
warhammer online gold   Will make representations to the Philippines - XWS

129749434175468750_10Zhongxinwang February 28 swtor credits, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei 28th said at a regular press conference, on the Nansha Islands and their adjacent waters eq2 platinum, China has indisputable sovereignty.  Any country or company without the Chinese Government allows oil and gas activities in the sea areas under the jurisdiction of China, are illegal. A reporter asked at a press conference, it was reported that the 27th, Philippines officials said, Two pieces of China's territorial claims in the Northwest Palawan oil and gas blocks belonging to the Philippine territory warhammer online gold, foreign oil and gas exploration in the South China Sea waters. Have any comments on this?  Will make representations to the Philippines? In this regard, Mr Hong made the above remarks. He also said that the Chinese side urges the countries concerned in accordance with the spirit of the Declaration on the conduct of the parties in the South China Sea, do not take leadComplicating the dispute of South China Sea and the expansion of operations, make due efforts to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.

