
aoc gold I would like to go to the Bank to purchase rating Fund - CDK

129742939234531250_374Rating Fund last week market ups and downs of the sensitivities of the events of the entire fund industry. Rating Fund correspond to the aggressive share ten amplitude exceeds 10%, amplitude-only four of more than 20%. Enterprise share on the day of the Fund rose and collapsed the next day, "roller coaster". (Data source: the Wind up date: February 201217th) missed the tech recommended reading Fund feast 27 Fund year new auspicious start March 28 this year beat the performance of the Fund benchmark Fund official inventory of the stock index futures decline 2011 fund company Index Fund's profitability ranking "at the rally so well, I would like to go to the Bank to purchase rating Fund, but from the fieldGo to the scene to take 4 business days outside, I was afraid when I go within the scene, such as, aggressive share with lever began to fall rift plat, the white 忙活a a game. If I now have in hand position, you can sell right away, that's fine.   "Christian Democratic old complained of some annoyance. Like many radicals and old ideas, seeing in the rating Fund progressShares rose sharply, but managed to purchase, go to the outside for too long, and lose money-making opportunities. How to not let opportunities slip from the hand? Teda 500 index ratings in the Manulife Fund Manager Wang Yonghui describes a "cast + carry" method. If investors optimistic about future trends in the market, you can cast a similar syndrome of Teda in the ManulifeIndex of 500 type rating Fund, immediately after each set shot across system managed by aoc gold, outside the field of fund shares go to the field, in accordance with the percentage split of Teda 4:6 sound (AIJI, net wire) share and Teda enterprising (AIJI, net wire) share. This passive tracking 500 index, market average, and when the enterprise shareWhen there are such a sharp rise in a row this week eq2 platinum, also can be sold in the secondary market cashed in a timely manner, getting the return on investment can continue to purchase over-the-counter Teda Manulife funds on 500. In contrast, if funds in the field of trade when the price is lower than the net value of the Fund, robust and aggressive presence within the investor can buy two types of fund shares, the combined net redemptionWay of arbitrage. The arbitrage process also takes 4 working days, in order to prevent that in the meantime, master effects to carry the decrease in net income of the Fund. Institutional investors can also sell futures or sell margin decreased to hedge funds.

