
tera power leveling Deputy Director of Shanghai Ren Liwei said - ABA

129777286962812500_34Ex-factory price of selling hundreds of cinerary casket million customers raise up the price According to Xinhua, near Ching Ming Festival on the Web about exposing funeral profiteering, especially in cinerary casket profiteering Internet post everywhere. Jiangsu netizens "Paul Yü Pin" said on Twitter, friend of relatives funeral, "one-stop" business, "minimum $ 1200 for a cinerary casket, costs $ 100 less tera power leveling, but you also have to pay, because it is unable to offer industry".Origin: cheap just $ more than 100 journalists to the funeral of agent call funeral supplies specializes in Jing ' an County in Jiangxi province in the capacity of special arts and crafts factory, see cinerary casket wholesale quotation. According to the introduction to a responsible person on the phone, cheap cinerary casket just more than 100 Yuan, "good sell for $ 180, 135 Yuan is too cheap sell, old style, looks thin. Best sellingIs a bezoar of rosewood, more than 330 Yuan, is heavy. "She also said, if you want to insert on the cinerary casket jade, thirty or forty bucks more. Wholesale cinerary casket costs of logistics, introduction to each other if it is to be shipped separately, a cinerary casket from Jiangxi to the Shanghai shipping about $ 80 tera power leveling, "General logistics company we are go, cheaper. "Journalists asking market priceMost of your so-called "African Black Rosewood" cinerary casket prices of material, the other replied: "there are $ 600, $ 800, and $ 1000, well some. "From the see on Taobao, indicate the factory outlets stores, black rosewood cinerary casket prices cheapest is $ 1680, mahogany wood cinerary casket prices as low as $ 880. Shanghai funeralIndustry Association official website, bid a cinerary casket made of striped ebony as 1888, the site lists of cheapest cinerary casket just $ 196, cinerary casket there are 26 kinds of below $ 1000. Shop: thousand Yuan the following cinerary casket is almost extinct reporters came to the West Paoshing Road Shanghai field surveys. This section is near Shanghai baoxing funeral parlour tera gold, along almost allFuneral supplies stores, large and small, are known as "funeral Street" reporters found that hardly bought thousands of dollars following cinerary casket here. Called a "peace funeral service" shop, and rows of glass window was placed in cinerary casket of dozens of different materials and styles, bid on the price ranged from thousands of dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. Shopkeepers said, cinerary casketDiscount of 40 percent. Cinerary casket of reporters pointing at a list price of $ 15,800 asked what material, shopkeeper replied: "Blackwood (wood), (after playing 40 percent) more than 6,000 yuan. This is ebony, premium, discounted down to $ more than 8,000, the rosewood discount off of more than 10,000 yuan. "Rough out of the reporter, here, black rosewood cinerary casket prices higher than 2More than 0 times, the final price is the ex-factory price of about 10 times. Interpreting industry "through-train" agent price 10 times times the baoxing funeral parlour, Deputy Director of Shanghai Ren Liwei said, because cinerary casket materials are difficult to distinguish, and ordinary people have no idea what "so many ' one-stop ' agent and funeral supply store could ask an exorbitant price, a price 1000 worth of cinerary casket ' one-stop ' may sell for $ 4,000 and $ 5,000. We (the baoxing funeral parlour) $ 198 price cinerary casket, but the ' through-train ' is sold in 1980. "Ren Liwei said in order not to let the bereaved contact funeral homes funeral services, funeral agent will try all kinds of ways, and rhetoric. "If families want to ask orOn it, they would have to ' dead ' to exploit other ' s carelessness, not explained, also prevents family members ask other people. As long as families do not access to formal institutions for information, ' one-stop ' can any hoodwinked. ” Others:

