
world of tanks power leveling Beijing Ultrapower Software Inc. - XGH

The Commission will do poineering work board hair careful appoint yesterday called Development Commission, the conference approved the Qingdao TERUIDE electrical and other 7 companies IPO application, this is the second board market in China the first batch of company will.Gem issued audit committee at its first meeting held yesterday, centralized audit including Beijing Group Corporation Limited, Beijing Ultrapower Software Inc., Le Pu (Beijing) medical equipment Co. wot power leveling, Qingdao TERUIDE Electrical Company Limited, Shanghai Jia Hao Marine Engineering Design Co., south wind machine Co. company, Chongqing Laimei pharmaceutical limited company seven companies apply the first.Results 7 enterprises IPO applications have all been through.Previously, cast a personage to think, the first batch of seven for the enterprise can not all passed world of tanks power leveling, is expected to pass in 70% to 80% levels.Today, do poineering work board hair careful appoint will audit 6 listed enterprises, are Beijing Pathfinder outdoor supplies company limited, Jiangsu sunning modern logistics company limited, Beijing Han Technology Company Limited, Anhui Anke Biotechnology (Group) Company Limited, Huizhou million Wei Li company limited world of tanks power leveling, Henan Hanwei electronic company limited.(and) e: first do poineering work board the enterprise both investment and speculation value do poineering work board the first batch of seven enterprises \

