
tera power leveling to form individual-centric - DMX

129756711579218750_803He Jiesheng CPPCC, sangzhi County, Hunan province, and in November 1935. He long's daughter. Being a daughter of Marshal he long, CPPCC National Committee members He Jiesheng was 77 years old his father personally involved in creation of a member of the Chinese people's Liberation Army, and was promoted major-general. Remove wear after decades of martial attire, recall the year when Lei scene, He JieshengSaid, we are very conscious of, basically as a mission. TV Facebook on father Ho lung image of Beijing News: How do you now he long's image in the movie? He Jiesheng: it works much, I would first like to thank these people's labor. Created by younger, no contact with revolutionaries of the older generation, their image, their manners and styleDraw a comparison of Facebook, such as the now show, my father is basically two apostrophe beard, two kitchen knives. But show up deep inside him is difficult. I prefer a man who told my father, said he is an old man around us, are part of the people. This makes me feel very close. The Beijing News: now some officials with people far from there? He Jiesheng:And the times are not the same in the past, in the development of the times. My father for their hard work in the year, and body toward the revolution as a whole. But now the society's diversified. The Beijing News: there is now a moral decline of society as a whole, what do you think? He Jiesheng: say now as before tera gold, this is not right. In recent years there have been some improper practices of, and make you feel sad tera power leveling, but shouldSaid to be the case. This is social development. Relatively simple in the past, but now there are multiple hardship. On Lei Feng learning from Lei Feng out of consciousness in the year Beijing News: what do you think about the recent upsurge of learning from Lei Feng activity? He Jiesheng: we learn from Lei feng, were very conscious of, essentially as a kind of mission. It is necessary to revive this, it is also very important. Now many homeChambers was only a baby, adults are pampered (them), that helped them to do a lot of things, to form individual-centric, less natural they help others. The Beijing News: idol now again a few decades ago, too little is because idols now do? He Jiesheng: now there are many, but failed to discover. I know that before a case, of creating a tractor driver to save diablo 3 gold, Was framed for the people who lost a lot of money, and raising people's children to go to College. Such cases should be more and more publicity. Talk about "red" forget past betrayal is equal to Beijing News: for the current public reference to "three generations of red", what do you think? He Jiesheng: they are all very progressive. But we focus too much on them, which is not conducive to their development。 For example, I own, someone said I am a red second generation, I think we are too concerned about. For children of high ranking officials of the party, I think there should be stricter, such as when we were, not have dinner with their parents, they eat in the dining hall, parents to eat better. But now that's not the same, but in ways that are more strictly regulated. The Beijing News: what do you think about singing the Red song? He Jiesheng: red whenSo are good, you can give us an inspiration and strength. There's this saying forget the past means betrayal. But to see who sang. The Beijing News: has now removed some primary and middle school textbooks of the pole of Zhu de, the Wolf tooth mountain red classics, such as the five heroes, what do you think? He Jiesheng: I think this is a betrayal of the revolutionary forefathers. Reform from the national level poverty reducedWealth gap Beijing News: this year is the Deng Xiaoping's speech in the South 20 years, Deng Xiaoping made that year "not opening up, can only be a dead end." May I ask what do you think of reform? He Jiesheng: reform is needed. Current international social chaos and complex, out of some places don't change, economic development and people's lives are subject to great effect. The Beijing News: for the gap nowGradually expanding, what do you think? He Jiesheng: we have also been said to let some get rich before, so the gap. This needs improvement on national level in many ways, now also doing some work, for example through the promotion of employment and other means, you can slowly change the status quo. This version of writing/reporter Jiang Yanxin (Editor: Song Yuxin) Others:

