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129742939353593750_351Sometimes, love just because "he is on a summer afternoon, dressed in a white shirt". However, love marriage, marriage meets the House. All the good always a step by step towards reality and reason. When reporters want to heart with ardent love little couples eq2 plat, small husband and wife who made purchase recommendations, always felt some of the ridiculous.However, it is helpless, but essential. Because, in the process of buying, may be more difficult with your head, there is a feather of the complex. Some couples for whom the Department name and differences leading to a beat that is; some couples because the wallet is not consistent with reality too and start to feel the life of hard. Beings in the purchase phase, following purchase of ABCMonotonous and tasteless, but may be required to purchase love nest for you one by one topic of control and serious answer. A problem not maxed with care card, loans granted no less than what should I do? -Character: MAY-MAY is the typical surge of women, this year and her boyfriend "buried skylight" marriages. But when two people optimistic about a second-hand House ready to get married, but informed by banks, a-mAY denied credit because of poor credit history. It turns out that three years ago MAY was once the home of unemployment at home eq2 platinum, have done for some time, "slave", himself laid the "credit blemishes" bombs. Comment: High House prices, loan is the necessary way to many first-time buyers. However, a tight, banks for individual approval for housing loan mortgage is extremely strict.Today's young people, most people have several credit cards in the hand is not surprising tera power leveling, if not controlled in time desire accidentally brush "explosive" card, without the ability to repay it will have a negative record, in effect will be greater when the loan to buy a House. MAY this situation, you can ask the banks to see if there are no bank release. However, if you are in default and the banks have the legalTeacher letter of collection letter, you can basically say that loan has no hope. While the unwed couple loan to buy a House, has a bad record of a party cannot loan you can only rely on the other side, if the emotional feud broke up, then loan the party alone to take on the huge "external debt". Therefore, experts believe that in the real loan to buy a House during the operation in non-spouse relationship of the two sides, should be checkedA protocol of the Department, clearly lending rights and obligations of the parties, once a party cannot repay, or can't afford, other side still need banks to take the loan obligation. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

