
tera gold complex shares the right distance to record highs only aStep away. Recently - WIC

129773903174375000_52Necking benchmark game six-line premium liquor stocks steadily rise Adjustment after three weeks in a row, the a-share market this week finally usher in the start of a turn. Yesterday, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets after the first anti-Yang, after the Shanghai composite intraday record low score stage, rapid rebound in last 15 minutes, most disk at 2,350, compared with the previous trading day micro-0.05%; shenchengzhi trend of stronger, at 9,946, or 0.62%. Worthy of note is that last nightDaily aggregate turnover in only two cities of $ 107.4 billion, an all-time high since February 1 tera gold, the lowest this year. Yesterday morning, the a-share market narrow shocks, there have been a wave of rapid dive in the afternoon. The Shanghai composite index trading low penetrating 2339.14 point, refreshing a phase adjustment low again. However, the last 15 minutes, led by coal market sector bottomed out, driving the stock index fastRebound. Closed per cent success turning red, stocks were mixed from the intraday 2:8, rose to 4:6. Closing as of yesterday, the Shanghai composite index failed to stand in the second session in a row lines in the first half, but the margin of deviation is small; shenchengzhi stubborn close at six months above the line. Market participants are expected for the next few days, both sides battle for around half a year lineWill become increasingly fierce. Yesterday, represents risk aversion in the market of consumer unit very eye-catching, small unit for more first yanghe shares closed rose 3.26%, reported $ 162.39, complex stock prices hit a record high on the right. Board Unit for more first Guizhou moutai is also not to be outdone, yesterday closed up $ 1.5% per cent, complex shares the right distance to record highs only aStep away. Recently, in liquor consumption unit "King" position is still difficult to shake. Southwest securities believes that although in the short term, liquor prices already have some bubbles, but as the location of luxury high-end liquor prices, still have headroom for the future, consolidation of the market is very likely to enter the Terminal price stage. Price growth is expected in the short then ends-flavour liquor should be faster,Direct prices will seldom use, through the adjustment of product structure to drive up tons of wine prices will be more popular. Historical experience, whenever the massive intervention of the main funds weak cycle such as liquor, medicine plate, markets in the short term adjustment. Funding initiative to be a haven for what reason? CIC securities believed that worry about results for the annual reports of listed companies to disclose "before you after bad",Is money important reasons to select active selling. As of last weekend, annual reports of listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen have disclosed the 746, disclosing market which accounts for a share of about 30%. CIC securities believes that annual results disclosed two main characters presented: one is small and corporate earnings growth rates significantly worse than the gem as well as all a-share; second annual performance disclosure renders "before u after difference." FromTrack for two consecutive weeks, regardless of the overall market or structural junior, gem, showing characteristics of poor after the annual report before the announcement, particularly small trend more visible. Based on past experience, during the annual reports and a quarterly disclosure of listed companies, tend to be an outbreak of "annual reports", performance exceeded expectations, assignments with high delivery of growth on the go, a quarterly bulletin in advance of increasesCompanies are subject to funding in hot pursuit, formed a number of hotspots in the market. But because of the premature disclosure of a shares has always been good company "tradition", more and more investors fear the market or is approaching the end of the annual report tera gold, proactive change cartridge will is growing tera power leveling, this has on the formation of the secondary market must be put aside. Others:

