
reporter Zhang Li

129668732715625000_30Xinhuanet star wars the old republic power leveling, Pyongyang, November 26 (reporter Zhang Li)-Chinese tour groups and business group, 26th in 60 km from the North Korean capital Pyongyang traffic accidents, killing 6 and 2 towards the side of Chinese citizens in death, a number of other Chinese citizens were injured. At present, some of the victims are local hospitals for treatment. Chinese Embassy in North Korea has started emergency mechanismLeading group for State to Ambassador Liu Hongcai as leader in emergency, rushed to the scene of the accident and the hospital, and demands that the DPRK to rescue, effectively deal with the aftermath. At the same time, communication with the relevant departments in the Mainland. It is learnt that the relevant departments in the Mainland has worked with the families of the victims were contacted. Korean side said would proceed from the Korean-Chinese friendship the old republic power leveling, to make every effort to do rescue work, properly handle this matter.

