
star wars the old republic pvp valor power leveling 2011 - WMO

129724942002425594_56"The magazine Roundup" Chengdu business daily reported that the first recombinant terminates star wars the old republic pvp valor power leveling, then results for the year increased from pre-pre-reduction. On November 19, 2011, smarter shares suddenly announced the termination of the reorganization. Performance express yesterday and will be published 2011 performance forecasts from three quarterly increase the number of pre-60% adjustment for pre-44.8% reduction, such disparities really people give consent。   However, the performance before and after the issuance of a big difference, and this makes people suspicious company performance "changing faces" Maoni. Last year's performance has face/off yesterday, smarter show 2011 earnings shares letters, company annual revenues to $ 2011 to $, an increase of 22.36% net profit of 24.9621 million Yuan, under per centSlide 44.8%; revenues of $ 0.06 per share. However, on October 26, 2011, company bulletin said: "in view of the good year overall market situation, is expected in 2011 annual rise in net profit compared with a year earlier at 60% above". Attributable to the shareholders of listed companies in the first quarter net income of $-12.0377 million, the sameThan the decline in 168.62% cases tor commendation power leveling, smarter shares at that time of year 60% growth prediction of performance was a bit surprised, but yesterday was completely disappointing performance letters.   From the decline in growth 60% to 44.8%, like a roller coaster-like performance prediction of people give consent. In response, the company's argument is "subject to domestic and international macro-Effect, company headquarters and holding companies of Henan shenma nylon Chemical Co, Ltd, Henan shenma chlor-alkali development limited liability company in 2011, compared to fourth quarter operating results compared with the first three quarters of results due to the substantial decline. "The above claims were questioned by the relevant people in the industry. One industry analyst said "despite the chemical industry is a strong cycle industry, butTrends of prices according to supply and demand, low and peak seasons and other factors to predict, if there is no sudden influence of factors such as supply and demand, price not earthshaking changes have taken place in the quarter. "Changing faces caused by reasons to question data show that company main products are nylon 66 dipped nylon 66 industrial filament, equity participation49% nylon chemical subsidiaries of the main products of nylon 66 salt, majority-owned subsidiaries smarter and PVC resin in chlor-alkali products as caustic soda. From the product price, Fan Tinglu, business analyst, said: "caustic soda prices steadily rose last year, four quarters is to meet its year high, despite the four quarters of PVC resin market negative, but the capacity is small. Taken together,Mutations do not cause company's performance.   "At the same time, in early October last year, nylon 66 decline in prices to some degree, according to the quotation of nylon chemical, nylon 66 salt 30,500 dollars from September 30, down to the end of December of 25,500 Yuan/ton/ton, or 16.39%. "Despite the four-quarter price have a more significant drop in nylon 66 diablo iii gold, Its raw materials, but have a sharp decline. From the same industry enterprises, decline range is 15%~30%, but smarter performance changes over 100% shares, far exceeding the industry average.   "The industry analysts said.   Issue about whether company performance? So, single season in the four-quarter changes in the magnitude of the significant doesn't seem to meet the common sense, butIf combined with the company's restructuring, it seems that will follow the signs. On May 22, 2011, disclosed restructuring plan smarter shares, intends to acquire four companies owned by parent company making nylon chain, the four companies in the included nylon chemical remaining 51% shares.   On November 19, the company is announcing the end of restructuring. It is worth noting is that close to restructurePlan convened general meeting of shareholders of limited time within six months, on October 26, the company disclosed three quarterly reports in the case of the first three quarters of decline 168.62%, "quirky" gives good results for the year increased 60%, market to create the appearance of this suspect its escort on the issue. "Author: Caijing Roundup" (Editor: Jin Yunhui)

