
tsw gold - AQW

129732029226721250_137People's network Tokyo, February 6 (reporter Yu Qing), according to Kyodo News, investigators from the Fukushima nuclear accident which was partly in the warning area of Fukushima Prefecture Kawauchi village of earthworm activity was detected in the body for about 20,000 bequerels per kg of radioactive cesium. The results from comprehensive Institute of forest (located in Ibaraki Prefecture Zhubo) researchers Hasegawa, Director of Yuan Yang (soilLearn of) know, will be held on March 17 in Otsu Japan officially released on ecology. According to the analysis tsw gold, due to leakage of nuclear accidents and radioactive substance on the leaves of the forest, earthworm eating soil containing the decomposition of fallen leaves. Since earthworms are food for birds tsw gold, wild boar and other wild animals, Hasegawa considers "radioactive substances may be through foodChain accumulate in other organisms. " Hasegawa, who last August-September in the village of Kawauchi (from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station 20 km), jade village (distance 60 km), and Cho (a distance of 150 km) of State-owned forest collecting earthworms samples for testing. Average earthworm collection 5 per forest, in the village of Kawauchi detecting about 20,000 bequerels per kg diablo 3 gold, jade village about 1000 bequerels, Cho, about 300 bequerels of radioactive cesium. Collection CS activity of earthworm soil testing revealed that Kawauchi village is about 1.38 million bequerels per square metre, about 8~12 bequerels jade village, about 20,000 bequerels-Cho, higher levels of soil pollution from earthworm CS activity higher. Others:

