
wot power leveling and oil industry and container handling terminal of input - NBR

129742938794843750_85An Shinian luck does not seem very good. From the second half of 2007 to the Maersk Group (hereinafter referred to as "Maersk"), the financial crisis began to spread across the world, Maersk container business in the core business of the group – is one of the industries most affected by the financial crisis, in which case, a man without any experience in the shipping industry led this time holdA 103-year history of the "giant" return to the fast fairways, far from being as simple as imagined, he was questioned by the people. After An Shinian in 1982 into the beer industry has been left, in the Carlsberg brewing group as Chief Executive after 7 years, he entered the Maersk Group, and has begun a series of reforms. Maersk shipping first and strippingContainer inland transportation (truck, rail, such as unloading cranes) and logistics services, followed by its global structure reduced from 14 to 11 regions; the global shipping business in the world's 25,000 employees cut in 2000~3000, which is the largest layoffs since the establishment of the group, accounting for 10% of the total number of employees at that time. ThisOutside, he also will European business and management schema for Combs, November 2008 restructuring East into to Asia; China area business and management structure also do has large of adjustment, is located in Qingdao, and Shanghai, and Xiamen, and Guangzhou, and Shenzhen and Hong Kong of six a regional headquarters integration for East, and Central, and South China three large area, for this, horse s base in China up to 8 years of China company General Manager Sunn deep YuResigned in early 2009. An Shinian making active asset restructuring, revocation of acquisition of loss-making routes, reducing pressure on the operation of "downsizing plan" does not make the Maersk to fast channel. After the outbreak of the financial crisis, global trade falling under the influence of the 12%, a sharp reduction in global container freight volume, price changinghis, dramatic swings in oil prices, as one of the riskiest sectors,Ball shipping enterprises not immune to Maersk's shipping losses. Internally, Maersk has always attached great importance to the economies of scale, to this annex the United States company becomes the world's biggest shipping lines, road and sea, in order to ensure that in the important route is the biggest competitor twice times the size of 2005 Java shipping company, acquired the Royal railway line wot power leveling, the fleet size by more than 500Container ships and more than 1.9 million containers, make one-fifth global container market share. These big An Shinian before assignment, and not without the 1 1>2 effects of mergers and acquisitions, expanded too fast for Maersk exposed many weaknesses in the management, due to issues such as management and corporate culture, a service drop, poor operational capacityCondition.   An Shinian weakness again into heaven and hard rolls decline.   In 2009, maintaining 105 consecutive years profit record of Maersk suffered annual losses for the first time in its history, after-tax loss for 5.49 billion Denmark kroner (about US $ 1 billion), and more than 3.4 billion 2007 revenue of more than us $. Only An Shinian of more than two years in Office once again suffered many criticismsAnd questions from the Carlsberg brewing Group CEO for global shipping giant Maersk Group CEO, An Shinian has enough experience to manage the world's top ocean shipping group?   To this end, the Maersk Group on the Board of Directors on its investigation on the performance of specialized operation and management, to confirm that An Shinian whether there is negligence or malfeasance. State of fluxZhixia, An Shinian select led horse s base breakthrough, and increased has on core shipping business yiwai of tanker, and oil industry and container handling terminal of input, to mitigation due to shipping industry fluctuations caused of passive situation, while in route Shang also made has major adjustment, withdrawal a section United States line, route business investment has contraction, and hold large container ship capacity, deceleration slow line to reduced oilConsumption. The end of 2009, Maersk announced US $ 1.3 billion acquisition of United States Devon Energy Corp. in Mexico the Gulf region part of its oil field assets. In early 2010, Maersk container terminal operators to set up their Asia-Pacific headquarters in Shanghai, and in addition, the company also give full play to the advantages of powerful and rich professional experience, closely cooperate with the Chinese sideAnd investing in development of owns a manufacturing base of Chongqing port container terminal. These measures and achieved remarkable results, after experiencing the most difficult period of financial crisis, 2010 global merchandise trade recovery filtering through in the shipping markets recover, Maersk successful profit, net profit after tax of 28.22 billion Denmark kroner (about US $ 5.1 billion), the GroupSince the foundation of the best performance. However, the European debt crisis and the United States continued weak economic recovery, seriously affecting the supply and demand in the global market, in 2011, the global container shipping industry is in trouble again, but Maersk is still earning $ 9.6 billion in 2011 during the first 9 months (according to the Maersk data). An Shinian prediction, 2012 will be the global economic growthLong slow one year, may also be a minor recession in Europe, the current economic situation will be quite a long period of developments had a negative impact on the whole world, outstanding performance in Europe and developed countries and certain developing countries dependent on exports of low growth. Expected next year or a few years, the shipping industry will grow slightly slower, but after that, year in world container shipping has increasedLong rates between 7%~8%. Diversification of business for a long time, from a revenue point of view, container service to the Maersk Group as a proportion of overall business about 50%, but the strong volatility of the shipping industry, easily lead to business of volatile market changes, after the outbreak of the financial crisis world of tanks power leveling, the container shipping business into a prolonged slump. Maersk in 2009 experienced for the first timeAfter the loss, An Shinian decisive cut is shrinking, or loss of business, by introducing good business to ease the passive situation brought about by the shipping industry is in the doldrums. In October 2011, Maersk was sold at a price of us $ 1.4 billion the LNG transport business, while increasing on tankers, oil industry, drilling and the construction of container terminal input. FromMaersk performance in recent years, introduced from the oil business is to a certain extent to hedge against risks to the maritime industry.   Financial and economic state of the week: you took office soon after the Maersk Group President, the financial crisis began to spread, then non-shipping business Maersk begins huge expansion, such decisions are based on what to consider? An Shinian: Maersk's main business-Fluctuation of the shipping industry is strong, easily lead to business of volatile market changes, to protect against market risk, Maersk embarked on a diversification of the road. To date, we expanded to the major business areas of business other than the business performance is very good.   On the terminal business, we have built a profitable business network wot power leveling, and gains a very stable. State of the financialWeek: Maersk why increasing investment in drilling operations, do you think the drilling prospects for business development in the future? An Shinian: due to the high oil prices, our petroleum business has achieved very good results.   We are still trying to develop new oil fields, to enable the business to continue to grow and develop. At present, the Maersk drilling for extreme environments of high difficultyProviding high quality services has been recognized worldwide, requires the most stringent in the world and the most technically difficult areas of Jack-up drilling operations, drilling in deep water research and development fields, as well as Arctic drilling ahead no one can under extreme environments, our deepwater drilling will continue to increase investment in the field of research and development, and strive to become the global market leader. Financial and economic state of the week:Base area of investing in the future in which areas and which? An Shinian: from the perspective of geographic, our investment over the past few years mainly in developing countries and the fast-growing market. Investment in the port, for example, investment flows to Western Africa, South America and Latin America, and Asia. In these areas we are seeing very strong growth opportunities, therefore, we will strive toStrong keep focused on the future growth of the area.   Our core business is the container freight, we will ensure that the world in the first port operations and we will continue to the top; in the oil fields, our plan is to produce 400,000 barrels of crude oil a day and remain a potential reserves. Financial and economic state of the week: Maersk in stoneOil production had achieved very good results in the field, and make up for the loss of other businesses of the group, the company will continue this pattern in future? An Shinian: in fact, it is important that all operations are profitable, we will invest in areas where we think the long-term profitability, even under the overall downturn in the shipping industry in the world, as long as the policy correctly, will eventually profit.   Of course, has a strong business and strong money advantage is, you can put money from one area to another area, achieve the overall objective of profit maximization, this is what we are doing and will do. Service differentiation after the onset of the financial crisis, in order to reduce fuel costs, Maersk shipping policy to implement a reduced shipping rate, and in order to make up forNot enough speed to slow down, on each route added one to two additional vessels to meet the special needs of some customers. In October 2011, the Maersk shipping line and then surprisingly, launched at the Asia-Europe routes "Maersk every day" services, 70 cargo ships in Asia four ports (Ningbo, Shanghai, Yantian, China and MalaysiaRong Pala Perth) and the three ports in Europe (United Kingdom of Felixstowe and the Netherlands in Rotterdam and Germany Bremen) provides daily service between, and ensure that customers received goods on time every day, in compensation for delayed delivery to the customer, which brought unprecedented intensive services to container freight market and reliability. However, since 2011 the global shipping market as a wholeLow capacity imbalance of supply and demand in the market, as well