
tera gold literature - NRT

129788557585625000_2Electronic textbooks replacing paper textbooks questioned popularity of eBooks, tablets to individuals living to make a difference at the same time, for a change and impact on modern education. According to the Cleveland market consultancy survey so far have at least 50 countries in the world plan to promote electronic textbooks, "eBook package" education worldPotential. Industry sources say, e-textbooks are not only cost savings, improve study initiative and interest in tera gold, stimulate students ' desire for knowledge and innovation. But the new mode of teaching has also been a lot of questioning experts and parents: electronic materials really can completely replace paper textbooks do? It really can significantly improve the performance of the application? Some of these questions soundCountries had to slow down "digitization", exploring new modes of education under the background of digital. Text/Jiang Lin Korean American day: after 3 years of staff a e-reader report from e-books to promote the greatest country of Korea. Korea Government announced in June last year, will come up with us $ 2 billion to develop electronic textbooks. By 2015, and Korea allSchool paper books will be replaced by electronic textbooks. ����It is reported that, after the implementation of this policy, students will use the school issued Tablet PCs, via a cloud computing system gets all the paper-free multimedia learning materials, as well as additional supplemental learning content. United States is also organized to promote electronic textbooks in the State. On March 29, the United States Federal Communication CommitteeAnd the Ministry of education held a meeting bringing together companies such as Apple, Intel, discussed specific measures, plan for the future 5 years in K-12 universal digital textbooks in public schools throughout the United States. Precedent as the first electronic textbooks of Japan, Ministry of communications had started in October 2010 in Japan e-textbook pilot program in 10 primary schools. The 10 schools participating in the test of smallStudents each are equipped with a flat-screen computers and interactive installations in the classroom Blackboard, 2011 to participate in the school increased to 50. ����Government plans to 2015, Japan national primary and middle school students each are equipped with an electronic reader. In Singapore, early in 1999, the Ministry of education and two technology companies to develop a portable electronic reading device,Can allow the student store and check out textbook of English, mathematics, literature, and other subjects. ����Advantages: interest costs in Korea education experts believe that e-books from traditional instillation teaching mode in teaching the students active in searching electronic devices learn, inspire students ' interest in learning and motivation. For students, the e-books to help students more easily realDistance teaching and learning at any time; for teachers, more like in the educational process of "Companion", interactive teaching; for the Government tera power leveling, a major benefit of the e-reader is savings. ����Paper printing costs are far higher than the e-book and you want to repeat purchase, e-textbooks are recyclable. Disadvantages: the "Internet addiction" is more difficult to give up the electronic teaching materialOpposition has been going on. First of all is the "Internet addiction". Korea Ministry of education officials question the Tablet became mandatory teaching tools, students will rely on networks and electronic devices. According to the survey, 5 years old ~9 age of Korea in children tera gold, 1 every 12 people who have "Internet addiction". In addition, there is no evidence of any electronic materials can improve learning efficiency and quality. Others:

