
the old republic power leveling Liu Xiumei XAV

129668688802187500_126The Ministry of Health announced on November 24 national food safety standards of the quick-frozen flour and rice products (GB19295-2011). Several big brand of frozen foods in the near future due to Staphylococcus aureus and detection under the background of off the shelf, due to the presence of conditions permitted limit of Staphylococcus aureus, new standards are of widespread concern. Standard references international current standard provisions for frozen foods, frozen foods"Staphylococcus aureus" not checked out, but in the new standard will come into effect on December 21 this year, but lays down limit values that can be checked out. Coordination of Ministry of health, food safety and health inspection Bureau Deputy Inspector Duan Dongmei described, this does not mean that food safety standards to reduce. She noted that the new standards has modified the terms and definitions relating to quick-frozen flour and rice products Diablo 3 Gold,It is more accurate; refer to the International Commission on microbiological criteria for foods sampling programme and limited provisions, revised the microorganism index requirement, using the microbiology classification sampling programmes. Meanwhile, according to pathogenic bacteria risk assessment results, adjust the limited provision of salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, making it more scientific and rational. In fact, provided for in the old standard "not checked out"The biggest reason is because the old technology for quantitative detection. Chinese Center for disease control and prevention of nutrition and food security researcher Liu Xiumei, said: "we used in Microbiological methods and no quantitative detection method, it is not possible to set a specific limit value the old republic power leveling, check out the food contains the number of pathogenic bacteria, only qualitative test of concept, check out failed."However, from 1999 international Codex Committee on food hygiene to control microbiological hazards in foods after the changes in principle, the concept is not the same. "In some foods, not all pathogenic micro-organisms have the same hazards. According to food risk analysis principles in certain specific foods you want to be the focus of specific pathogens to control. IfIn accordance with the standards of the past, generally prohibiting pathogens from check out is the lack of scientific evidence. "Sampling, sampling rate and limit the scope require more scientific and rational to amend before the national standard of quick-frozen flour and rice products, in accordance with the classification of quantitative detection requirements, started our microbiological method for the series of amendments, gradually introducing quantitative microbial detection methods, including goldYellow staphylococci inspection method is the first amendment. It is reported that in sampling programmes of the International Commission on microbiological criteria of food, some sort of some type of pathogens in food, is considered on the risk rating. Liu Xiumei pointed out that Staphylococcus aureus belonging to General against pathogenic bacteria. Under the condition of 100 degrees Celsius, cooked food, the bacteria would not exist.In accordance with the principles of the International Commission on microbiological criteria of food, Staphylococcus aureus, is possible under certain limited scope. Staphylococcus aureus containing 5-th time of not more than 10, it produces an enterotoxin likely minimal and, as such, risk of harm to human body health is also small. 5-th 10 is that it limits of toxin production, now we2 power of the standard set at 10 to 3 power, raw flour products in 2 to 4 of the 10-th, this limit is a reference to the International Commission on microbiological criteria of food standards, in line with international rules. As far as sampling, Liu Xiumei, said new sampling scheme was set in a 4-element. The past, we determine product mining 1 qualified or not. Because of microbial contamination and distributionAre uneven, if mining 1, you may pick up bacteria, but also most likely missed already contaminated by pathogens in products, mining 5 pieces from the evenness and sampled on the scientificity of greatly improved. In other words, the new standard in the range of sampling, the sampling volume and limited requirements, is a more scientific and more reasonable. China's food safety standards consistent with the basic international standardsFor some of the media on "China's food safety standards different from both inside and outside" coverage, the Ministry of health supervision Bureau of standards Director Zhang Xudong stressed, "this is no problem, our food safety standards in line with international standards. "Introduction to Zhang Xudong, 2001 after joining the WTO, step by step in accordance with the international Codex Alimentarius standards and risk assessments, improvement of foodProduct safety standards. China's food safety standards has been gradual progress in line with international standards, with limits of pollutants in food as an example, our national standards with international Codex Alimentarius standards project and in line with the index values of rates of over 70%. Zhang Xudong, said on the comparison of different national standards, it should be comprehensive, objective, not only the individual criteria or indicators for comparison. For example abroad allowsUse of Ractopamine, benzoyl peroxide and other material, are prohibited from using the variety in our country. "Recent being developed by limits of food contaminants, pathogens and other food safety standards, most of the indicators and requirements are consistent with international standards, in particular food safety standard system and food safety standards, using risk assessment principles, I have to say and international standardsInduced. "Recently, after the publication of many food safety standards, it was felt that these standards are for large enterprises. So, is kidnapped by enterprise standards of food safety? Liu Xiumei said, developing food and product safety standards, must have a supervisory departments, research institutions and industries and enterprises to participate. Some indicators need repeated discussions, technology is carried out by expert checks.These indicators are not enterprises came up with the data, but drew international Codex Alimentarius and the International Commission on microbiological criteria of food provisions. "We cannot comment participation, enterprise or an enterprise of case the current standard is identified was abducted by the enterprise. "

