will be with the operation of pipelines and LNG receiving station and continue to improve. Compared to other major gas importer in the world, on the import of natural gas in China faced two majorThe pressure on.����First, import cost pressures. At present, China's imports relies mainly on Northwest onshore natural gas pipeline transportation of natural gas and imports shipping LNG from sea lanes. Gas from the pipe, in China from Central Asia, Russia and other major natural gas resources to far away from European countries, the farther distance means that the pipeline cost is higher, in the case of the same ex-factory price, Cost of natural gas reached national markets are higher than in Europe. For example, the European market even though Turkmenistan most of the distance from Belgium and the United Kingdom, its transport distances than Turkmenistan's gas to China's much shorter transport distance of the target market. Shipping LNG from the point of view, Asia-Pacific region has always been the highest in the world LNG trade price, this price in the future will also be in for a longBuoyed by rapid growth in demand for some time.����From Qatar LNG imports as an example, in May this year to the LNG to the Bank of China was $ 15.02 million British thermal units/, compared to the United Kingdom's LNG CIF price is $ 8.99 per million British thermal units.����Second, the pressure of low prices of domestic natural gas market. At present, China's importsGas prices usually take the form of crude oil or petroleum products price-linked, negotiations agreed by both parties in accordance with market rules. However, over the years, the Government in China's domestic onshore natural gas price price, although the 2005, 2007 and 2010 State three times tuned factory benchmark price of natural gas, but the current price level is still well below theThe world average. From the figures for August 2011, residents in the same period by gas tax-inclusive price was 2.1 Yuan/cubic meters, industrial gas prices are also lower. While in natural gas mainly rely on imports of Japan, the price of 12.96 Yuan/cubic meter; in European countries, at current exchange rates, United Kingdom is $ 5.67/m; even in theIn recent years by slashing domestic natural gas shale gas development of the United States, the price reached $ 3.59/cubic meter. Even from the point of view of alternative energy, natural gas prices are too low in China. Because crude oil prices surged in recent years, domestic natural gas calorific value such as ex-factory price is equivalent to crude oil price about one-third. Price signalsDistortion, resulting in around Mount oil to gas works, compete with natural gas as raw materials and fuel-energy-consumption on chemical projects, adding to the contradiction between supply and demand of natural gas. The prices are too low pressure is evident on the imports of natural gas in Central Asia. According to China's natural gas supply agreement signed with the Central Asian countries, landed-paid price of the gas at about 2.6 Yuan/cubic meters, andIn terms of government regulation of domestic gas ex-factory price of only $ 1.15/cubic meter swtor credits, more than 1 time lower than the price of imported gas. This means that imports 1 cubic meters of natural gas from Central Asia in China, at least to bear the loss of more than $ 1, annual imports of 80 billion cubic meters of natural gas needed to bear losses will reach about 100 billion yuan. When China and RussiaRoss agreed Russia through East and West each year to deliver more than 60 billion cubic metres of gas to China so that imports of natural gas as a result of losses will be even greater. Thus, to relieve pressure on both, in order to fundamentally resolve the contradiction between demand and supply of natural gas, straighten out the relationship between supply and demand, natural gas pricing system reform is imperative. It is learnt that theResidents Committee modified gas stepped pricing scheme is currently being used in the making, taking into account domestic inflationary pressure and the stable and sustainable economic development, gas pricing reforms will take a gradual approach to gradually move closer to the market. Industry experts said the reform trend of future natural gas prices are expected to include two points, first, progressive enhancement and relevance of alternative energy to keep the pipelineOil and natural gas, LNG and other alternative fuels competitive advantage, ease the contradiction between supply and demand unreasonable; the second is formed in accordance with the flow of natural gas supply and demand of domestic natural gas market, gradually reduce the intensity of price controls, allowing different areas depending on the gas source, and pipeline costs on their own pricing.