as rigid operating costs increased by, on the formation of shipping companies operating a double squeeze, Maersk launches cause a rise in operating costs of services at this time, allow the industry to question its viability. Financial and economic state of the week: in the pursuit of providing rapid transport service times, why has made reducing the vessel Maersk shipping speed of decision making, Which is based on a consideration? An Shinian: ships to slow down because of not only reduces fuel consumption also reduces carbon dioxide emissions. Facts prove that our decision is correct. If we will both speed up the shipping costs, I doubt if the customer is willing to accept the price increase. We conducted an extensive exchange with customers, the vast majority of customersSay cargo arriving on them is more important.   Therefore, we make a decision, will focus to improve the landing point on rates.   Financial and economic state of the week: reduce the impact speed is part of customer satisfaction of need for speed? An Shinian: insufficient to compensate for the slower speed, Maersk on each route are increased by one to two placesOutside speed boats to meet the special needs of some customers.   Maersk's statistics show that transport is becoming more and more of our economic and environmental protection.   Financial and economic state of the week: at present, "Maersk everyday" how service operations? An Shinian: the service runs only a few months to get a lot of orders, many container ships are loaded with navigation,Customer acceptance of this new service is very high, and the customer is on the increase.   To date, "Maersk every day" service project is working well, point rates as high as 99%. We launched this service because the world's container cargo has not actually reduced, continues to grow, we expect the increase of around 6% in 2011, taking into account the overall global increaseLong slow status, this is quality growth.   Financial and economic state of the week: How do you see the development trend of container shipping industry in the next 5 years? An Shinian: the container shipping industry growth will be slower than in the past two years, is expected to next year or years, the shipping industry will grow slightly slower, but after that, we expect annual growth rate between 7~8%.Attention to the Chinese market in 1984, Maersk Group set up its first Office in China in Guangzhou.   Since then as the country's business and accelerate the process of economic globalization, Maersk in China in addition to logistics, port and other activities, also increases the proportion of procurement in China. 28 years in China, Maersk has seen Chinese shipping industry rapidlyDevelopment of the process. An Shinian, level of trade and shipping industry in China has been enormous increases since the accession to the World Trade Organization, which is unprecedented in the history of the historic development of world shipping.   Maersk was one of the first into China's shipping enterprises, the Maersk formed the present industry size and industry has a significant impact on the status. Financial and economic state of the week:Maersk was the first to enter the Chinese shipping enterprises, one of the Chinese market on the Maersk influence how? An Shinian: the Chinese market is very important, most of our global delivery of containers from China. With the growth of wealth in China, as well as the Government policy of increasing domestic consumption, we see only one exporter in China, but can also provide import cityOffers a lot of opportunities, we can do more business in China, this is very, very important to any trade.   Financial and economic state of the week: so why Maersk shipping companies in 2009 withdrew the greater China headquarters in Beijing, the 6 regional headquarters and original consolidation for 3? An Shinian: the fact that weSales in Beijing still has a branch in charge of the area, and government relations. We decided to reduce the size of Maersk shipping companies in greater because China is a big market, we need to add the Office to handle different areas of business. We have new 3 (Headquarters and greater) magnitude subsidiaries respectively in North China, East China and South China areaWorks. Taking into account our freight in China, a headquarters is obviously not enough. Now we have a total of 46 offices in China, 3 regional headquarters.   China is very, very important to us, we are members of the Executive Board of each month will go to China, we are very concerned about China. Financial and economic state of the week: Maersk in China in the future what kind of plans?   You will consider in which areas and areas where investments?   An Shinian: the company is opening a number of different routes to improve our position in the Chinese market and the importance our transportation business in China is very busy, not only do we produce containers in China, developing different types of shipping and port operations. I think the advancement of our industry and competitionIs the most important way, first to become a strong partner of Chinese enterprises in the world. We in Europe, Africa, Latin America and the United States have a strong network of relationships, preparing for Chinese companies to develop overseas business, we are a good partner and we also support the China Western development strategy and want to participate actively, inCoastal areas of western part of the country and establish "corridors".

