
tor credits and iron and steel trade margins is not high. - NPE

129742938931093750_273China railway materials Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "China railway") has submitted to the Commission applications for listing materials, hope to achieve fast in July or August this year a h-share listed as a whole. This is song yufang, Chairman of China iron reporter interview with the business daily yesterday revealed. Introduction to song yufang, 2011Year company revenues $ 206.8 billion, rose 34.9%, total profit, 1.508 billion yuan, an increase of 38.4%. 1.39 million tons of rail transport for the year tor credits, sales 26.09 million tons of steel, 20.42 million tons of iron ore, 26.09 million tons of coal. China rail is a single of China railway materials commercial Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "CRM") on theCity platform. In September 2010 eq2 platinum, CRM holdings of China railway was formally established, registered capital of $ 5.6 billion eq2 plat, China railway materials per cent of total assets and 98.44% of revenue into the China iron. Company's core business is a comprehensive service for railway industry and steel trading, is the main material of railway and railway construction services suppliers, bearRailway diesel, steel rails, rolling stock for new tasks, improvement and repair parts supply procurement, is the largest domestic h-beam Rails, wheels and dealers. Journalist access to China's Ministry of environmental protection Web site has published environmental verification notice of the disclosure, of iron in a-share listing in China to raise capital from major integrated competitiveness project who wish to upgrade their railway industry, expanding steelIron trade channels and services projects, increase in steel trade and integrated projects, logistics and resource capacity upgrade program, operating six major projects such as networks and information technology capacity-building project, with $ 2.5 billion for additional liquidity, the remaining money into the 27 projects, plans to raise about $ 14.7 billion. Song yufang told reporters that the end time to market based on the SFC's approvalThe progress of China rail raise funds mainly to finance steel base construction and management of integrated service networks and expansion of steel processing and distribution center. At present, China's main income sources of iron are also pure iron and steel trade, and iron and steel trade margins is not high.

