
1-1. 65 minute

129668763169218750_304-Small pea broke Manchester United the Premiership had been disputed penalty kick 1-1 and 10 Newcastle NetEase sports reported on November 27: Beijing time and 26th, the 13th round of the Premiership will be a focus of battle, against Newcastle United at Old Trafford Stadium. 1-1 draw on two teams, Hernandez luck scoring of the second half the old republic power leveling, Newcastle then disputed penalty kick banping, and niukagutieleisi was sent off, Manchester United 11 10 siege of Newcastle,Countless scoring opportunities but failed to break. Since the Premier League since its establishment, both sides warring 34 games, United 20 WINS 11-3 take full advantage, in 69 balls to lose 33 balls. Among them, Manchester United have achieved in home unbeaten record of 11 wins 6, 37 lost 9 ball. Manchester United the previous defeat to Newcastle in September 2001, at St James ' Park Stadium。 Newcastle last capture of the Old Trafford Stadium, needs dates back to ancient February 1972. Manchester United UEFA Champions League and in the absence of Wayne Rooney and Vidic comeback, niukaaobeitan, Simpson, all from Manchester United. Before the start, Giggs accept the Golden foot award issue. 5 minute, passing the ball to Rooney, Hernandez 12-yard shot was Tim Krul are. 6 minutes, BK CHATURVEDIOdd header return little Degea robbed in front of the Dunbar bus and get the ball. The 7 minute, Aubertin long shots being shut out, followed by Eff students ' kickball, Hernandez left the 20-yard shot after the ball, Tim Krul received the ball. 8 minute, passing the ball to Rooney, Hernandez as out front off one defender 12 yard right foot shot after hitting fill in fullback deceleration, Crull and get the ball. Subsection11 minutes, the alpha transmission overhead shot, Baba plug 15 yards on the right foot volley choushe, Degea and get the ball. 19 minutes, Aubertin Beck, crossing, Vidic heading rescue when the ferry, points clear after R-Taylor 5 yards to soar choushe playing defect, Degea received the ball. The 26 minute, Rooney Fabricio coloccini fouls, the alpha challenge Home CD does not playThey received a yellow card. As the game proceeds under the sky begins to rain. 30 minute, nanizhisai, clear Hernandez right ribs 12 yard right foot shot high. The 31 minute, Fabio Beck, trust me, 45 degree crossing, Ryan Giggs from 6 yards left foot heels rubs shoot, Szu Tsung struggled to grasp, Wayne wanted to tip protector guards beat rescue when out of the bottom line. 35 minutes aobeitanzhongBreakthrough long shots Miss road. The 37 minute, Ryan Giggs out of the tactics of corner kicks, Nani left 16 yards small angle shooting higher. 42 minutes, Carrick heading rescue when not far, cabaye 18 yards right foot volley choushe, Degea and get the ball. 45 minute, United's frontcourt tackling, lunizhisai, Ashley-Yang right ribs transmit the closed area, unmarked Hernandez 12Code ready to shoot but slipped and fell. End of the first half, Newcastle United 0-0. Start of the second half, 48 minutes, Manchester United gaining free kick on the penalty arc. Shooting is human wall blocking out Wayne Rooney, Rooney left foot and then shoot their lack of strength, S-Taylor little clear within the closed area, the ball hit Hernandez in the hips in the rebound into the net. Manchester United leading 1-0. 50 minute, ElNandesi passing, Fabio right ribs 12 yards right foot in a few off Fabricio coloccini power shot fly. The 52 minute, cabaye against referees received a yellow card. 53 minutes, Ashley-Yang out of the corner kick to the left, before r-Taylor heading rescue evacuations, Rooney 6 yards heading gongmen ceiling height. 54 minute, Fabio Gutierrez received a yellow card. The 55 minute,Evra left cross pass, Ashley-raised right foot from 12 yards heavy shot right out the door pillar. 59 minutes, hopefully long shots hit Defender higher beam. 60 minute, Newcastle out of the tactics of corner kicks to the left, cabaye left crossing, point S-after Taylor's flick-on header swtor power leveling, right foot volley choushe Fabricio coloccini 6 yards, after the ball is deheyatuo out beam. 62 minutes, FerdinandShovel down within the closed area of the alpha, referee penalties, Ferdinand complaint he met with a ball, crew chief, after asking the Conference upheld. From the playback view, Ferdinand tackle first encountered the ball. Baba main penalty FIB Degea into the right corner, 1-1. 65 minute, Gutierrez shovel Carrick received a yellow card. 67 minutes, Gu Seli played behind EffReceived a yellow card. 69 minutes, Rooney and Nani 14 yards after playing wall combined with his right foot high choushe. The 72 minute, Nani breakthroughs from 22 yards right foot hard shot after being s-Taylor blocking out. 76 minutes, r-Taylor 30-yard free kick shoot-Degea get. The 77 minute, Fabio students ' kickball, Nani cross plunge Tim Krul right ribs facing out the closed area, S-TaylorUsers of the Ashley-Yang shoveled the ball behind. The 78 minute, Gutierrez, shoveling behind Nani received their second yellow card was sent off. Depart Ryan Giggs free kick on the right side, Vidic shooting just 6 yards heading upon Crull, Michael Carrick shot again and again is Defender blocking out the bottom line. 83 minute, Defender heading rescue when not far from corner kicks, Evra ball 18 yards left foot volley choushe, Rub the ball Defender deflected Crull struggled to grasp. Ashley-Yang out of the corner kick to the left, Vidic header gongmen ceiling height. The 85 minute, Nani Beck, crossing, uncovered Ashley-Yang left rib 8 yard right foot shot was right pillars blocking out Eff subsequently passing, Carrick 15 yard right foot shot, Defender rescue when going out. Corner kick after the scuffle, Wayne 15 yardsShooting is Tim Krul retaining out. Fabio then crossing, Hernandez 6-yard header gongmen, before Simpson door line check out Tim Krul and get the ball after ball. 89 minute, Giggs dribble crossing, cutting up to 6 yards heading gongmen tops. The 91 minute, Michael Carrick, Ashley-Yang left rib 10 yards shot being s-Taylor blocking out the bottom line. Corner kick after the horseCeda under the heading top, Ferdinand right ribs swept across in front of the closed area, just grab the header fell Vidic lying on the ground shooting out of the bottom line. 94 minutes, Hernandez in front of users into a ball, but the Conference signalled offside. Eventually, the two 1-1 draw. Manchester United (442): 1-Degea/20-Fabio (94 ' 12-Smolin), 5-Ferdinand, 15-Vidic, 3-Evra (88 ' 27-Ma Qieda)/17-Nani, 16-Michael Carrick, 11-Ryan Giggs, 18-Ashley-raising/10-Rooney, 14-aiernandesiniuka (451): 26-Tim Krul/5, 2-Fabricio coloccini, and Simpson-27-S-Taylor, 16-R-Taylor/25-Aubertin (65 ' 28-SA-ameobi), 4-cabaye, 8-Gu Seli (74 ' 14-PEC), 10-alpha (80 ' 11-Lovenkrands), 18-Gutierrez/19-Baba welcomes vote how you see Newcastle United 1-1? Manchester United on penalties imposed controversial niukamen KruTrue God more than Manchester United no goal brought Manchester United hit a man with too late coming to see the results

