
world of tanks power leveling prosecutors concluded that Hao Yu is sliding into the abyss of crime

129742915566562500_376Ex-boyfriend addicted "mark six" due to the huge debts, Hao Yu (pseudonym), apart from anything else more "support" more than 500,000 dollars. And the boyfriend of separated the two, to catch the last appointment a week, she's only a year package fare paid 200,000 yuan, Hao throw $ 600,000 for the boyfriends House. In recent years, she has more than 800,000 yuan for online shopping. This in conjunction with a series of numbers,Others might think that Hao Yu is the female boss. In fact, she's just one after the General cashier. In just 3 years, she was taking advantage of his position, purchased through online banking company's seal, making false statements and other means, misappropriation of public funds more than 3.4 million dollars, the money used to lavish money and boyfriend. On February 14, 2012, Hao Yu by yuanling County by HunanSentenced to four years and six months. Cyber Bank fake official seals move money around Hao Yu was born in 1981 in the eyes of colleagues and friends, is a superior conditions: account, undergraduate education in Beijing, young vibrant, rich and generous. In early 2004, Hao Yu was recruited as power company employees of fengtan hydropower in Hunan province. In 2006, she was seconded to the HunanUnitary power company, and served as the company and unitary power company limited in yuanling, Hunan power branch, limited liability company, yuanling County properties in yuanling County unitary power-Fuyuan r/c construction limited liability company, 4 companies of the cashier. Her duty is to go through the unitary company and subsidiary of cash and bank deposit payment and management of the business, by financial system demands custody of funds. All dayDealing with money, daily expansion of Hao Yu heart desires. Court's indictment said on September 24, 2007 to April 2011, Hao Yu during the cashier, taking advantage of his position and 4 companies of accounting special custody of the official seal of lax financial management vulnerabilities, stealing cover seal of accounting management, without permission to issue cash cheques cash and cash income does not deposit the handMisappropriation of company funds a total $ 347,220,8.9. Cash cheque 103, total value of 2,993,350; the cash 44, an aggregate amount of $ 468858.9. In order to fake statements, Hao Yu, and even buy a China Construction Bank yuanling branch and Bank yuanling branch two fake official seals. Prosecutors allege, Hao YuPayment receipt is not deposited in bank accounts, preparation of false bank statements deceived the company's financial accounts. As a unitary power of Hunan during the limited cashier, Hao Yu stealing cover seal of the company accounting management, privately issued cheque 44, yuanling branch of CCB Bank; draw $ 1.153 million in cash. December 21, 2010And in just one month, Hao Yu cash no deposit, diversion of cash 2 meter $ 12,440. Using the same tricks, Hao Yu to extort money from millions of 4 companies. Confirming unitary power Chen Dou, Deputy Director of the Finance Department, "Hao Yu received workers ' insurance premiums, scrap materials processing and return of cash, not into a bank account, but a misappropriation of their own. "Hao Yu LiColleagues of her trust, prepared false bank statements. At the time of accepting the prosecution investigation, unitary tax officials washing capacity said, "after I took over the power generation branch's accounting since August 2010, ask Hao Yu on the Bill at a time, and she said OK. "The end of 2010 and early 2011, washing capacity urged Hao Yu on bills, Hao Yu gave her 15 power generation branch 2010 on bills, Bill also covers the Bank seal. "An Office colleague, really didn't think she would be so desperate. "After the incident, the washing capacity to know that is a false statement. As far as the prosecution tried to identify, Hao Yu misappropriated large sums of public money is mainly used for debt repayment, online shopping, lend it to friends world of tanks power leveling, decorating the House, and travel expenses. According to its company sales records,Her Cyber clothing, cosmetics and so on up to more than 800,000 dollars. And dating boyfriend offsite tours round why Hao Yu in misappropriation of public funds mired in waste, a step by step on the criminal path? In court, prosecutors concluded that Hao Yu is sliding into the abyss of crime, largely because of its DJ.Johnny.mix. Hao Yu's "black incomes" most used with boyfriend splurge, but she did notChange back to her sweet love. From 2006 to 2008, Hao Yu and He Qian (pseudonym). During what a crush on underground "Lottery" and is therefore due to the expedition. To this end, he hands one after another from Hao Yu gets more than 500,000 more than the debt. "Before she and any dealings, he still has a lot of debt to buy a code. In 2008, the home purchase and installRepair, Hao Yu, out of the more than 300,000 yuan. "Hao Yu's mother said. After breaking up with ex-boyfriend, Hao Yu back into another period of grey romance. In January 2009, Xu He (pseudonym) and Hao Yu determine the relationship between male and female friends. Every weekend, Hao Yu tours between Changsha and dating her boyfriend, fares only totaling more than 200,000 dollars a year. In addition, every time I go to Changsha, Hao YuBoyfriend to a shopping mall big shopping or travel. According to the prosecution statistics, consumption has more than 300,000 yuan Hao Yuguang shopping, spending about $ 100,000. March 12, 2011, Hao Yu through online banking will be embezzled company money $ 600,000, is divided into two transfers to xuhe account, buying homes in Changsha. Hao Yu said that she also felt the taste of fear,But mired in which she had to ride a tiger. Hold to luck, she felt that management not so tight, not found the problem. Your leave blank when you can no longer compensate for embezzlement, she chose to surrender. April 22, 2011, Hao Yu wing of fengtan to the Hunan provincial power company power plant of his crimes world of tanks power leveling, the following day, she returned to the company of money$ 397328.53. Where $ 188368.1 is the company's staff of Ying Fa welfare and subsidies, and $ 208960.43 was before she embezzled. On May 11, urged by the unit, Hao Yu turned himself in to procuratorial organs. After the incident, Hao Yu and his family returned to the money totaling $ 1,922,982,.08. Institution's financialManagement of vulnerability on the Court, Hao Yu has no past elegant, she said in a tearful regrets what. In accordance with the regulations, banking to the unit to provide monthly statements, Hao Yu why not let the cat out of the bag it?, her bank statements monthly interception, and then to the unit to provide your own false statements. Hao Yu through the investigation and handling of cases of embezzlement, prosecutorsFound that the institutions in the management of assets of considerable vulnerability. "This type of crime concealment, crimes large amounts, causing serious losses to the State and collective, should attach great importance to strengthening the accounting officers of crime prevention. "Analysis of lianyuan prosecutors concerned, Hao Yu's practice is not wise, and even can be said that the very poor. If according to relevant regulations,Account name must be the Bank once a month on the account, which may be found early. If the unit from start to finish "peg" Hao Yu handling expenses, monthly reconciliations, Hao Yu is probably more greedy gain. He therefore suggested, through strictly regulate the management and building regulations, to prevent undue loss of wealth, really put an end to the phenomenon of corruption from the source.Changsha social work College of teacher Zhang Fengming said the accounting profession, frequent examples of accounting, Treasury misappropriating large sums of money for a long time, the loophole is that the company's system is not strictly, company personnel are less, or even accounting, Treasury, checks, seal in the hands of one. The main problem is the low quality. Zhang Fengming teacher recommendations, Financial Affairs OfficeReasonable division of labor, job rotation, rotation of the fixed period, in the recruitment of staff at the same time strengthening the audit. "Love-chebogar; cshebogar" bury her accountants and directly handled the money, hold the collective "Cabinet", is a very important economic activity in the defense. However, in recent years, accountants corruption, misappropriation of public funds crime more prominent. According to media reports, Many female financial executives touch the net of embezzlement, only to please her boyfriend. For the favor of their two boyfriends, Beijing Health Bureau of a 23-year old woman cashier Li Ming Lu embezzlement of $ 1.9 million, in exchange for 13.5 years prison disaster. Female cashier Hu Meijiao as boyfriend dreams of Taiyuan, misappropriation of public funds $ 230,000 was sentenced to 7 years. Analysis of State second marriage family counselor Hu JunlianSay, when Hao Yu from the misappropriation of the first when the money was not found, after the panic, then splurge will greatly meet personal vanity. Possible vanity domination continued after the diversion of public funds. Once accustomed to luxury living, it's hard to wash its hands of retreat. "She may know already does it, knew it was wrong, but to vanity wot power leveling, can't control her so much, inWill slide farther and farther on the road of crime. "Analysis of Hu Junlian, overall, Hao Yu selected" love-chebogar; cshebogar "bury her, along with her youth and freedom. Presiding judge in the case said Li Jiehua, Hao Yu weak legal sense, his behavior constituted the crime of misappropriation of funds, and was sentenced to four years and six months ' imprisonment according to the law. "Don't have any crooked money mindAnd did not think I was personally bury their own future. "Today, Hao Yu regret. News corruption links female accounting 10 18 million were suspended 10 years, Di Liu to hide small accounting income, expenditures, fraudulent applications and claims of deficiency, including embezzlement, misappropriation of more than 18 million, an average of 1.8 million, monthly average of 150,000, 5,000 a day. Prosecutors say dreadful.On September 13, 2011, Heshan District in yiyang city of Hunan province local tax Bureau plans to the finance section of the original accounting Di Liu cases of corruption and embezzlement of more than 18 million dollars in funding a trial verdict, Di Liu of the defendant for committing crimes of embezzlement and misappropriation of public funds, both crime and punishment, by the local court sentenced to death, suspended for 2 years. Summary of the Prosecutor, Di Liu covetous man can, given to lust, corruption, gambling, indulgence, several large originalBecome a prisoner. It is understood that all her money to Wu and smaller boyfriend a gambling, shopping, and spending splurge. However $ 50,000 annual income of Di Liu, Wu a responsive, give him pocket money of no less than $ 50,000 per month, he bought 2 cars, 2 Tibetan mastiff. Wu Mouai bars and coffee shops, singing, drug addiction, gambling is a big hobby of his. The consumer, are Di LiuPay

