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129756711726562500_11606th in zhongxinwang, March 7 diablo 3 gold, according to reports, the Korean people's Army Supreme Commander Kim Jong-UN to Wan Shoutai creation creative society, workers and cadres ' special thanks for their work in creating an image of Comrade Kim Jong-Il, establishing feats. 6th conveyed to Kim Jong-UN Special thanks rallies held in Wan Shoutai creative society. It is reported that cadres and the creation of the creative societyDraw the General Kim Jong-Il as the Sun diablo 3 power leveling, as successful protection contributed to the farewell ceremony and memorial service. Reported that they also established a comrade President Kim Il-Song and Kim Chong-il's bronze statue of a horse tera power leveling, making outstanding contributions to support and follow the leaders and generals. Kim spoke highly of them in a letter of credit. Jin Ji man Secretary of the Korean workers ' Party, Member of the Central andCadre, author of the creative society, staff participated in the meeting. (Editors: Song Yuxin)

