
tera power leveling revealing two very negative signals - HIJ

129762943154218750_5Stock index plunged during the two sessions, a-shares fell due to three reasons 2.8% NetEase finance, March 14-two sessions, market to market all of a sudden moment of singing all the way into the high dive, dropped more than half an hour 2% show ended. Such a dramatic contrast, probably came as a surprise to everyone's surprise. Although previously, has been reminded to guard against risks. But such a drastic adjustment remains a cause for confusion. Index why diving? During the two sessions, under the a-sharesFalling 2.8% this have any effect on a-share Outlook? Stock index plunged due to three reasons analysts believe that the stock index plunged because of the following reasons: 1 stock index rebounded more than two months, faces early highs and the weight area, adjust the pressure on the technology. 2 Wen Jiabao said that home prices are far from return to a reasonable price, real estate adjustment and can't relax. On the regulation of real estatePine is expected to fail. 3 United States keep interest rates unchanged, market on QE3 expected further cooling. The analysis, from the tone of the central economic work Conference, as well as on the establishment of the economic growth target of between ARATS and SEF, structure has become the consensus of the senior, 7.5% economic growth target, in fact, implies a means of easing weaker-than-expected. At the current marketIn long patterns, these worries are almost ignored by the market. Next, if the economic data continues to show a downward trend to continue, nor continue to relax and the policy level initiatives, did not rule out market corrective amendments in the form of previous gains. In addition, 2012 new credit for the first two months were weaker than expected, on a certain level, weak loan demand,Grounding easing to boost liquidity, and this will no doubt give the current easing of liquidity "discount". Multi-empty Southwest securities analyst Wang Jianhui, Director of the Institute (Twitter) (micro-blogging) on NetEase finance, the market plunged on the surface is today afternoon and Prime Minister speech-related, in fact, since its two sessions, the market has not adjusted, so that during the two sessions of theEconomic data is bad and no digestion, decreases from plates, manufacturing stocks fell more and recently released economic data related to decline in manufacturing. Sinolink securities strategist fulei believes that today the market closer to the 2,478 locations highboard diving, revealing two very negative signals: first, long after the failed attack on three times in a row, Outlook may turn downAdjusted; the second, 30 minutes on the line, upward trend has been destroyed, KDJ also issued a sell signal. National security Xu Yi nail believes that improved domestic macro-surface is not obvious, this rally is not solid tera power leveling, it is difficult to support the a-share market continued to rebound, remained wary of the trend in the middle line. Changjiang securities, cash from 2011, the industry profitSee, most of the industry's net earnings came down, information equipment, sharpest, farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing, mechanical and electronic equipment, big profit downgrade industry annual report disclosure risk. 2011 net earnings consensus of industry in the near future high increases the likelihood of performance exceeded expectations, including public utilities companies, Commerce and trade. Changjiang securities considered in MarchOr will stop the rebound, investors expect "innocence" and return to focus on the changes in economic fundamentals. Therefore, actions should be cautious on, repeatedly to select lower positions in the market tera power leveling, industry configuration to value and balance, and concerned about the performance of the banking, pharmaceutical, food and beverage industry. After two sessions before the market would interpret in accordance with historical rulesLaw, probability is greater than the probability of a decline of the a shares rose during the two sessions. But the rules in the two sessions fail. Two sessions a day after huzhi closed at 2460.69 points, two sessions ended today, huzhi closed at 2391.23 points, which means that during the two sessions, a-shares fell 2.8%. In accordance with established practice, two sessions after the market rose hit probability is still 60%�� Since 1995, two sessions a month before the market increases the probability for 71%, 12 years of 17 years were up. Analysts believe that the observed plunge today of the two cities tera gold, but has not dropped below the line of Bull and bear markets, not yet concluded that the rebound on the end. Qi Lu securities believed that indexes all of a sudden sharp fall investors away from less, panic, or on the current market conditions notFull advantage. First of all, the fundamentals, there is no significant improvement. But from the pre-adjustable fine tuning of policy attitudes and actual effect, can assume the policy level than the stock market. But the end of March will be published quarterly downturn market worries listed company's performance. Secondly, liquidity there is no real progress. Although the wind constantly, but we believe that the only substantive promotion in order toReflected in the market and thus economic growth. Stock market as a leading indicator, should have the foresight. So, technically, this does not fit in a rally, profits, fixed specification required urgently. However, days after the collapse of the rebound, even today a long Yin half swallowed all the k-line, contour month line is still not effective damage on trends,This qualified as a technical adjustment. As long as the funds remain in high activity, indices of repeated shocks, still light warehouse holding stocks positive actions. , Director of the British Institute of securities Li Daxiao (Twitter) (micro-blogging) on NetEase financial analysis says that today's decline is the self-adjustment of the market needs, recent rises in the market for a long time, but have not been very good rest, resulting in 2500 point mark under a lot of pressure. "2,500-point side is heavy, may not be compromised easily, but I still believe 2,132 points is the end of the diamond. "Li Daxiao said. Panic selling in the flow of funds to the two main outflows 15.6 billion or the end of rally took the opportunity to wash? Mr LI: the stock market may be the meaning of misreading the Wen Jiabao Prime Minister Hou Ning: Future shock the up trend will not change Li Daxiao: collapse in the afternoon as the market's own adjustment needs capital flight triggered concern efforts to repair and then determine the adjustments of diving operations strategy three bad surprise attack concern six months supporting fast merchant near the line to kill the fall rally tomorrow country Yuan securities: plunge rebounded after sell opportunity Others:

