
diablo 3 gold investors and how to cow-share opportunities - WSB

129773160517031250_151Adjustment market has for four consecutive weeks, many investors lost their way, just lit the impulse to make money and be back to its prototype. How it will develop in the future, investors and how to cow-share opportunities? I wired Shenzhen famous private Li Yi again today to do wonderful for everyone to share. Li Yitian is rare in China grew up from small private equity masters, working 15, creatingCountless brilliant results, in particular, he has created "cow shares rose form" and "cow shares rose point buy method" high reliability industry amazing. He has not only been made in the opening rally of the year 120% more than earnings, and the shocks of adjustment in recent weeks he still received $ 35% more than performance. I saw Li Yitian trading after the report on stock selection ability ofAdmiration, had the most shares in the market in his delivery. So how does he do it? His stock picking skills what secrets does? Let us listen to Li Yitian advice. Moderator: adjustment of market turbulence in recent weeks you still make a very good income, how did you do it? You on what do you think? How investors should hold? Li YitianYes, when we were in the market to adjust by bovine femoral morphology had caught a few gains good votes, we determine the nature of the market adjustment is the key and adjust the cattle stock in morphological characteristics, Tibet's development, we do three of them love the rich we students have participated. Market after more than four weeks of adjustment, then if there are no special bad strikes, the market will chooseContinue to attack. After all, the trend has changed, the market tactics of adjustment does not affect the long on enthusiasm of the funds diablo 3 power leveling, has begun to go into the main wave, so you need to clear the current market characteristics, don't pay too much attention to the market's short-term fluctuations, to focus on mining on the stocks. If you missed the first wave of opportunity, then now would be a great opportunity to build positions for the second time.Moderator: investors will want to make a turnaround this year, but regardless of the market development, ordinary investors can not always get rid of standby losses of shrink? Li Yitian: this I can understand, I also lived through the same experience, the market rose they make a little money, the market dropped their losing a lot of money. Result is the market has gone up 20%, he still lost 10%. This is because investorsWent into the two mistakes. First, did not understand the nature of the market, investors must know before buying stock in the location and nature of the market, to understand trends and differences between small-band diablo 3 gold, do not at any time be a second, not buying strong stocks, I know a lot of investors, for security reasons, always buy some tickets for the low low price, location that could rise, theFalse otherwise, did a stock rise does not go up depending on the capital participation tera gold, only tickets for the main participation will be the main wave, investors from this area to review their investments. Moderator: you are right, what about how investors can truly become the investment experts? Li Yitian: I think that a successful investor must be good at selected cattle unit, a 90% time shares areGarbage time, real elevating of time is short, so must select has cattle unit form of stock, to seize main rose waves, cattle unit form reflect has main control disc degree, I think stock of core technology is k form and volume price relationship, cattle line form real to reflect has main of fuck disc intent, cattle unit form is strong unit in bottom cargo and wash disc Hou by formed of classic form. IFound in actual combat for years whenever the stock out of the cattle stock form it will rise. Bovine rhyme forms have included shares stories behind, cattle unit forms up becomes inevitable, so investors need to find sources, and focusing on the morphology of bovine shares, not to catch up on stocks. Bovine femoral morphology are the disinfections of making money in stock market. Host: what are the current market cattle stocksState, please share a cow shares morphological characteristics of your operation? Li Yitian: in particular, a large number of shares after the market after a series of adjustments and reveals the bull elephant, currently has more than one cow units appear in the form, for instance, recently we've done 000752 Tibet's development, six of baogang stocks, three loves rich 600,010 are part of "dolphins mouth" cattle stock form (log in our companySingle website has detailed diagrams and delivery), "Dolphin mouth" bovine femoral morphology technique is the main wave of washing after rising back to the landmark k-line and the major averages falling volume starts again after the formation of the classic form. Current price is "Dolphin mouth" cattle stocks form the best time. On March 9, three loves rich ": a witness to the" time-sharing morphology observed daily limit, kLine position in a smooth necking callback to midline where a group is, therefore, we decisively determine what it is about to rise. We'll follow up on that day, this brings us close to 25% of revenue. Tibet's development, steel shares a similar morphology. Cattle unit of each stage will have a different form before we do at the bottom of the market in "double-hung at the bottom", "Dragon" and "pressNot "cow shares, such as form gave us a very good income. We have a student in Wuhan before learning a lot of stock technology, is not ideal, since after learning our cattle unit technology, income has doubled this year. Cattle form is to seize shares the main wave of the best weapon. Host: If you have selected to comply with the bovine form shares how to buy it? Main KaiWhat side of flag signals when? Li Yitian: where our cattle are used up by buying a share of technology, we will apply Essentials of timesharing, 87, bidding, who are cancelled, the quantity than the collection to see if best buy points, we who timed-language summary of the different opening bought by law, China offers to buy, buy, cattle unit starting from who you want to change toFound. Handicap languages are found the major changes and the best way to capture the sale point, key locations daily limit is the main wave of start signal, cow shares characteristics of maximum daily limit is started. We summed up over more than 20 breeding cattle in actual combat units starting the daily limit of classic timed pattern and forming a specific method in actual combat. ����US stocks were bought up. Gold-line statement:Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. 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