
129724958988206844_116 - YRV

129724958988206844_116As at January 31, there are 16 listed steel mills publishing announcements or news, among which 10 Mills pre or pre-loss reduction reporters Xie Lan as the number of listed steel companies have announced 2011 announcements, management situation of iron and steel industry in 2011 is pale and has very obvious, though leading iron and steel enterprises will not only goodIts body. Angang steel today announced, expected 2011 annual net profit attributable to the shareholders of listed companies losing about $ 2.151 billion, basic earnings per share of losses of about $ 0.297/unit. Data shows that in 2010, angang achieved net income of 1.704 billion dollars. Recommended reading on January 31 illustrations: normal technologyAdjustment shocks to a-shares in local rally die auspicious start Outlook cautious rebound pattern of renewal of China a-shares in HKEx offering worry-start a shares opened weaker Outlook was langma several points of thinking on nuggets of information the man higher up "plans break unit" [Twitter] RMB appreciation and the a-share the mysterious relationship [shares] old shareholders to disclose the end of this locationPrior to this, LF (600,019, unit) disclosed performance express show, 2011 although the company still had $ 7.302 billion in net profit, but has slumped by 43.35% compared with a year earlier. Listed steel company record decline in overall besides angang steel, today there are four listed steel mills announcedAnnouncements. Coincidence is that Ma steel, new steel shares (600,782 shares) and Nanjing iron and steel shares (600,282 shares) three mills are said, according to preliminary calculation the company's Finance Department, is expected in 2011 of the net profit attributable to the shareholders of listed companies fell by more than 50%. Shaogangsongshan (000717, unit) is expected2011 the company losing $ 1.17 billion, compared with the same period plunged 5,686%. According to reporter statistics, as of January 31, there are 16 listed steel mills publishing announcements or express, of which 10 are Mills pre or pre-loss reduction. ����At present, has released the max out of angang steel, while losses the sharpest shaogangsongshan. The otherConcern was hualing steel (000932, unit), the company's loss with a 2010 became the a-share "first bear share", on January 20, the latest announcement said, is expected in 2011, net profit of 500.09 billion yuan, profit successfully, avoiding the "ST" destiny. But the fact is that ValinSteel himself admits, 2011 the company main business is still at a loss, was able to turn that, late last year the company was as high as $ 1.168 billion Government subsidy to the "universe". Winter hard iron and steel industry, according to the latest data from CISA, October 2011 and June CISAMember of the iron and steel enterprises posted a profit of only $ 1.4 billion and $ 1.22 billion, profit margins and 0.48%, respectively, Enterprise losses is more than one-third. ����In November if the deduction of investment income, compared with a net loss of $ 920 million. Serious of the four quarters of last year's steel industry losses from the listed steel mills was reflected in the notice, even to eat a lot of millsThe first three quarters of earnings. Angang steel today's announcement, a loss in 2011 annual performance, mainly due to the original fuel price increases above the steel price increases and the overhaul of blast furnace and other factors, particularly steel prices fall sharply in the four-quarter, and the major fuel prices remain high, the company of four seasons in losses, resulting in losses for the year.Shaogangsongshan also said that steel prices have fallen considerably last quarter of 2011, and the fuel prices of materials fell by a smaller, resulting in lines of larger fourth-quarter operating loss. Not only that, but people in the industry generally believe that winter in the steel industry will continue in 2012. "For this year's economic situation and the future for quite a long complexSerious, we have a clear understanding on the impact of various changes in the situation at home and abroad to have an accurate understanding of industry from now to be taken to cope with greater difficult preparations. "At the beginning of January the CISA 2012 Director (enlarged) meeting, Shougang Group Chairman Zhu Jimin road.

