
aion money the ball is blocking out the bottom line by goalkeeper. Game is about to end - VYW

129732242194533750_40SINA sports Marbella Cup which ended in semi-final heats in one duel, Guangzhou evergrande (Twitter) 0:4 no match for Ukraine Kiev Dina giants aion kinah, not the final. Constant in the first half and twice beaten by rival counterattack broke within 3 minutes. Effects of war, evergrande throw a ball, 66 min, Lin (micro-blogging) manufacture of penalties aion kinah Vaizel, but Cleo (micro-blogging)Penalty penalty throw, last-minute Kiev score locked at 4-0, Kiev, Shevchenko is not the number one stars showed up. Guangzhou hengda playing in the opening match of this tournament is not conservative, Super Giants CSKA Moscow duigong war with Russia aion kinah Kromede, in the result with the new aid Qin Sheng (microblog) soar to break aion kinah Thor, evergrande 1-0 eliminated competitors, killed in the semi-final. Ukraine strong baseSupported as is the Champions League CSKA Moscow and Dinamo zagre regulars, in their first match, they beat easily with 2-0-Russian ultra-team wings of Soviets aion kinah Balder, to kill into the semi-finals. Before the match, Guangzhou evergrande such a rival, Dina's official website of Kiev do a survey, 90% above the fans think, Dynamo Kiev beat easily in Super (micro-blogging) champions, many fans are more video setKam-Cleo lost and even drank 4 elastic constant in no match for UEFA Champions League teams media source: SINA Sports Extravaganza to 10-0 sweeping the permanent. Guangzhou evergrande removed major debut in this game, and goalkeeper Yang Jun (microblogging), rear line from Feng Xiaoting (micro-blogging) and relegation slot, and Zhao Yuanxi Li Jianhua respectively stationed two sidewalk, lumbar discitis by Qin Sheng and Feng Junyan partner link line Muric(Micro-blogging) aion kinah Siel, Conca and Ning (micro-blogging) at first, suddenly is at the top of Cleo.����And Dynamo Kiev also attached great importance to, main full debut in the team aion kinah Suthran, but the number one star Shevchenko does not appear in the list of teams. After the game started, Dynamo Kiev with great strength was firmly in control of the match, 10 minutes before, Guangzhou evergrandeStruggling, but constant in terms of physical confrontation does not suffer. 10 minutes aion kinah Zikel, Cleo himself killed over more than 20 metres with the ball into, unfortunately aion kinah Urtem, the opponents take a rescue when the ball. 15 minute corner hole cards issued, accurately find Muric within the closed area, but his shot failed to hit the target, missed scoring opportunities. The 19th minute and 24 minutes, Kiev, DinaPlayers the yellow card for Tackling too huge meal. 29 minutes of the game to, deadlock was broken on the field, Dina Guangzhou evergrande mistakes in defence of Kiev made a quick counterattack aion kinah Perento, Brown offside broke anti-11th, evergrande 0-1 behind. Just 2 minutes later, Guangzhou evergrande attack, Cleo the shot failed, rivals quick counterattack killed immediately to restricted areas and byYarmolenko shooting success, 2-0. 36 minutes, Guangzhou evergrande given corner kick opportunities, but failed to pose a threat. 37 minutes, Conca foul eat the yellow card. 42 minutes, Guangzhou evergrande another corner kick opportunities, but still did not break. In half near the end of the game, constant Group Chief relegation and Kiev aion kinah Spatalos, Dina has a player eat the yellow card. ShangHalf court game, Guangzhou hengda 0-2 behind for the time being. Wars of the second half, replaced Lin Ning appearance, while Dynamo Kiev even for 4 people. 49 minutes, Guangzhou evergrande 2 times in a row given corner kick opportunities, but is also broke fashu. The 55 minute, Guangzhou-Brigade was hit hard again, Dina quick counterattack of Kiev, 11th forward, Brown easily break upThe plum blossoms BL, score on the field becomes 3-0! Guangzhou evergrande has down Stockholm Club mix, 59 minutes, Lee jangsoo Zhang Lin luxuriant (micro-blogging) replaced Qin Sheng, relegation liberated, and Conca organization with constant attacks. 64 minutes, Kiev Dina player fouls eat the yellow card. 65 minutes, Guangzhou evergrande issued out, sidewalk playersCrossing, Lin of Defense players to just play, referee and decisive blow penalties, but Cleo lost ball penalty.����67 minutes, constant access to a restricted area of Guangzhou free kick opportunities, Conca direct shot steady by goalkeeper got the ball. 71 minutes, Kiev Dina get corner kick opportunities, and Yang Jun out steady to get the ball in a timely manner. 78 minutes, Guangzhou-BrigadeGet free kick opportunity, but Dina team tackling successfully pass is Kiev. 85 minutes aion kinah Israphel, Guangzhou Heng group eat the yellow card. 88 minutes, Kiev Dina shot back and quickly, the ball is blocking out the bottom line by goalkeeper. Game is about to end, constant Brigade lost the ball again, Dynamo Kiev once again launched a counterattack, alternate debut player Sergei complete break, 24th, on the farmRevise the score to 4-0.����Final House game, Guangzhou-Dina Brigade eventually 0-4 to Kiev, the right Marbella Cup final. Guangzhou hengda show lineup: 1-Yang Jun; 16-Zhao Yuanxi aion kinah Telemachus, 6-Feng Xiaoting, 10-relegation, 14-Li Jianhua; 7-Feng Junyan, 8-Qin Sheng (58 minutes 5-Zhang Lin luxuriant); 15-Conca, 21-Ning (46 min-Lin), 11-Muric; 9-Dina Cleo Kiev team starting lineup: 35-maxim, 34-Eugene, 3-beiaote aion money, 2-Danilo, 6-Popov-Silva, 8-, 25-luckmann, 9-ya Mo Lunke Aliyev, Artem milevskyi, 11-long cloth, 13-Edmund (00 Lei) Others:

