
tera power leveling - QTE

129773438978750000_1120Reporter Han Xue Han Jingwei trainee with the second-hand trading, purchasing "uncompleted", and increasing affordable housing, housing types of disputes is also on the rise. Entered into a sale and purchase contract, can yield the desired legal consequences, is not entirely depends on the signature of the parties to a contract can be decided. On March 24, the Puyang Hualong District Court at the conclusion of the contract swindleCases that caveat, transactions to be prudent. The accused persons were sentenced to 11 year sentence for a House sold, and fined $ 100 tera power leveling,000. In May 2009, moumou made extraordinary land development in Puyang city in a community home buyer qualifications, on July 12, moumou commercial housing purchasing eligible to transfer agreement with Wang, be pre-paid House transfer to Wang, WangHousing transfer fee tera power leveling, purchase qualifications was then paid moumou security deposit of $ 25,000. In April 2010, moumou mercenary contract with real estate companies, Wang moumou's name to the real estate company purchases $ 319,961, purchase contract and purchase receipts are kept by the King. Zhihou, moumou Wang does not knowingly, the same room and Romanian respectively,Sinus housing signed a transfer agreement tera gold, has received a law a husband purchase down payment $ 150,000, sinus home buyer $ 416,000. In October 2010, moumou was the basement of the House to sell price of $ 30,000 to the Huang, proceeds to pay off his debts. The Court held that moumou in real estate transactions in the course of a series of acts, has seriously damaged the property rights of third parties,Right to information, the right to fair trade, constituted the crime of contract fraud, thus the decision was made. Leads provided Wang Xiaoping Yu Jing (Editor: Song Yuxin) Others:

