
diablo 3 power leveling do not broadcast commercial advertisements - MLA

129765262627812500_32Chongqing TV commercial advertising no advertising multiple cropping programme Beijing News reported on March 17, March 15 18:30, 30 minutes after the end of the broadcast of the news network in Chongqing, Chongqing satellite TV there was a liquor advertisement. It immediately attracted the attention of visitors and users. This is the home of the provincial satellite TV in more than a year ago was making "red channel" for the first time playing a commercial advertisement. Does this mean in ChongqingTV will adhere to a one-year position before the change? Journalists call on the matter of Chongqing satellite acquisition and processing center, personnel that the not responding, but so far there is no advertising plans. Revision 300 million less revenue after Chongqing TV last year was announced on January 3, 2011 and March 1 revision, implementation of "best minus three increases" programme: do not broadcast commercial advertisements; reduction in TV seriesAnd outsourcing program, and will show clear Prime; increasing public service ads, urban video news, red and a series of self-culture programme, such as the Red Shin hyesung, every day the people's livelihood, the reading of the hundreds of stories, such as the original film. After the revision, Chongqing broadcasting group and therefore reduces the income of about $ 300 million diablo 3 gold, financial subsidies one-second, and other terrestrial channelsBusiness growth supplement the other half. Last year, Chongqing TV's program was not optimistic about 2011 Chongqing TV, national ratings in provincial satellite TV only 23rd after best result was 4th place. Restart advertising department hiring plans this year? Change from this year onwards. Earlier, Chongqing satellite TV a column with the name of the star movies, introduced the name and began to implant "Art of "ad. This is since its revision, Chongqing satellite TV only have the names of columns in a document. Recently star wars credits, users have forwarded microblogging "Chongqing satellite TV start advertising department hiring plans diablo 3 power leveling, is about to return to the local TV program battlefield, please prepare". Chengdu TV station of the first brand of news program host Wang Jifei then delete this message. Journalists on theThis thing call Chongqing satellite acquisition and processing center, personnel of the Centre, told reporters not to respond to this problem. Restart advertising department hiring plans, there is no advertising according to the plan. Others:

