
wot power leveling even when they were in bed - QJT

129731621472033750_104Female young White House intern Mimi·aierfude. Of Mimi·aierfude, aged 69. United States President John · Kennedy. United Kingdom, the daily mail, the daily Express, the Daily Telegraph reported on 6th, United States President Bill Clinton and White House intern Lewinsky sex scandal woman to make Clinton's devastated, xianzao of impeachment. SoIn fact, Clinton is no more than to their predecessors, President, United States the assassination former President John · Kennedy "learning". Before the Kennedy assassination, also without his first lady, Jacqueline and a White House intern called Mimi·aierfude a personal relationship for up to 18 months. Mimmi is now 69 years old, has written her latest memoir, had a secret: IPresident John f. Kennedy's personal relations and outcomes of sth Predisposed to it was reported on the first lady, Mimi·aierfude, 69 years old are United States New York City retired administrator of the Church, in the early 60 's, was 19 years old, she was in the White House Press Office acts as one of the interns, and in June 1962, the then United States President John f. KennedySecret lovers. A few days ago, Mimmi in new memoir ever written by a secret: I Johns · President Kennedy in personal relations and the end of the book, more predisposed to insider disclosed the Kennedy and her secret. Mimmi memories in a new book called, was 19 years old, she is a slim, very pretty girl, Kennedy at a White House Party at first sight after her, as soon asFascinated by her. When Kennedy after he learned that she was a White House Press Office Intern, immediately offered to personally take her around the White House in private "visit". Kennedy to unscrupulously bring her into the bedroom of the White House for first lady Jacqueline, and without a force to take off her clothes, when Mimi panic "rebel" Shi, Kennedy said to her: "don'tDo you have never done such a thing before? "Mimmi replied:" Yes. "But still in spite of m m Kennedy cried out, forced to have sexual relations with her. Mimmi says world of tanks power leveling, her mind a blank, unable to fight back of Kennedy's seductress. Forced love to sniff sniff "Aphrodisiac" and since then, Mimmi was Kennedy's secret lover, this personal relationship lasted for about 18 months of time, did not come to an end until died in November 1963 wot power leveling, Kennedy assassination. Is quite a coincidence, Mimmi was Jacqueline Kennedy wife "with his disciples junior sister Apprentice", she and Jackie had graduated from the same exclusive private schools. Mimmi memories in a new book called, Kennedy also brought her to the United States singer and actor bin·keluosibi farm participated in aSex party. At that time containing only "Aphrodisiac" plates are passed among the guests of the capsule, when when the dishes around to Kennedy, Kennedy asked Mimi wanted to try the drug, it is said that this medicine can stimulate the heart, while enhancing the libido. "I said no. But he has ignored my objection, opened a grain of Aphrodisiac capsules and powder put inside my noseUnderneath, and he himself did not try this drug. This is a new feeling, I am afraid, and cried and ran out of the room. "Forced her to" abortion doctors "Mimmi memories in a new book called, President Kennedy was" very interesting ", likes to play in the life of" tricks ". They are often washed in the bathtub "Mandarin Duck bath", if they stay together, MimmiKennedy on light blue cotton Pajamas for men will wear. Mimmi says, and Kennedy's personal relationship soon world of tanks power leveling, she does not feel well, and thought I had on Kennedy's children. After Kennedy, learn, fear of scandal, Assistant Bowles arranged secret m m immediately accepted the check of an abortion doctor, immediately in case of pregnancy, abortion, abortion in the United StatesRemains illegal. Fortunately is, Mimmi was just a false alarm, and not really pregnant. And friends "share" lover, in fact, despite the predisposed to Kennedy and m m up to 18 months, but Mimi Kennedy in the eyes is always a "sexual partners". Kennedy had never kissed her, Mimi never had lovingly called the Kennedy name, even when they were in bed, She also still referred to him as "Mr President". Mimmi revealed in new book, Kennedy and even hope and his "buddies" and brother to share his "lover". Once, when Kennedy and his assistant and friend daifu·baoersi and another friend and the several beautiful women held in the White House swimming pool nude party and suggests that Mimi Kennedy Bowers provides some "clothingWorks ". Mimmi says in the book: "I think the President did not believe that I will do that, but now I'm really ashamed to admit, I did do that, while the President is on the sidelines watching silently. "In addition, on another occasion, Kennedy asked Mimmi in the same way" care "about his baby brother Edward (Teddy) · Kennedy, but a m mFirmly rejected the "absurd". One last tryst "Greensleeves" Mimmi and predisposed to Kennedy was for the last time on November 15, 1963, the location is New York's Carlyle Hotel in Manhattan. At that time, Mimmi are ready to marry with my college boyfriend Tuoni·fanisiduoke. Kennedy and Mimmi a week after the New York meeting, United States Dallas wasThe assassination. Mimmi memories she and Kennedy finally said: "when we parted, his arms around me with his hand, and said to me: ' I really want you to come with me to Texas. ' Then he added, ' when I come back, I'll give you a call. ' "But had no opportunity to call Mimi Kennedy. When after the Kennedy assassination, Nice, Mimmi and methodDoak was married, but their marriage later ended in divorce, fanisiduoke in 1993 and die. M m and second husband lichade·aierfude now lives in New York, and has become a grandmother. For nearly half a century, Mimmi for their personal relationship and Kennedy have been tight-lipped. Comprehensive (editors: Jiang Xuefen)

