
diablo 3 power leveling marking time - KNZ

129765921287237500_23In hejin, Shanxi: Xinyuan steel projects in China were arrested for not building Shanxi hejin city Hua Xin Yuan steel Ltd is located in hejin city yangcun industrial park. December 31, 2010, the company held 600 cubic meters of blast furnace foundation stone laying ceremony, April 3, the company again and rule of 12 signed 600 cubic metres of blast furnace technology in project general contract agreement. Recently, the masses, the company built 600 cubic meters of blast furnaceIn the without EIA, there is no violation under the premise of the project construction, reporters investigating in hejin city interview. When the reporter to enter the company, first thing is: over the dust of the ground, when the vehicle passes the dusty passers walking our way forward. The company Vice President Wang interviewed by the reporter. When did the Project EIA when a reporter asked WangVice President says: we are 450 cubic meters of blast furnace, is the result of the EIA approval. Reporter's notes: some local government Web sites and media have reported more than 600 m project, Vice-General Manager Wang said: it is in response to reconstruction a new Government of Shanxi. Just when exchanges between journalists and Vice-General Manager Wang, a workshop from the heavy smoke, Vice-General Manager Wang said: this thing is justYou see, perhaps there is a mechanical failure. Then Vice-General Manager Wang provided journalists with a letter of jinhuan "2005", No. 409 files: the hejin city Hua Xin Yuan steel limited of 1 million tons per year of special steel project environmental impact report approved views, signature is: the environmental protection Bureau of Shanxi province, on November 11, 2005. Reporters arrived in hejingThe municipal environmental protection Bureau, the Council head said: this project is how many cubic meters we get clear only completed acceptance only after knowing, if the project is built 600 cubic metres of blast furnace, will be strictly in accordance with environmental laws to deal with it. The staff of the Bureau, surnamed Ma told reporters: the EIA reports more than five years must, in principle, EIA. II of the environmental impact assessment lawArticle 14: "file after it has been approved for construction project environmental impact assessment diablo 3 power leveling, nature, scale and location of the construction project, using a production process or control pollution, major changes in measures to prevent ecological damage, the construction unit shall re-construction project environmental impact assessment document for approval", "construction project environmental impact assessment document from more than five years from the date of approval,Decides that the project started construction, its environmental impact assessment document should be reported to the examination and approval Department review; original examination and approval departments shall from the date of receipt of the environmental impact assessment of construction project file in the 10th, written notification of the opinion the construction units. "So, Hua Xin Yuan provided by iron and steel" letter of jinhuan "2005" No. 409, marking time, from the company startsDate 2011 has in the past 6 years. Environmental protection agency, Director of the week by the Centre tera gold, told reporters: Xinyuan iron and steel projects in China are no EIA procedures. The Bureau Chief of the development unit sit on: EIA approval for more than five years must do an EIA, we also ask the enterprise requirements and related records. However, the company's violations still continue to. LocalCouncil Secretary Joseph Wong said to reporters: because of their transfer, Xinyuan iron and steel projects to China do not know much about, but certainly is my superior departments of the Council and we are not approving the project, and recommended that the reporter to the change-understanding the situation. Development and reform Bureau Deputy Director Choi told reporters: If you are creating a new project should project, if there is no project should cease at once. But as far as IUnderstand that the project does not project, because iron and steel project country project. Hejin City Government in charge of the industrial-related official told reporters: iron and steel project countries are very strict now, but Chinese Xinyuan steel related procedures for projects being handled, and that relevant departments when, in the form of text to a reporter a reply. Before at press tera power leveling, has not been seen in hejin City Government or relatedAny reply. Others:

